As little Jason said, it's not too far or too close. Under the guidance of the guards, it took about ten or twenty minutes to get there.

It's bigger than Zhao Chengfeng imagined. It's a three story storefront building. The area of each floor is 70 or 80 square meters by visual inspection. It seems that the business is good. People come in and out from time to time.

"Just a moment, please. I'll inform the steward here." At the door of the store, the guard did not directly lead them into the store, but let them wait at the door.

He took a look at the glass intentionally or unintentionally. He was afraid that the appearance of the glass would disturb the guests, but even so, the people in and out still couldn't help looking at the glass more.

Zhao Chengfeng did not care, nodded, "trouble ~!"

As for Liuli, she always followed Zhao Chengfeng without strabismus. The latter stopped when she stopped, and the latter left when she left. Although she was full of curiosity, she didn't look around at all, let alone ask more questions.

For her restraint, Zhao Chengfeng can't appreciate it or dislike it, but it's no trouble.

After the guard went in, he took out a Tongyan Dan and said to her in Chinese: "this is a Tongyan Dan. It can help you learn the language of the world as soon as possible. In the future, unless you are in no one's place, we'd better not talk in any language on earth. If someone guesses something, it will be very bad for us."

Liuli took the pill, her eyes brightened, and then nodded seriously. Without speaking, she swallowed Tongyan pill.

But wait a moment, feel no reaction, not surprised to see to Zhao Chengfeng.

Zhao Chengfeng rolled his eyes and said, "this is not a science fiction film or a fairy tale. Do you think you can master the language of heaven and the world after eating a pill? This pill only improves your language learning ability. "

After hearing this, Liuli nodded, looking forward, but still restrained.

Zhao Chengfeng found that she had been in the hands of those slave captors before, and seemed to be restraining her emotions all the time. She didn't know whether it was because of her personality, the influence of her growing environment, or the result of some kind of training.

However, Zhao Chengfeng doesn't plan to change her either. For the time being, Zhao Chengfeng's attitude towards her is just to let her go, as long as he doesn't make trouble for himself. If he can help, it's best. As for other things, he doesn't care much.

After thinking about it, he explained: "in addition, my current identity is the former young master of the Wuchen family on May 9. My name is Wuchen Qianzhi. I'll explain it to you slowly. You just need to pay attention not to call me wrong when there are outsiders."

"Yes ~!" Liuli subconsciously answers in Chinese. After answering, she remembers Zhao Chengfeng's previous explanation. She can't help but look at Zhao Chengfeng in panic. However, she sees that he just smiles and doesn't mean to blame. When she sees that there is no one else around, she is relieved.

Just about to speak, the guard had led a middle-aged woman out, and they both stopped talking immediately.

"Are you two the guards recommended by Miss Elsa?" The beautiful woman took a look at them with her scanning eyes, and saw that the colored glaze was covered with blood scabs and frowned slightly.

Zhao Chengfeng was slightly surprised, subconsciously looked at the guard, but the latter did not seem to notice his eyes, whispered something with the beautiful woman, and turned to leave.

Seeing this, Zhao Chengfeng grabbed him and said, "please wait a moment. How did Elsa tell you and how did you tell the stewardess?"

The beautiful woman frowned again, not knowing whether it was because of his holding the guard or because he called Elsa by name.

The guard was held by him, with a slight twinkle of strange color in his face. Then he quickly forced himself to be calm and said, "no, no, Miss Elsa just asked me to lead you here, and said that you should be escorts here."

Zhao Chengfeng didn't speak. He just stared at the guard coldly. The guard was staring at him. His forehead and back were sweating, and his eyes were turning around.

Seeing this, Zhao Chengfeng immediately knew that the original words Elsa told him were definitely not like this, but the guard didn't know what the purpose was, or what kind of instructions he had, and quietly made some minor changes or omissions.

The beautiful woman saw the guard's expression and reaction, and her face moved. She obviously saw something fishy, but she didn't intend to pursue it. Instead, she drank softly, "stop, what are you doing?"

Zhao Chengfeng and she looked at each other, and her mind suddenly changed. He guessed the reason why the guard did this, who ordered him to do it, for himself or Elsa, and what was the relationship between this beautiful woman and Elsa.

According to the truth, both of them should be Elsa's confidants, but now it seems that they may not be so. It seems that the water in the city Lord's mansion is deep. Of course, it is also possible that someone who has more authority than Elsa has made an explanation, so even Elsa's confidants have to disobey.

However, the latter is unlikely. There are only a few people who can surpass Elsa's authority in the Lord's mansion, such as the Lord of the city. If they are, they don't need to do so at all.

Maybe it's more about Elsa.

However, no matter which one is, there is only one thing to be measured for him. Does he want to stay here?

After a moment's thought, he released the guard's hand and politely said, "I'm sorry, but I didn't come here as a guard. I stayed here for a while in the name of a guard. You can go to Elsa about that! "

Anyway, the purpose of his stay here is to have a quiet and suitable place to study the Taiji map in the sea of knowledge, and find ways to improve his cultivation and solve the problem that the power of nobility will not be swallowed up. If he is really an ordinary guard, he will not have time to be called around all day.

"Temporary? Hum, have you got something wrong? This is a tool shop, not an inn. " The beautiful woman heard the words and snorted coldly. There was a trace of contempt in her eyes.

Zhao Chengfeng nodded slightly. "In this case, please forgive me for interrupting. When you go back, please tell Miss Elsa that I thank her for her kindness, but I left a little in advance. I'll see her next time."

After that, without waiting for the beautiful woman to answer, she turned and left.

"Stop!" Seeing that he said to leave, the beautiful woman suddenly gave a light drink when she looked cold, "you think this is a place where you can come and leave! How can I tell Elsa when you're gone? "

As soon as Zhao Chengfeng heard this, he was not happy. He couldn't just leave and come. Would you like to lock me up or kill me?

But when the beautiful woman spoke again, she asked him, "please stay here for a while. As for what you said, I will go to miss Elsa for confirmation ~!"

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