The boy came back with two nameplates and saw Zhao Chengfeng studying the guard array with relish. There was a trace of contempt in his eyes... A countryman.

But when Zhao Chengfeng's eyes came over, he immediately began to smile, "two, this is your access control nameplate." With that, he immediately handed the two nameplates forward.

Zhao Chengfeng looks at him with a smile but not a smile. The latter feels that he has been seen through and is afraid.

Although he despises Zhao Chengfeng as a country bumpkin in his heart, he is just a warrior who barely reaches the rank of a scholar. If these two can be guards here, they are at least top barons or barons. And it was recommended by Miss Elsa. If you want to embarrass him, he will suffer for nothing.

Fortunately, Zhao Chengfeng didn't care with him. After laughing, he took the name plate, and then turned over his hand and took out two sun beads.

"This, no, no, don't... I..." the little boy's eyes suddenly glared out. He didn't expect that there was such a good thing. He just got a plaque and got a reward. And he was just two sun pearls. It's too rich. You know, his salary is only three Chen pearls a day. It's already a high salary.

These two beads are almost half of his salary.

The boy felt a little unreal. His tongue was tied, but his hand couldn't help sticking out.

"It doesn't matter, take it..." Zhao Chengfeng jokingly laughs. Seeing that little guy Yanks himself hard, he says slowly: "please buy two sets of clothes she can wear, and buy some more medicine. If you have more, you will be rewarded."

Little Si just caught two sun beads, and he was trembling with excitement. He was stunned when he heard this. He subconsciously took a look at Zhao Chengfeng, but the latter asked innocently, "what's the matter, isn't it enough?"

"This..." the boy wanted to cry without tears, but he had to nod his head and say: "enough, enough..."

I really want to throw it back to him, but on the one hand, I dare not offend the two guards who don't know what the origin is. On the other hand, I just buy two sets of ordinary clothes and some medicine. I really have some surplus. If I throw it back, I will lose one of them.

He also saw that this was because of his contemptuous eyes before, so he played with him, but at the same time, it also gave him a little advantage, he was dead.

In the heart unwilling, but finally a bite of teeth, nodded again: "you don't worry, I will do it for you.". I don't know if this lady is going with me or... "

When Zhao Chengfeng hears the speech, he turns to Liuli and asks for the latter's opinions. What Zhao Chengfeng didn't expect is that Liuli decides to go together.

He thought that Liuli should not care about clothes, otherwise he would not get blood for himself. Unexpectedly, he seemed to care about it.

Sure enough, women are women.

However, he nodded and said in Chinese: "whatever you want, this is Elsa's token. If someone stops you, you can show it to him. Don't disturb me when you come back. I'll be closed for a while. During this period, you'd better seize the time to enhance the affinity of the world, recover your strength, and master the language of the world as soon as possible."

"Yes Liuli took Elsa's token, nodded and agreed, and then said, "tell him, I'll clean it and let him wait for me for a moment."

Then he took his own access control plate, went to one of the houses and tried it carefully. The access control array sensed that the plate really made a "click" and relieved the defense.

Push the door again and the door will open.

A little surprise flashed in Liuli's eyes. Then he turned around again and saluted Zhao Chengfeng. He turned and walked in.

Zhao Chengfeng looked at her actions, his heart is also slightly surprised, see her into the room closed the door, just turn to the glass words told the little Si, and let him wait.

After thinking about it, he took out a few sun beads, told him to hand them over to Liuli later, and rewarded him a few more Chen beads.

This time, the boy immediately happily agreed, he also saw that although the two are new, but not easy to provoke, but it will not let people suffer.

In the heart of Zhao Chengfeng can not help but have a good feeling.

Some people are just like this. If you bully them, they will not thank you even if they get more benefits from you. They will only think that you are an object to take advantage of.

Only if you are not good at bullying, or even bullying him, then if you give him a little more benefit, he will be grateful immediately.

Of course, Zhao Chengfeng didn't care whether he would thank him or not. He just felt that the other party might be useful during his stay here.

After giving an explanation, he opened the array of his own house with the access control plate, and there was no obstacle when he pushed the door.

Although he had seen Liuli once before, Zhao Chengfeng still felt quite novel, and even couldn't help trying to go in and out for several times, but after thinking about it, he still felt that it was a bit shameful, and finally gave up.

But then I remembered that Mrs. Hong had said that there were several matching arrays in the room. I thought about it and immediately took out the name plate to find out.

In fact, it's not very difficult to find, because he soon found a rule that every place where the array is arranged has some very strange patterns, and there are spiritual fluctuations.

Different patterns look similar, but when you look at them carefully, you can feel that there are great differences, not only in appearance, but also in arrangement and regularity.

However, several arrays in the room are obviously much simpler than those at the door.

"It seems that the entrance guard array is a little more advanced than several of them. Let's see what the use of this array is."

Zhao Chengfeng is now like a child who meets a new toy. He excitedly approaches the name plate to the core of a group of patterns, and infuses a little spiritual power. His mind moves and spews out a word "Qi" silently.

The pattern gets energy and lights up immediately. Then it feels that a layer of light film appears on the four walls of the room. Then it feels that the whole world is quiet.

There was a faint sound that could have been heard outside, but it all disappeared.

"It turned out to be a sound insulation array. I don't know whether it's bidirectional or unidirectional. It should be bidirectional. It's a good thing."

With this kind of array, you can not only not be disturbed, but also effectively protect your privacy. Of course, this kind of protection must be relative rather than absolute.

However, as soon as his spiritual power was restored, the light film disappeared immediately.

Zhao Chengfeng a Leng, "does this want to input the spirit power all the time, if so, then chicken ribs?"

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