The beautiful woman turned around and walked in. When she looked back, she saw that Zhao Chengfeng and Liuli didn't move. She frowned and said in a cold voice, "why, can't you walk? Do you want me to help you?"

Zhao Chengfeng's forehead was full of green tendons, but as soon as he gritted his teeth, he followed in. Liuli also followed, only slightly glanced at him when passing by the guard, even though he withdrew his eyes.

But just at this glance, she saw that the guard's hair was exploding and her scalp was tight. She stepped close to the store, then suddenly regained her mind, and then turned around and ran, in a panic, as if she had been chased by a ghost.


The ware shop is divided into three parts. The front part is the storefront. Walking through the storehouse, there are two rows of craftsmen's workshops with very messy styles. Because of different functions, the styles of the houses are also different, but most of them are bungalows with only a few small buildings.

Most of them are closed. I don't know what's going on inside.

"Most craftsmen are eccentric and don't like to be disturbed by outsiders, so you'd better not enter any of the craftsmen's workshops if you have nothing to do. If it interferes with the work of the craftsmen, I don't care who you are and how miss Elsa tells me, I will ask you to go away without mercy ~!"

Beautiful woman talk is still very impolite, Zhao Chengfeng rolled a white eye, secretly belly Fei, "you such a person, simply have no right to say others lonely, simply blind a good face and a good figure."

However, he didn't say much, and didn't bring out the keepsake Elsa gave him. From the attitude of this beautiful woman, for these technologists, a keepsake probably can't achieve their own goal.

But it doesn't matter. This kind of thing can be done slowly. Anyway, it's not urgent. And Zhao Chengfeng is confident that he has some means to deal with this kind of technology.

Further inside, there are relatively independent small courtyards, and the environment is very good.

But the beautiful woman didn't stay, just said coldly: "this is the place where the craftsman lives, and the guard's dormitory is inside."

Zhao Chengfeng's expectation of the guard's housing conditions suddenly dropped to the freezing point. It seems that the guard has the least status here.

However, Zhao Chengfeng was still slightly shocked by the scale of the shop. This is not a shop for making utensils. It is clearly a small factory with a front room, or even a small research studio.

After another small door, we finally arrived at the guard's dormitory. It was much worse than those craftsmen, but it was not bad.

Although it is a row, but each has more than 30 square meters, supporting facilities are also very complete. However, there are still two independent small courtyards beside these platoons. Zhao Chengfeng was surprised and subconsciously took a look at them.

In one of the courtyards, there is a man in white who is practicing boxing. He seems to have noticed the arrival of Zhao Chengfeng and others. He slightly glances to this side and nods to the beautiful woman. Then he takes back his eyes and continues to practice boxing. He doesn't look at this side more.

He didn't use his mental power. It seemed that he was fighting. Moreover, Zhao Chengfeng couldn't judge his accomplishments from a distance. However, his boxing was steady and his every move had the power of a dragon and a tiger. He should have great strength.

"Needless to see, they are the only two senior martial arts teachers in our shop. They have the strength of viscount. The two courtyards are also for their own use. It has nothing to do with you." It seems that the beautiful woman still regards Zhao Chengfeng and Liuli as ordinary guards. She stands in one of the rows of rooms, reaches out her hand and says, "this row, as long as it's empty, you can choose any one. The dining hall and other supporting facilities are all in the back. You can go and have a look later. I won't take you there."

When Zhao Chengfeng looks at the row that the beautiful woman refers to, it's not bad in this area. Although his back body is in seclusion, Zhao Chengfeng is also very satisfied and nods slightly.

It seems that this woman's mouth is very cold, but she is more reliable.

"OK, thank you... Well, what do you call it?" Zhao Chengfeng wanted to express his gratitude, but he was embarrassed to remember that he had asked each other's name along the way.

The beautiful woman didn't care. She said faintly, "my name is Honglian. You can call me Madame red, or red steward."

"Thank you very much, madam red." Zhao Chengfeng once again thanks, and then introduces himself, "my name is Qianzhi, this is my companion Liuli."

"Well. You can choose the room first. I'll ask someone to give you the name plate after you choose. Then you can control the access control and the supporting array. " Mrs. red said noncommittally.

Zhao Chengfeng was a little surprised, but he didn't ask much. He was afraid that he didn't have common sense. He just nodded his head again to thank him. Then he glanced at the two connected rooms and said, "just these two?"

"Pa Pa ~!" Madame Hong clapped her hands. A little boy came to her in a moment. "Lord Hong, what can I do for you?"

"Go and give them the name plates of these two sentences." Red lotus still indifference of command way.

The boy promised and turned away.

Zhao Chengfeng wants to thank her again, but Honglian waves her hand, "well, I'll go to miss Elsa for confirmation if you said before. Before that, you'll live here, but don't walk around. In addition, if you need anything, you can go to the boy just now, let him do it, or let him come to me. I have something else to do. I'll go first! "

And without waiting for Zhao Chengfeng to answer, he turned and left.

Zhao Chengfeng see this, Leng for a while, shaking his head and laughing, also did not pay attention to.

After thinking about it, he went to the door of one of the two rooms he chose and tentatively reached out to push the door. Sure enough, before he touched the door, he immediately felt a force of resistance.

When he tried to exert force here, he immediately felt that the force of resistance had changed, and quickly withdrew his hand, because he felt that if he was further exerting force, the force of resistance would react, such as fighting back or calling the police.

"Sure enough, it's the property of the city Lord's mansion. Even a guard's dormitory has this kind of protective array, and it seems that there are other supporting arrays in it. There's a trace of it."

All of a sudden, he felt that the world was full of knowledge, which would have a great effect if it was brought to the earth.

If it can be combined with the residual technology before the earth world, it may be able to burst out higher chemical utility.

He couldn't help smiling at the thought.

Liuli looks at him and doesn't know what he thinks. He is curious but doesn't ask. Of course, Zhao Chengfeng doesn't take the initiative to explain.

It's no use talking to her now.

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