"Oh, it seems to have happened."

Zhao Chengfeng looks at Youya's smile like a fox. His face is calm and seems to be at a loss. I can't help laughing.

This girl movie, her own little money fan, think others are as money fans as her. Two hundred months later, he wanted to tempt him to fight a count and a power. Brother Feng, do I look so stupid?

"Oh? That's it? " Seeing that his reaction is so flat, it's the turn of little Laurie, a financial fan, to be calm. It's totally different from what she imagined.

"Otherwise, it's only 200 months. Do you want me to call on a strong Earl?" Zhao Chengfeng asked with a smile.

"Two hundred months? That's my money, my first bucket of gold ~! " Little Laurie, a financial fan, quit immediately when she saw someone talking so lightly about her first pot of gold. Although she also knew that it seemed a little irrational to fight a strong Earl for 200 months, she felt very painful at the thought of that bag of months.

"Your money? Why did I hear that it was my money just now? It turns out that it's your money, so it doesn't matter. Since it's not my money, it has nothing to do with me. By the way, since you lost the money, I don't owe you anything. " Zhao Chengfeng's joking way.

"What? Five Chen thousand childish, you... "You ya a mouthful of old blood almost not choked to death by himself," coward, smelly uncle, you even want to break the debt. Wow, I don't want to play anymore

Youya squatted on the ground and cried.

Zhao Chengfeng was stunned, and even had this kind of operation.

Elsa can't help covering her face. Although she has known for a long time that Youya's elder sister has just gone home, she seems to be stimulated by something, and somehow awakens to the property of being a money addict. But the property of being a money addict seems to be more serious than she thought.

And the younger Jason and lixiya are surprised with their mouths, thinking that they are not recognizing the wrong person, "God, is this really their brave and beautiful sister Youya? Must be fake? "

Honglian and the accompanying bodyguard look coldly at Zhao Chengfeng.

They don't care who Zhao Chengfeng is or whether Miss Youya is reasonable or not.

But in their eyes, this young lady Youya is highly respected. The identity of Zhao Chengfeng and this young lady Youya is far from each other. Now this humble man from nowhere has made the noble young lady Youya cry, which is unforgivable.

Had Elsa not been there, they would have broken the man apart.

However, they seem to ignore Zhao Chengfeng and his own strength.

"Stop stop, stop, I'm joking. It's 200 month beads. I'll give it back to you later!" Zhao Chengfeng rubbed his forehead. Although he didn't care about the eyes of Honglian and others, he couldn't resist a little girl's tears. What's more, he didn't really want to break the debt, just joking.

You ya hears speech but angrily stares at him, "can't, still want interest!"

Tears were still hanging on his cheeks.

Zhao Chengfeng speechless, "OK, I'll return you two hundred and five."

"Three hundred ~!"

"What, do you think I'm the wrong man?"

"Wow, Wuwu ~"

"Three hundred, three hundred!" As soon as Zhao Chengfeng saw that she was going to rally again, he quickly surrendered.

It's really self inflicted. Why do you have to provoke her? She seems to have caught her.

"Ha ha, that's about the same ~!" Youya saw that her goal had been achieved, immediately wiped her tears and stood up. Although her tears had not dried, her face was already covered with a smile of victory.

I was so happy that I finally knew how to deal with this stingy uncle.

When Zhao Chengfeng saw that her face changed faster than the actors in Sichuan Opera, he sighed. Suddenly, he regretted that he should not end her probation so early, or even end the contract by force.

"That's settled. I'll come to you in two days. Don't worry. I'll make a good plan and try to make you pay off the debt as soon as possible." Seeing that the goal has been achieved, Youya doesn't give Zhao Chengfeng the chance to repent at all. He waves his hand and runs faster than a rabbit.

Zhao Chengfeng this just reaction come over, feelings this wench from the beginning did not really intend to let him to accept purple wind will, hit is from him here again knock a idea.

She made it so easy.

"Ah, I'm famous, I'm famous ~ I didn't expect that my brother Feng would be planted in the hands of a little girl one day!" Zhao Chengfeng has a sad face.


Youya left. Elsa and others naturally left. Even Honglian didn't pay any attention to Zhao Chengfeng and turned to leave.

The guards who had been driven away before came back, and their eyes to Zhao Chengfeng were a little complicated. Some people speculated about his origin, some people envied him, and some people thought about trying to get close to him.

But Zhao Chengfeng didn't give them a chance. After seeing Youya and Elsa off, he took Liuli back to his room and ignored the eyes of the guards.

After returning to the room, Zhao Chengfeng simply inquired about the situation of Liuli in the past few days, and how much the cultivation recovered.

"Because of the Tongyan Dan and instructions you gave me, I can almost use the language of the world now. I feel that your affinity has also improved a lot, at least I don't feel obvious rejection now, but..." Liuli bit his lips when he heard his inquiry, and his expression seemed to be a little hesitant.

"What's the matter? What's the problem?" Zhao Chengfeng was surprised by her reaction.

Because of the performance of Liuli in recent days, Zhao Chengfeng has initially recognized her. In that case, Liuli, at least in this world, can be regarded as one of the powers he can trust a little.

So he is more concerned about the current state of Liuli.

"I don't know why, but my cultivation seems to be limited by something. I clearly feel that I can't use the Lingwu realm and the above power." Liuli frowned.

As a warrior, the power of martial arts can be said to be the biggest reliance of Every warrior. Without this power, she was a little worried.

"You can't use the power above Lingwu level. What kind of cultivation are you?" Zhao Chengfeng a Zheng, for glass this answer some unexpected.

"The peak of magic martial arts." Liuli road.

After thinking about it, he hesitated and said, "in fact, I can feel that my cultivation is still there, but it seems that there is a kind of power to limit it."

"Cultivation is still there, but can't be perceived and used?" Zhao Chengfeng felt his chin and suddenly moved in his heart, "is it because of the authority of the title?"

"Isn't that a kind of aristocratic system in this world? What's the relationship between cultivation and self-cultivation? " Glass smell speech a Zheng, don't understand of ask.

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