Zhao Chengfeng bares his teeth and glances at it. He suddenly finds a circular groove in the core of the array pattern. Zhao Chengfeng is blessed with his soul. He quickly takes out a Chen bead and presses it into the groove.

Sure enough, the pattern worked again.

As soon as his eyes brightened, he immediately knew that he had guessed right. He quickly took out the name plate again and opened the array pattern. The sound insulation film around him lit up again.

This time he removed the name plate and spirit power again, and sure enough, the light film did not disappear again.

Excited, Zhao Chengfeng quickly experimented with the other two groups of patterns.

A moment later, he clarified the functions of the three auxiliary arrays in his room.

In addition to the sound insulation effect, the other two arrays have a very small range, only in the middle of the bedroom. Their function is to slightly increase the concentration of spiritual power, and have a certain effect of calming the mind.

This is obviously an array that helps to cultivate. Zhao Chengfeng even feels that sitting within the array range, even remembering things is more efficient.

Even though I know the level of this array may not be high, I still like it in my heart.

The last array is a group of patterns covering the whole room. After Zhao Chengfeng experimented, it seems to have the effect of dust removal and fresh air. After using the array for a while, the whole room becomes as clean as new, and the air becomes fresh.

"No wonder nobody lives in a room, but it's spotless when they walk in. They don't even have the smell of dampness and mildew. Array is really a good thing. If you have a chance, you have to learn it. If you can learn it, you'll be able to decorate array for people when you solve the inner world. Our family can not worry about food and clothing in the earth world. What kind of vacuum cleaner The air fresheners are all dead. The era of array is coming. "

Zhao Chengfeng thought happily, suddenly "pa" a light ring, sound insulation array just like his dream, instantly broken.

"What the hell?" Zhao Chengfeng was surprised. After looking at the Chen bead for a while, his kung fu had consumed all his energy and turned pale. There was no energy fluctuation. As soon as he pinched the finger, it broke directly.

"Is that too much power?"

Although it's just a Chen bead, it's only a little bit big. It's all gone. Who can afford it.

But then I thought, I don't think it should be like this. Maybe I made a mistake. Maybe this groove should not be used for Shouzhu.

By the way, Shouzhu's main function is to add longevity. Its power is not spiritual power, but vitality. To be exact, it is Shouyuan.

He took out another crystal nucleus, but after an experiment, it didn't work. The grooves didn't match.

I wanted to ask the red lady, but then I gave up.

His primary purpose now is to study the Taiji diagram. It doesn't matter if there is a sound insulation array or not. I'll just talk about it later.

He immediately stopped caring about the array. He went to the middle of the bedroom and sat down with his knees crossed, but he didn't immediately look inside.

Instead, he held his hair back for a while, which was a secret of his mind and body.

When I feel that all my thoughts have been eliminated, I sit with my knees crossed. My mind moves and I begin to look inside.

For the first time since he came to this world, he was so serious that he could see the Taiji map in the sea.

He was startled at this.

I don't know when, at the two poles of Taiji Yin and Yang, there are two more seeds. One is full of destruction and death, the other is just the opposite. It is not only full of vitality, but also has a kind of immortal taste.

"What the hell is that?" It's strange that there was one more Tai Chi map in the sea of knowledge. How can there be two seeds now?

"By the way, according to my parents, a part of the Taiji diagram is the soul of the seed of the eternal tree. Is that the vigorous seed the soul? But how can I feel that it is a real seed?"

"And what about the other seed, if this one can barely explain?" Zhao Chengfeng is puzzled.

In fact, the formation of this Taiji diagram is very difficult to say from the beginning.

The soul of the seed of the eternal tree is hard to say. How can it still feel tall? It's reasonable to form a pole of the Taiji diagram.

The other pole was far fetched. He was only in the realm of Lingwu at that time. Even if he forced the lethal sword move, how could he arouse the power of destruction?

Even if it's triggered, how much destructive power can his power pry? How can we balance the power of the seed spirit of the eternal tree?

And now it has even formed a seed, and 80% of it is not greasy.

"Is there any secret dad didn't tell mom?"

Zhao Chengfeng frowned slightly, then shook his head. As Zhao Feilong's wife slave, there was no secret even his mother didn't know.

What's more, it's about his son's life and death. How can he keep it from me?

The only possibility is that some of them don't even know.

So is it an accident, or is it a trick.

If someone is playing tricks, who is it and what is the purpose?

"Eternity... Destruction, wait a minute, eternal world, black death world... This..."

Zhao Chengfeng's heart suddenly came up with an idea that made him jumpy.

Just a move, he immediately felt a trace of extreme uneasiness, I do not know is good or bad, quickly put out this idea.

I dare not think about it.

It's really terrible to think about it in this way.

It feels like everything is being manipulated.

"Forget it, I don't want to think so much for the time being. I'd better solve the immediate problems first?"

Zhao Chengfeng calmed his mind by pressing down his thought, and then approached the two seeds carefully, the one suspected to be the eternal tree seed.

In any case, this seed at least seems to have a clear resume, unlike the one from the other. More importantly, the power of this seed is also a meaning of life and eternity, and it feels better than the other one.

Sure enough, as his divine consciousness drew closer, a lively and warm mood was immediately passed on. He didn't feel any danger, but was very comfortable.

"No danger ~!"

His intuition didn't feel any threat, which reassured him a little. The divine consciousness, like the tentacles of some timid creature, continued to approach carefully.

"Still don't feel any danger ~!"

Move on.

Finally, his divine sense touched the seed. Even in the state of internal vision, Zhao Chengfeng felt his heart shrink slightly.

After a while, nothing terrible happened.

Zhao Chengfeng was slightly relieved.

"The first step is achieved ~, ah, this..."

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