Liuli turned and walked out of the door, looking up at the sky above.

The sky of the Black Death world is always gray, lower than the sky of the Chinese capital of the earth world, giving people a sense of depression and mystery. It seems that there is always something behind the clouds peeping at the whole earth.

The look in Liuli's eyes was a little dim.

In the room, Zhao Chengfeng leans on the back of his chair. For a moment, he is also confused and worried.

Although the two people seemed to be full of vision and tacit understanding when they talked, they did not mention other people, and they did not doubt whether they could return to the earth.

But obviously, both of them are not so optimistic at heart.

Zhao Chengfeng, in particular, worries not only about Tang Wei, ghosts and shadows, but also about family, women and friends on earth.

In addition, the Tai Chi diagram in the sea of knowledge is like a shadow in his heart.

However, just for a moment, the two people inside and outside the door were forced to cheer up almost at the same time.

Outside, Liuli clenched his fist and breathed a long breath.

"Don't think too much. Anyway, I've finally met brother Feng. I don't have to be alone. Even this life was picked up by him. I just need to follow him. No matter what happens to him tomorrow."

Thinking of this, Liuli strides to the last courtyard where the restaurant is located.

Inside the room, Zhao Chengfeng patted his cheek hard, letting himself free from the worry.

"Don't be discouraged, don't lose confidence, or you will lose hope!"

If I can come to this world, I will find my way back. If I can meet Liuli, I will also find other people. What I have to do now is to do well what I can do in front of me!

As for taijitu, it's special... It's a blessing, not a disaster. It's a disaster. I can't avoid it. Bah, why do I want more? Even if it's a disaster, brother Feng, I'll go through it.

With this in mind, he once again looked inside at the Taiji map in his knowledge of the sea. On the surface, it seemed that it was no different from before, but Zhao Chengfeng vaguely felt that it was different again, and it seemed that it was more stable than before.

It feels as if the Tai Chi diagram itself is growing, not only the Tai Chi diagram, but also the two seeds.

I just don't know whether this kind of growth depends on his realm or the absorption of those fragments of rules?

Another thing made him wonder, didn't the seed of Taiji Figure Yang release a lot of energy and artistic conception to him?

Why does it feel as if it has not been consumed and declined, on the contrary, it faintly smells more torrential than the seed of Yin pole.

"Do you mean..."

There was an impulse in his heart to touch the seed of Yin as before.

But in the end, he gave up.

First of all, the cultivation in his body has just broken through, it has not been fully consolidated, and it is not enough to make a second breakthrough.

In addition, he had been in a coma for five days before, and he had made an appointment with Youya two days later. In case of another coma for five days, Youya was not easy to explain.

Most of all, he was a little scared.

"Forget it, I'd better wait until the present state is stable. Maybe I can learn more information in the process."

Just at this time, there was a knock outside the door. Knowing that Liuli had come back, he opened his eyes and gave up looking inside


Two days later, you ya came on time.

This time Elsa didn't come, and the guards didn't come, but a person who surprised Zhao Chengfeng came with her.

And this person is actually an acquaintance.

"Miss Yunhe, how can you..." Zhao Chengfeng looks at the cloud crane of Wansheng tower with you ya in surprise, and glances at you ya at the same time.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Qianzhi. It's not your sister's fault. I forced her to bring me." Without waiting for Youya to speak, Yunhe rushes to explain.

Then he said: "in fact, we Wansheng building and the city Lord's mansion also cooperate, so Mr. Qianzhi lives in this tool making workshop, and we also get the news. However, we just met each other before, and we didn't dare to disturb."

"Yesterday, I was going to the trade union and planned to release a task. Because of some special things, I hesitated. But I didn't expect to meet Miss Youya and learn that Mr. Qianzhi intends to take over some tasks recently. I think it's really a coincidence. If I can give this task to Mr. Qianzhi directly, it would be better not to have it. "

"But miss Youya said that it was not convenient for her to make decisions for you, so I had to take the liberty to ask her to bring me to see you. I hope Mr. Qianzhi doesn't mind if it's too abrupt."

Then he bowed slightly.

You ya vomited tongue beside, interface way: "is such."

"Ha ha, I see. That's a coincidence." Zhao Chengfeng squints slightly and sneers in his heart. What's more, it's a coincidence that there is a ghost.

However, Wansheng building did not expect that it had something to do with Chengzhu mansion. It seems that Chengzhu mansion's control over heijie city is not as low as it seems.

I just don't know if her coming here today has something to do with the Lord's residence?

"However, Wansheng building is such a large commercial building with the support of the city Lord's office. I'm just a baron. Although I have good self-supporting strength, I'm also a baron to be. I'm afraid I can't help."

Cloud crane didn't expect that Zhao Chengfeng didn't even ask about any tasks, so he refused so simply. He couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

Isn't this man very reckless? Why is he so cautious again? Even the purple wind will also say that it's hard to accept. The little master of the blue and white club is scared to lie down. How can he be so careful with a task of my Wansheng building.

But he said with a smile: "Mr. Qianzhi's strength is obvious to all, so there is no need to be too modest. In the backhand, a powerful and ferocious group of slave captors was destroyed. Even if he faced a strong one like count Zifeng, he would not shrink back. Even if Yunhe heard about it later, he would not be willing to go for it. "

"Ha ha, I'm so awesome. I didn't even find out if you didn't say it." Zhao Chengfeng laughs and looks shy.

Go to your sister's shy face, love is to deliberately create opportunities for me to praise you.

Cloud crane see his this appearance, don't know why always feel a burst of teeth itch, even Youya is also secretly curling his mouth, only Liuli stand behind him with a smile, silent.

"In addition, this mission is actually made by Yunhe himself, which has nothing to do with Wansheng tower." Cloud crane takes a deep breath, trying to keep a gentle and dignified smile, continues to explain.

Then he saw that Zhao Chengfeng had no response, so he had to go on: "as for the content of the task, it's also very simple, that is, to protect a person, and help him break the crystal of the altar, and prove to be a baron."

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