"She's your companion. What about me? Do I worry that you are wrong? " Youya sees that Zhao Chengfeng actually calls the woman who has been robbed from the slave captors a companion. She feels very upset, and even has some strange taste and grievances. As for the explanation behind Zhao Chengfeng, she didn't bother to listen.

Seeing her reaction, Elsa, Jason and lixiya were surprised. They didn't expect that the usual sister Youya would have such a reaction.

Is she jealous?

No, in fact, Youya doesn't really mean anything to Zhao Chengfeng. Of course, she can't really be jealous. In fact, she has always regarded Zhao Chengfeng as a potential stock, an interesting uncle and a partner who can help her make money.

But when she saw that Zhao Chengfeng obviously regarded Liuli as his own person and regarded her as an outsider, she felt uncomfortable.

Even a little angry.

For her this kind of thought, Zhao Chengfeng certainly can't completely understand, but don't want to understand, even feel some headache.

He didn't come to this world to make little Lori happy.

But Youya also helped him after all, and no matter what kind of idea she was in, the other party did worry about her. Most importantly, she was useful.

So even if he had a headache, he still had to smile and explain: "ha ha, I'm grateful that miss Youya is so worried about me. How can I be wrong? But... "

He glanced at the people around him and tried to stop talking.

Madame Honglian frowned slightly, then waved her hand to a crowd of onlookers and said: "go to work, don't be around here. Viscount Fengzhi, go and help yourself

"Yes." Viscount Fengzhi also saw that the maid who followed Miss Elsa was not a real maid. It seemed that her origin was not simple. She was not inferior to miss Elsa, even more noble.

This made his mind spin again.

Looking at the conversation between the false maid called "sister Youya" by Miss Elsa and the 17th, it seems that he immediately realized a lot.

In the heart secretly scolds: "God mysterious I thought is what thing, originally is a soft rice.". This silly little Lori, who doesn't know her identity, was cheated by this boy, and this boy even stepped on two boats. Damn it. Why can't lord Ben touch such a good thing? "

Just thinking about this in my heart, I heard lady Honglian's words. Although I was not reconciled, I had to gnash my teeth and take a look at Zhao Chengfeng. Then I went back to my yard bitterly.

Where does Zhao Chengfeng know this guy's dirty mind? Seeing that this man is cold to himself, he is still puzzled. He doesn't know how to make people resent that he has been closed for so long and hasn't even come out.

Subconsciously, he touched his face and sighed softly, "ah, it's really troublesome to be handsome. I'm always envied by men all over the world. When is this going to be a stop ~!"


However, as a man who often offends others and is envied by others, Zhao Chengfeng feels that he has long been open-minded, so he doesn't care about it.

Seeing that almost all the outsiders had left, he said to Youya, "well, I'm closed now. I'll take another two days off, and we'll go hunting right away. As compensation, I'll increase the proportion by one percent."

"At least 10 percent, otherwise it's not enough to make up for my spiritual damage ~!" Youya was still sulking, but when it comes to revenue sharing, the property of money fans is immediately activated, and the problem of "who is the companion" is ignored.

Bullshit hurt the soul

Zhao Chengfeng rolled a white eye, a burst of speechless, money can restore the soul damage is also called soul damage?

Make complaints about heart.

Face but firm shake head, "no, 2% can't more!"

"Five percent, I'll help you plan action goals and action plans, and make sure you're worth the money!" You Ya's cunning and confident way.

"Well, I'm afraid of you ~!" Zhao Chengfeng a pat forehead, also don't bother with her for this petty dispute.

Leisurely elegant complacent ha ha a smile, feel all of the mental trauma have been healed.


Next to Elsa and others were made cute by the change of their expressions and the unrestrained dialogue.

How can these two people be like a romantic drama one second before, but become business negotiations the next.

Even Mrs. Honglian, who has been shopping for a long time, can't turn around.

In particular, she knew the true identity of miss Youya vaguely.

"Miss Elsa, miss uya, is this gentleman going to take an adventure in the wild? Is that right? "

In fact, Elsa is secretly envious. Looking at the details of Youya's discussion with Mr. Qianzhi, she feels that Youya's elder sister is so brave and self-conscious, but she can only be a cage bird forever.

But she also knows the cost of Youya's choice.

At the same time, she worries about Youya's future.

Can she be free all the time? If those people know the news that Youya's sister is here, they will definitely come after you. What will father do then?

And now, has father really acquiesced in Youya's sister's adventure?

She didn't know.

So she just shook her head when she heard Mrs. Honglian's question, and said in an uncertain way: "I don't know, but my father should know that sister Youya is in the Black Street City, and that she's going to take risks in the wild. Since she didn't stop her, she should have acquiesced, right? Moreover, according to sister Youya, this Mr. Qianzhi is very strong, at least not better than the ordinary old Viscount, and may even have count level strength. "

"Count?" Madame Honglian was a little surprised. "But I don't feel that he has high authority?"

Mrs. Honglian didn't believe it, although she couldn't see the depth of Zhao Chengfeng.

However, she is also an old Baron. As far as she knows, generally, the higher barons will naturally suppress the lower barons, which comes from the authority of the barons.

The higher the authority, the more obvious the repression, but he didn't feel it in Zhao Chengfeng.

Even before, she didn't feel any sense of authority from Zhao Chengfeng, but today she faintly feels a little, but it seems that she only has the degree of baroness.

It's hard for her to understand.

If Zhao Chengfeng has count level strength, she naturally does not believe it. Earl level strength, in this black street city, has long been a hegemon level strength. Do you still need to pretend to be a guard to live in her area?

But if Zhao Chengfeng is only a scholar, she thinks it is impossible.

Even if it's cheating, miss Youya and others are not blind. How can they be cheated by a baron?

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