"Dare not ~!"

Looking at Madame Honglian's back, viscount Fengzhi was dripping with cold sweat.

For a moment, he realized that he had been a bit reckless just now. At the same time, he realized that Miss Elsa and others did not come here because of him, or even had nothing to do with him.

And the maid

He had a vague guess in his heart, but he had no direction, and he didn't dare to think much.

But the next moment, he couldn't help staring.

Not only him, but also many people present were surprised.

Because they found that the target of Miss Elsa and her party was guard dormitory No. 17.

At the same time, Liuli also found the arrival of Youya and Elsa. She knew all these people and knew that they should have no hostility.

But she held the hilt for the first time, and Shua turned the sword's backhand in front of her. At the same time, she drank coldly, "stop, don't get close!"

In five days, because of Tong Yan Dan, she has learned some common language in the world of longevity, though not very fluent.

"What?" You Ya is tiny a Leng, as if didn't expect this woman unexpectedly treat her as the enemy.

Others around them were also surprised to see the move of Liuli, and many people even yelled, "bold ~!"

They don't know who you Ya is. In their eyes, you Ya is just a maid, but miss Elsa and Mrs. Honglian are just behind the maid. Isn't that strange woman's doing this equal to fighting against Miss Elsa and Mrs. Honglian?

On the one hand, they are already dissatisfied with the 17th. On the other hand, it's a good opportunity to show in front of Miss Elsa.

As for glass, many people don't care at all.

It's just a woman, and as long as you look at her face, you can see that she's very weak. Everyone can imagine this. After all, everyone has seen with their own eyes that she has hardly left the door in the past five or six days. Even the little guy brought her food and just leaned by her side to sleep.

In five days, even a strong man can't bear it. What's more, a woman who has not been healed from injury has nothing to fear.

This is almost a risk-free performance opportunity.

Even the Viscount Fengzhi had a bright eye and was ready to fight at any time. Although he appreciated such a loyal bodyguard, if he could not take it as his own, it would be no pity to destroy it.

"Stop it!" Seeing that everyone was eager to try, Youya gave a light drink, and Madame Honglian waved her hand slightly to stop them. On the contrary, Elsa and her three were stunned, "sister Youya?"

You ya toward three people tiny wave hand, then exasperate of looking at glaze.

In fact, she didn't really plan to break the door. She just heard the report from Madame Honglian that Zhao Chengfeng had been closed for five or six days and there was no movement, so she was worried and came to have a look.

What annoys her is that this strange woman named Liuli even regards her as an enemy, which is unreasonable.

In her opinion, at the beginning of saving this woman, she was a part of it.

But Liuli didn't give in to her eyes.

Naturally, she also knows that this woman and Zhao Chengfeng are not enemies for the time being, and the places where they live now are all provided by this woman.


It's none of her business.

She has no trust in anyone in the world.

Even though she is also worried about why Zhao Chengfeng hasn't moved for five or six days, she still won't let anyone open the door unless she dies.

Because she only remembered that Zhao Chengfeng told him not to let anyone disturb him, so she stayed here day and night.

Of course, this person also includes the woman in front of her.

Two people silent confrontation, one angry, the other indifferent.

In the end, however, Youya was defeated and stamped his foot and scolded, "sick!"

Turn around and go.

At this time, the entrance guard array suddenly "click" a light sound, was opened.

Then Zhao Chengfeng pushed the door out.

"Ah ~ ha ~" stretched a waist, yawned, and then seemed to find the people around, a look of surprise, "what's the matter, what's this doing, how so many people?"

What's wrong? Almost fight, why do you ask?

Everyone has a dull face.

I've been sleeping in my room for five or six days, isn't it?

"Oh, miss Youya, Miss Elsa, why are you here? What can I do for you?" Zhao Chengfeng is still a hindsight. No, he is ignorant. He seems to have just found Youya and Elsa. Seeing Youya dressed as a maid, he even chuckles, "this dress is very suitable for you..."

However, between speaking, he intentionally or unintentionally gave a look to Liuli, indicating her to put away the weapon. And at this moment, his eyes toward Liuli finally had a soft look.

Liuli is also slightly stunned at the moment when Zhao Chengfeng yawns out. Then she sees Zhao Chengfeng's eyes. She immediately understands that Zhao Chengfeng must have known what happened outside in the room.

However, when she saw that Zhao Chengfeng was safe and sound, she didn't blame her. She even felt a little certain. She immediately took a breath of relief and slowly put away her sword. Then, the feeling of fatigue suddenly hit her. She was a little unsteady with a flash of her body.

She quickly raised her aura and tried to keep it steady, but she felt a strong hand holding her shoulder. At the same time, a vigorous breath of life entered her body. Her originally faint consciousness suddenly came to her senses. Her body fatigue even disappeared a lot, and her heart couldn't help warming.

I felt a little relieved.

She knew that at this moment Zhao Chengfeng finally began to accept her, at least recognized her as his own identity.

But she quickly stopped and said gratefully, "thank you, Mr. Zhao... Qianzhi." She subconsciously wanted to say thank you to Mr. Zhao. Then she reacted and immediately changed her words.

Zhao Chengfeng didn't care. He patted her on the shoulder and took back his hand.

Then he looked at Youya and Elsa with a smile.

Youya also stops when Zhao Chengfeng yawns and comes out, but she can't react. When she hears him speak, she comes back to herself. She is upset. When she sees the small movements and expressions between Zhao Chengfeng and Liuli, she feels even more upset.

Smell speech cold hum a, displeased way: "you still say, I listen to red aunt you shut up so many days have no sound, immediately worry of run over, the result is good, your this female slave still treat me as the enemy, she..."

"No, she's not my slave, she's my companion!" Zhao Chengfeng interrupted you ya, smiling but determined. Then there was another smile. "Besides, I don't think she treats you as an enemy. She just follows my instructions and doesn't let others disturb me. As you know, it's very dangerous to be disturbed in closed cultivation! "

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