Having mastered the language of the world, Liuli, of course, probably knew something about the title and authority of the world.

I also know that this so-called Title authority seems to have something to do with a long-lived formation.

But she always thought that it was just a symbol of glory, or an evaluation of combat power, just like some ordinary people's martial arts in the earth world, what a black belt.

Even if it's a little higher or shorter, there's at most a bonus to the power of heaven and earth.

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head, "no, it still matters..."

Zhao Chengfeng knows much more about the martial arts of this world than Liuli.

So he knew that the so-called nobility in this world was not only a symbol of glory, although it came from the immortal array, it was closely related to the cultivation system of this world.

Although it is not a realm, it is also equivalent to a realm to some extent.

"If you insist on describing it, then figuratively speaking, knighthood should be equivalent to the permission to enter the next level. For example, no matter how hard he works and how talented he is, a person who does not have a license to become a baron can not reach the level of a baron. Similarly, those who do not have a baron can not reach the level of viscount. "

"However, I always think that this restriction is only applicable to the cultivation system of the world, because although I have just won the title of nobility, my strength does not seem to have any effect. But looking at your current situation, I'm not sure. " Zhao Chengfeng frowned slightly.

But in my heart, I subconsciously thought of the Taiji diagram in the sea of knowledge, "is it because of it?"

Before that, he would not have thought of the Taiji diagram, but now he has no idea what it is.

What's more, Taiji diagram is so similar to the world that it has a strange feeling.

Zhao Chengfeng suppressed his speculation and said, "don't worry about this in advance. If it's really due to the limitation of titles, it's a good solution. If it's due to other reasons, there must be a solution slowly."

"Yes ~!" Of course, it's impossible for Liuli not to be in a hurry, but she also knows that there's no way to be in a hurry. At least she has the direction to guess.

"Unfortunately, I still can't help you!" Liuli has some regrets and unwilling ways. Zhao Chengfeng saved herself, but she couldn't help him. Instead, she became a burden, which made her uneasy.

Zhao Chengfeng smiles, "that's not necessarily. Some things don't have to be able to fight. "

Liuli is suspicious, but it can't help showing a trace of expectation.

"You take a two-day break to recover, and then you stay in the shop and get in touch with the craftsmen in the shop to get as much knowledge as you can about making utensils and puppets."

Zhao Chengfeng took out a token like object. It was Elsa's letter. "This is allowed by Miss Elsa, so you don't have to worry about being stopped, but those craftsmen may not be easy to get along with, so it depends on your ability to take things out of their mouths."

Zhao Chengfeng had planned to do it by himself, but now when he saw Liuli, he had an idea. Maybe he would let her do it better than himself.

One is to let her have something to do, the other is to save her effort.

"I'm afraid I can't learn that?" Hearing the words, Liuli was stunned. Although she took the token, she was a little worried.

Because from childhood, she has never been in contact with these things, and what she is good at is always fighting and killing people.

If Zhao Chengfeng ordered her to kill all the craftsmen, she would be more confident.

Learning to make tools, puppets, a person who can't even do manual work well, can he really do it?

As soon as Zhao Chengfeng saw her expression, he knew that she had misunderstood and said with a smile, "no one asked you to learn, just let you record. Learn, how much can you learn, even if you can learn, we don't have so much time

Hearing what he said, Liuli was even more at a loss.

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head, patiently explained: "we come to this world to do, not to make a living, nor to learn a skill, we are looking for the possibility of changing the fate of human beings on earth."

"In my opinion, in addition to improving our own strength, it's the knowledge system of civilization, such as weapon making, array, puppet, medicine refining, etc. but each of these things is a top genius. It's not necessarily something that we can study thoroughly in our lifetime. We can't learn it completely in our lifetime. It's no use after learning. "

"For example, the tools made in this world are all supported by the falling materials of undead species, while there is no undead species in the earth world at all. We have learned what is the use of going back. What we need is the reference from the civilization knowledge itself. Only in this way can we make up for the weakness that the earth world knows nothing about the cultivation of civilization."

Hearing this, Liuli understood what he thought. His eyes brightened and he said excitedly, "you mean, so we don't need to learn. We just need to move back everything we can find."

"Not bad!" Seeing that she finally understood her meaning, Zhao Chengfeng nodded with satisfaction, "there are so many people on the earth, talents and professionals. Let them study together. If there is a civilization for them to learn from, I believe we will be able to walk out of our own way."

Liuli's eyes lit up again. "My Lord, I didn't expect you to have such a mind and eyes. Although I used to think you were very powerful, I really underestimated you."

"Ha ha, it's normal for the world not to understand excellence like me." Zhao Chengfeng was praised by a beautiful woman, but he was not embarrassed. On the contrary, he got used to it“ However, you can call me brother Feng in the future. If there is an outsider, you can call me Qianzhi. I'm not used to it. "

"OK, but if there is an outsider, I'd better call you Qianzhi adult. It's more in line with the habits of the world." Liuli see his face, but also Shuai stroked his hair, can't help showing a smile.

Since entering this world, I seem to show such a relaxed smile for the first time.

But she immediately converged, and then said seriously: "I will do it well. If I have other kinds of knowledge, I will also record it."

"Of course." Zhao Chengfeng looked at her fleeting smile, and his impression of her changed again. "You do it first, and you don't have to be too reluctant. Tell me what you can't solve."

"Yes." Liuli nodded, "what else can I do for you? By the way, you haven't eaten for so many days. Would you like me to go to the restaurant and bring you some food? Although the food here is not as good as the Chinese food in the world, it's still passable. "

When Zhao Chengfeng heard her ask, he really felt hungry, so he didn't refuse, "OK."

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