Elsa hesitated about Zhao Chengfeng's proposal in front of her. She thought it was impolite. However, her three brothers and sisters all agreed with Zhao Chengfeng's proposal in the back. They nodded and looked at you ya eagerly.

Although you ya doesn't want to stay in the castle, but in the eyes of the three people looking forward to, also some wavering.

Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile, "don't worry. I will come to you when I plan to go out of the city to hunt undead seed again. You are my guide."

You ya eyes a bright, "so say, my probation period has passed?"

"No ~!" Zhao Chengfeng smiles.

"Cut, stingy ~!" Youya turns her mouth and makes a face at him, but she doesn't insist any more. In fact, she also likes to spend more time with Elsa. Although she prefers to take risks in the wild with Zhao Chengfeng, to be exact, it's Zhao Chengfeng who takes risks and she picks up money.

But if Zhao Chengfeng is shut down, she is really bored by herself. Moreover, she also vaguely understood Zhao Chengfeng's idea. If her uncle really knew that she was in the Black Street City, then she would follow her. Maybe his uncle would pay more attention to that side. This guy certainly didn't want his uncle to pay more attention to him.

Elsa saw Youya agreed to stay in the city Lord's mansion for the time being, so she didn't insist on leading the way in person. She called a trusted guard, explained it carefully, and gave Zhao Chengfeng a token.

"This is my keepsake. With it, you can move freely there. Even in other places, the guards of the Lord's mansion dare not disturb you."

"Thank you so much." Zhao Chengfeng reaches for the keepsake and says thank you. I didn't expect Elsa to be so considerate. Suddenly, he was a little excited and said, "by the way, Miss Elsa, if the method of making utensils in the shop is not confidential, can I watch and study it?"

"No problem, I personally will not refuse, but even I can't ask those craftsmen to teach you anything. If you want to learn, I'm afraid you still need to get their consent and permission." Elsa laughed without hesitation.

"Well, OK, I'll find a way. Anyway, thank you for your help and generosity!" Zhao Chengfeng very gentleman thank way.

Then slightly salute, under the guidance of the guards, to the shop located in the north city.

Although the glass behind him could not understand what they said, when he saw Zhao Chengfeng saluting, he also bowed himself to express his thanks, and then quickly followed.

But I didn't notice Elsa's reply, but she was surprised. Until they went away, she didn't understand and looked at Youya, "the lady just used a man's gift ~!"

Youya has a headache. She feels that she doesn't know Zhao Chengfeng more and more. According to the known information, this eccentric uncle seems to be the former young master of the Wuchen family on May 9. It seems that he escaped to the Black Death world because of the contradictions within the clan.

But as a member of a clan, and as a young master, he knew nothing about common sense. How ignorant and unskilled it must be.

But his strength and treachery do not look like an ignorant person at all.

There is that girl even more strange, not only the state is strange, even the behavior is very strange, it seems that even the normal language can not.

But these things, and her doubts, she did not intend to tell his close friend, just murmured his head: "I do not know, she is stingy uncle rescued from the hands of the slave."

"Slave captors? Oh, my God, no wonder she is so miserable. She must have suffered from hell. " Hearing Elsa's subconscious pressing on her chest, her beautiful gray eyes showed shock and pity. Then she closed her eyes slightly, "may the Lord of eternal life protect her..."

Seeing her reaction, you ya immediately knew that her close friend might have misunderstood something. Although she said that the tragic appearance of Miss Liuli was partly caused by the torture of the slave captors, it was obviously not all.

However, in view of the discomfort that a close friend may have after learning the truth, she once again decided not to tell her the truth.

Fortunately, Elsa has also ignored the details of Miss Liuli's use of men's gifts.

So he said, "yes, may the Lord of eternal life protect her."

But he said in his heart, this is the world of black death. Can the power of the Lord of eternal life really be protected?

Oh, no, great lord of eternal life, please forgive me for my little disrespect. Your greatness is with heaven and earth.

But Elsa said again, "but then, sister Youya, I really admire you and admire you. You are so powerful and brave. You not only dare to resist those people's arrangements, but also dare to take risks in the wild, and know such a powerful and interesting friend as that gentleman ~!"

Jason and lixiya also look at Youya with the same longing.

"Ha ha, that's of course. I'm the most beautiful girl in the world of black death Although Youya totally disagrees with the fact that uncle is funny, she accepts the worship of the three people without hesitation, and instantly elevates her level to the top of the Black Death world.

"And, not only that, oh, more importantly, I have earned my first bucket of gold..." you ya said ostentatiously. At the same time, she subconsciously touched the bag with Shouzhu. With this touch, her face suddenly changed, and she hurriedly looked for it, and immediately screamed, "ah, it's over, I lost my Shouzhu. Who, who stole my Shouzhu?"

"Sister Youya, what Shouzhu?" Several little friends saw that she was elated just now. They suddenly screamed and turned pale. They were surprised and worried.

Youya didn't hear it at all, but she kept turning on her body in vain. Suddenly, she seemed to think of something. She stopped searching and patted her forehead in chagrin. "Damn, I remember. I forgot to pick them up. It's all because those bastards of Zifeng Club ran out inexplicably, which made me forget so important things. By the way, there must be booty on the bodies of those slave captors. My God, I can't live! "

Elsa didn't understand a word nearby. What Shouzhu, what booty, how could it have something to do with Zifeng meeting.

But three people feel at this time Youya sister is very terrible, want to ask or say, and dare not, xiaolixiya is timid hide to sister behind.

Fortunately, Youya screamed for a while. She calmed down first, breathed a long breath, and then said with a smile: "fortunately, those Shouzhu are the money borrowed by uncle, and their whereabouts are also very clear. If you go back and ask Uncle to grab them back, maybe the booty can be doubled."

Then he looked at the three people and said with a smile, "I didn't mean well. I was too worried just now. I scared you!"

The three shook their heads together.

"No, sister Youya, your eyes are more frightening now!"

"Yes, sister Youya, you look so evil when you laugh!"

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