Zhao Chengfeng waves his hand to interrupt Yun He, who still has to continue.

"I'm sorry, but I can't accept your entrustment."

"Er... Refuse?" Cloud crane a Zheng, then slightly frown.

It seems that I didn't even say who I was paid or who I wanted to protect, so I refused. Is that too inhuman?

In front of such a beautiful woman, even if you want to refuse, shouldn't you be a little more tactful?

"In fact, the person to be protected is my brother. As long as things can succeed, I am willing to pay a thousand moon pearls and a Viscount level arm as a reward." Although a little angry, but cloud crane still not give up.

And in order to move Zhao Chengfeng, she is decisive to the psychological bottom line reward to report out.

Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng seemed to refuse, he quickly added: "don't be in a hurry to refuse. The reward can be discussed again... If it's not enough, I can add another 500 monthly beads, and I can pay you half of the reward first!"

The first time she reported the reward, Youya's eyes lit up. It seemed that Zhao Chengfeng had to refuse. She was worried. Unexpectedly, Yunhe added another 500 Yuezhu and could pay the reward first.

Little girl heart move, looking at Zhao Chengfeng's eyes, can't help showing a trace of admiration, really worthy of stingy uncle, really cunning, easy to earn five hundred beads.

I'll figure out how much I can share, two hundred or three hundred, with 1500 Yuezhu and a Viscount level weapon. Wow, my second bucket of gold is coming!

The more she thought about it, the more excited she was. She was afraid of Zhao Chengfeng's brain pumping. Without waiting for him to speak, she grabbed Yunhe's hands and said, "don't worry, Miss Yunhe, this task is up to us."

"Get out of the way, and we'll have what we want!" Zhao Chengfeng pokes the little girl on her temple and pushes her aside mercilessly.

Then he looked at Xiang Yunhe again and shook his head. "It has nothing to do with the reward. Although I'm very happy that Miss Yunhe looks up to Qianzhi, I'm sorry that I'm in a lot of trouble and I can't protect myself. I think Miss Yunhe knows that."

"What, Uncle..." Youya saw that Zhao Chengfeng refused again. She was very anxious, but she was glared by Zhao Chengfeng. She was cold in her heart, and she didn't dare to make any more mischief, but she still snorted unconvinced and glanced aside.

Just see Liuli is looking at her contemptuously, not from a Leng.

Then he burst into a rage, apricot eyes a stare, want to attack, but Liuli but jokingly smile, and then raised his head, ignored her.

This... This woman is so... Angry!?

You ya can't breathe for a long time, but it can't attack again, and the silver teeth are almost broken.


On the other hand, Yunhe is surprised to see that Zhao Chengfeng refuses again.

She felt that her offer had been generous.

Does he know something? No, he should not know, that is to say, he should make a judgment based on intuition.

"Thousand childish young master, won't even give cloud crane a chance?" Cloud crane bit bit lip, still don't give up of ask a way.

"Hey, don't say such ambiguous words, OK? If you are heard, you think Miss Yunhe wants to soak me? I don't want to be killed by Miss Yunhe's pursuers because of this misunderstanding. " Zhao Chengfeng raised his hands to make a surrender, but his mouth was very obscene.

Cloud crane's pretty face is slightly red, and stares at him.

But still can't help but ask: "can let cloud crane know the reason of refusal?"

"The reason, I should have said, I can't help you. I'm far away now. I've offended two big forces in this black street city. Maybe I'll die as soon as I get out of the city. Where can I have the ability to protect others?" Zhao Chengfeng is a little impatient.

Although I appreciate Miss Qianhe's vision, and appreciate that she can see brother Feng's extraordinary, but they have already refused, and I still have to ask after all, Zhao Chengfeng is a bit tired and crooked.

"If such reasons haven't satisfied Miss Yunhe, I'll be more frank, because I don't like being treated as a fool and cannon fodder. Is that enough?"

Zhao Chengfeng said a meaningful look at the cloud crane.

The latter's face changed again, and his eyes flashed with surprise.

Hearing what Zhao Chengfeng said, she immediately understood that her previous guess was good. Zhao Chengfeng really knew something, or guessed something.

A trace of guilt flashed in his eyes. "I'm sorry, Qianzhi Shaozhu. It's Yunhe's fault. Yunhe does hide something, but please forgive Yunhe for his troubles. I..."

"Stop, it doesn't matter to me whether you are in trouble or not. You don't have to tell me anything. I'm not interested." Zhao Chengfeng interrupted her again, and then made a please gesture, "Miss Yunhe, please come back. If I have the chance, I hope I can cooperate with you in business, but I really can't do anything else now! "

Although his words are decisive, they are true. He is too busy to get involved in other people's troubles.

Glass tacit understanding came to the door, hand opened the door.

Cloud crane smell speech slightly silent, then get up slightly a gift, "sorry, is cloud crane bold."

With another salute, he turned and walked to the door. When he came to the door, his steps stopped slightly. He looked back and wanted to say nothing, but finally nodded and turned away.

Zhao Chengfeng also nodded back, but did not say more, not to retain.

At this time, Youya finally wakes up and realizes that Yunhe's entrustment is not so simple, but he doesn't know where it is.

For the dialogue between Zhao Chengfeng and Yunhe, it is even more incomprehensible.

It wasn't until Yunhe had gone for a long time that he came back to his senses. He couldn't help asking, "uncle, what do you mean by what you just said to miss Yunhe? How do you know that she has hidden something? Besides, you don't even give her a chance to explain the situation. Isn't it too heartless?"

Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head and smiles, but does not answer her. Instead, he looks at Liuli.

The latter leans slightly towards Zhao Chengfeng, then looks up and says with some reserve: "this question is not difficult to answer. That Miss Yunhe, who is the owner of Wansheng building and has a high status, is probably the owner of Wansheng building, or has a close relationship with the owner of Wansheng building. Like a daughter or something. "

"In a word, in her capacity, there should be no problem in some of the forces that want to dominate Wansheng building. Although Wansheng building is only a commercial building, it is impossible for it to have a foothold in the black street city without the power to protect a baron to be a baron. "

"In this case, if there is no special reason, why does she have to leave the protection of her brother to an outsider?"

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