"I don't know, but at least it should be no lower than Viscount, and it should be a very strong viscount." Elsa is quite sure about this.

Because you ya also told her a lot about Zhao Chengfeng these days.

In addition, she has seen Zhao Chengfeng's Viscount level dissimilated weapon with her own eyes, and she can never be wrong.

Madame Honglian was surprised to see Elsa so sure, but she didn't ask any more.

At the same time, the negotiation between Youya and Zhao Chengfeng has come to an end.

You ya on the surface of a pair of suffered a big loss expression, gnashing teeth and Zhao Chengfeng came to a high five.

But in his eyes, there was a sly smile like a fox. Obviously, in this negotiation, the little financial fan won a lot of benefits for himself.

I feel that my dream of a rich woman is closer.

In addition, after the negotiation, her probation period ended.

In other words, her position as Zhao Chengfeng's chief guide and chief partner has been unshakable.

"By the way, uncle, what's the result of your closing up these days?" After getting the actual benefits, Youya has forgotten all the unhappiness before, which reminds me of the achievement of Zhao Chengfeng's seclusion.

However, hearing her question, Zhao Chengfeng had a bitter smile.

"Is it something? By the way, I've been closed for a few days? " What he asked was Liuli, and the latter immediately replied, "five and a half days!"

"Five and a half days?" I was in a coma for such a long time. Zhao Chengfeng was scared.

He thought it was only two or three days, but he was in a coma for five and a half days!

Yes, coma.

That day, when he tried to touch the mysterious seed with divine consciousness. Hope to be able to solve some mysteries.

At the beginning, it was quite smooth, but when his divine sense touched the mysterious seed, he "saw" a strange scene. Around the seed, there were dozens of pieces of rules, and even the power of immortal array.

He was surprised that the rules of artistic conception and the power of life flooded him in an instant like the tide. He even had no time to recover his divine consciousness, so he fell into a coma in a fierce tearing pain.

When he woke up again, he found that he had broken through the void, and seemed to have mastered ten rules of artistic conception. At the same time, he also felt that the formation of eternal life gave the authority to the taxi baron.

In other words, in the process of coma, he has successfully entered the realm of breaking the void, at least in the middle of breaking the void. At the same time also successfully become a baroness.

But the problem is, he doesn't know how all this is done.

To this problem, Zhao Chengfeng's mood is complicated.

He didn't know whether the closure was a success or a failure.

If you want to say success, he is not only ignorant of the Taiji diagram, but even more confused.

But if he failed, he not only broke through the void, but also succeeded in gaining the authority of the baron.

Otherwise, Madame Honglian would not feel the Baroness's authority from him.

The final conclusion is that the process failed, but the result was achieved.

But the key point is that he has no idea how the result is achieved.

The remaining problem is, "this time is over, next time?"

It's hard to say whether it can continue to be useful. Even if it is, what should we do next time we are completely unconscious?

There is also the pain of tearing everything, which makes him shudder now. It is a kind of tearing that directly affects the spirit and soul.

If that kind of pain continues to be strong, will it just hang up.

All these worries and helplessness made him feel very complicated.

However, there are some things that you can't say, no one can say.

So he can only be vague.

Fortunately, Youya itself is not particularly interested, just casually asked.

She doesn't even know the degree of Zhao Chengfeng himself, and it's useless to tell her whether she's promoted or not.

So after asking, she just nodded, and then asked: "so, the next hunting target will continue to look for scholar level?"

"No, I've succeeded in proving the rank of gentleman. Next time, I'll be at the rank of Baron." Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head. Although he is afraid, he still has to try to promote his title.

In this world, titles are sometimes more important than power.

Many plans can't be implemented without titles.

"Well, Baron, I already have a suitable target. By the way, uncle, while hunting, otherwise we can also take on some trade union tasks, so as to maximize our interests." Youya is passionate about making money.

"It's up to you ~!" Although Zhao Chengfeng doesn't care about the maximization of interests, it doesn't matter.

He also learned something about the trade union, which is roughly equivalent to the mercenary agency in the earth world, or the broker in the dark world.

He will help employers issue some missions, and also lead some less bright transactions, ranging from general escort missions to assassination, even slave hunting, selling dark goods, and so on.

For the existence of such things, Zhao Chengfeng is not surprised. In such a world, if there is no such thing, it is even more surprising.

"Well, that's settled. I'll come to you in two days!" You ya finish saying, satisfied with the greeting Elsa is going to leave, suddenly thought of what, "by the way, uncle, our bag of birthday beads was purple wind will people take, do we want to grab back?"

When Youya said this, her eyes were shining and eager to try.

Zhao Chengfeng a Zheng, "what Shouzhu was purple wind will take, you are not in the city Lord's house, purple wind will how to get your Shouzhu."

"No, it's not mine. It's ours." You ya put his finger to correct: "you forget, those Shouzhu you have borrowed, to the slave leader, but after the slave was killed by you, you forgot to pick up the packet of Shouzhu, it naturally fell into the hands of Zifeng Hui."

Zhao Chengfeng remembered that the situation at that time seemed to be like this, and he could not help nodding slightly.

Leisurely elegant see he nods, smile on the face is more thick.

Elsa and Jason see her smile, immediately feel bad, want to dissuade, but do not know, or dare not speak.

Mrs. Honglian next to her was very surprised, because when she heard the conversation, she naturally remembered what had been spreading in the city these days. It is said that two men and women not only fought against the young master of the blue and white club, but also had a conflict with the purple wind club.

"Is that them?" My God, Miss Elsa has put such a troublesome guy in my place.

Did the Marquis really acquiesce in this matter?

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