"I see." Zhao Chengfeng felt that he had a little more understanding of the world and nodded subconsciously.

Elsa, a young girl, seems to like the feeling of being a teacher. Seeing that he listened carefully and benefited a lot, she felt a sense of accomplishment. She continued to explain with a smile

"In addition, undead seeds can also be used to refine elixirs and puppets, depending on the types of undead seeds, the parts that fall after solidification and the characteristics of the materials."

"As for the illusory dissimilation arms, it needs special techniques and complete solidified dissimilation undead corpses. Such arms are more precious than the arms directly dropped by undead species, because they often have some magical effects of undead species themselves, and even can return to undead species to fight."

"Can dissimilated armed forces restore undead species to fight?" Zhao Chengfeng asked in surprise, then turned his head and looked at you ya. The latter looked at the sky with two eyes and hummed a little in his mouth. He looked like "I didn't see you looking at me" and "I didn't see you looking at me".

But in the heart secretly scolded: "Elsa, this fool, these are my chips to make money in the future, how can I tell this uncle all at once."

"Yes ~!" Elsa didn't know the tricky relationship between them. She was surprised to see that Zhao Chengfeng reacted so strongly.

"Well, Miss Elsa, I happen to have a dissimilation weapon here. Could you please tell me how to make it an immortal way to fight?" As Zhao Chengfeng said, his mind moved. The alienated weapon of the lonely cliff goddess appeared on his palm in a semi liquid form like mercury. Then it turned into a streamer and covered his body. Finally, it became a majestic black armor. Behind it, the same black light wings spread out, And then it broke into a pair of wings, imprinted on the back of the armor.

Seeing this scene, Elsa and Jason were surprised to grow up. Obviously, they didn't expect that when it came to alienated arms, the uncle actually took out one.

He was even more surprised to see that he didn't know the world better than Zhao Chengfeng. He didn't expect that Zhao Chengfeng had been in the world for such a short time. He not only adapted to the world, recovered his strength, learned the language of the world, but also got such a great help ξ A failure

Even though Zhao Chengfeng has used this alienated weapon for the second time, he still feels that the dressing process is too high-profile.

"NIMA, it's just like a beautiful girl's transformation. It's totally different from brother Feng's low-key personality." Zhao Chengfeng is sad in his heart, but seeing the surprised, envious and shining eyes of several people around him, his inner potential of Sao Bao is greatly satisfied.

It's a typical mouth saying no, but the body is very honest. What kind of low-key god horse may not exist in his attribute at all.

"Miss Elsa, can you tell me how to use it correctly? For example, how to restore it to an undead form, and how to simplify its dressing process, so that it can be used more quickly and more covertly? " Zhao Chengfeng asks for advice again.

"Ah ~, no..." Elsa was stunned. She nodded subconsciously, but Youya couldn't sit still. Without waiting for her answer, she hurriedly said, "Oh, uncle, why bother Elsa with these questions? You can ask me later. I'm your xiangdaojia partner. I think the most important thing now is to decide whether to accept our little gentleman Jason's proposal or not

I don't think it's troublesome... Elsa has some strange reaction from Youya, but she is interrupted, and she also sees that Youya doesn't want her to say more, so she nods and looks at Zhao Chengfeng.

Zhao Chengfeng squinted at Youya and sneered, "really, I almost forgot that I have a guide, but how do I think Miss Elsa is more suitable to be a guide than you?"

"Hello, uncle, what do you mean? Do you want to change your mind when you see a change? Don't forget, I told you the way of refining and dissimilating immortality. " Leisurely elegant this time did not agree, both hands a small wild waist, angry stare at Zhao Chengfeng.

"Well, well, I think master Jason's proposal is very good, but it will trouble Miss Elsa." When Zhao Chengfeng hears that Youya mentions the refining method of dissimilating immortality, he feels guilty. He feels like a strange uncle who has cheated little Lori. If the Lord of the city hears about it, will he come to make trouble.

And he also knows that it's delusion to let Elsa be his guide, although this girl is obviously more simple and easy to cheat than Youya.

But the Lord of the city is staring at him somewhere. Will he watch him abduct his daughter?

He coughed awkwardly, changed the subject, pressed his chest with the etiquette of the world, and saluted Elsa slightly.

"No, it's very kind of you. You're sister Youya's friend. Elsa would be very honored if she could help with this little thing. If you don't mind, I'll take you there now. " Elsa took up her skirt and also gave her a lady's gift. She paid more respect to Zhao Chengfeng than before.

Before her politeness and politeness, just because Zhao Chengfeng is with you ya, politeness is in their own cultivation and respect for you ya.

But when she saw that Zhao Chengfeng was able to take out an alienated weapon at Viscount level, she immediately knew that Zhao Chengfeng was at least a strong man at Viscount level.

Respect for the strong is the basic rule of the world.

Even if she was the daughter of a marquis, the Marquis was her father, not herself.

So she still needs to respect those who are stronger than herself.

Zhao Chengfeng naturally felt her change, but he didn't feel complacent. Instead, he heard that she wanted to lead her and others in person. He quickly expressed his thanks again and said, "if you want to lead us, you can send a guard or a maid. Elsa, you don't have to trouble yourself. Of course, you need to explain to them, So that we won't be turned away by those who think we've done something wrong. "

It's not that he is completely polite, but that he knows that if Elsa and others go in person, he doesn't know the reaction of the Lord of the city, and in that case, there will be experts following him.

He didn't like the feeling of being watched.

Out of the same consideration, he also said to Youya: "Youya, during this period, you should stay in the city Lord's mansion. I think Elsa, Jason and the lovely elf miss lixiya all want to spend more time with you."

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