Youya mouth slightly open, some surprised looking at glass.

She is not a fool, these problems before she did not expect, a glass pointed out, she naturally immediately understand the abnormal place.

But Liuli this woman unexpectedly all saw these problems, she did not see, this let her some unconvinced, also some not reconciled.

After thinking about it, she argued: "even so, maybe she doesn't want to use the power of Wansheng building. And it's just Wansheng building. Even if there's any problem, uncle won't be afraid of them, will he? "

She asked, really put the glass asked, also can't help but slightly a Leng.

Indeed, with Zhao Chengfeng's current strength, you ya doesn't know, but Liuli knows that Zhao Chengfeng has successfully stepped into the void breaking realm, which is equivalent to the world's count level power.

And she also knew that Zhao Chengfeng was no worse than the ordinary early stage of breaking the void before he made a breakthrough. Now he is going further and should be more powerful.

According to her conjecture, there should be no more than one person who can threaten Zhao Chengfeng in the Black Street City, and Wansheng building is definitely not included.

"This, I think, thousand childish adult should be more than one thing less..." Liuli some uncertain way.

You ya see she can't answer, immediately feel comfortable, toward her make a face, and then look to Zhao Chengfeng.

Although Liuli is annoyed by her face, her scheming is not leisurely and elegant. She doesn't care about biting her teeth. She turns her head and looks at Zhao Chengfeng.

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head. "It's not so simple. If I guess correctly, the reason why Miss Yunhe gave up the power of Wansheng building and came to us instead should not be inside Wansheng building, nor must it be aimed at us. Although she may want to use me, the main reason should be to guard against who or what influence ~! "

"Who?" Youya asked subconsciously.

Zhao Chenggong said with a smile, "how can I know that? Anyway, I always feel that Miss Yunhe and her younger brother should be in trouble."

"But it's none of our business."

Two women smell speech subconsciously nod, although Youya still some heartache cloud crane promise of those pay, but Zhao Chengfeng made a decision, she also didn't break the law, so pouted: "now, also want to go to the trade union?"

"Go, why not?"



Wansheng building.

The manager of Wuhe, who has been waiting for a long time, sees Yunhe coming in from outside the door, and hastens to meet him.

A look at the cloud crane's face, has not yet opened his mouth, the heart clapped.

But there are many people here, and he doesn't ask much.

Can only pretend to nothing with a smile greeting.

"Well." Cloud crane nods, also didn't say much, then turned body up the third floor.

Wuhe steward didn't immediately follow up. After sending Yunhe upstairs, he continued to talk and laugh with a guest as if nothing had happened.

But his eyes were watching the reactions of other people in the shop, including other stewards, waiters, servants, and even other guests.

This look, he immediately found that there are several people, although seemingly nothing happened, but the eyes are vaguely revealed some unnatural.

Of course, these people are very good at covering up. If they don't have a heart, they can't see any difference at all.

If Wu he had not suspected these people for a long time, he would never have noticed.

But now the performance of those people made him feel resentful and sneer.

"Sure enough, as the young lady guessed, those people really have a lot of eyes and ears."

At the same time, he could not help thinking of the expression of cloud crane.

There's something wrong in my heart.

He grew up watching the young lady and the young master. Even after the changes of that year, coupled with the years of hard work, the young lady would not have been the innocent young lady. If things were not really bad, she would never have any emotional leakage.

The young lady just now, although she still maintained her usual appearance, he could see the sadness and disappointment in her eyes.

It seems that the first lady's trip is not smooth.

But if it's just not smooth, the first lady should not be like this. Does it mean that

Because he was worried, Wu he finally found a reason and tried not to arouse other people's ideas and doubts.

As soon as I enter the door, I see cloud crane standing in front of a picture of pine and crane.

Black crane heart move, silent sigh.

Then he closed the door with a soft backhand.

"Miss..." Wu he called softly.

"Ah, uncle Wuhe, are you here?" Cloud crane a Zheng, return to God.

"Yes." Cloud crane slightly agreed, and then looked at the painting, a trace of sadness flashed in his turbid eyes, "the young lady is looking at the painting left by the adult, is it the young master..."

"Ah ~" the cloud crane sighed, drew back his eyes, then nodded and said: "he refused."

Although he had expected that, Wu he could not help frowning, "can't a thousand moon pearls and a Viscount's arm move him?"

"No, not quite." Cloud crane Xiu eyebrow micro Cu, stopped a way: "he seems to guess something."

"Ah, isn't..." Wu he was surprised when he heard the words.

Cloud crane shakes his head, "don't worry, he should just guess. In fact, it's not hard to guess. After all, we are willing to go for a long way. We don't need the power of the commercial building itself or the power of the city, but we need to find a new comer. As long as we are a little smart, we should be suspicious."

Then He reproached himself and said, "I'm in a hurry. If I wait, it might be better to find the right time."

Wu he gave a wry smile to the manager, and then comforted him: "Miss, you don't need to blame yourself too much. If you can't, we'd better go to the city master's house, maybe..."

"No, the Lord of the city won't let people help Xiao Yu to take the baron." As for Wu he's proposal to take charge of the affairs, Yun he vetoed it without waiting for him to finish saying, "although the Lord of the city gives us protection, he will never touch the bottom line of those people, and the bottom line of those people is that he will never allow us to have a powerful male grandson."

"What's more, the presence of a powerful male grandson of the crane clan has no benefit to the Lord of the city. What he needs is our influence and earning power. He is a crane clan that he can absolutely control, not a crane clan that may be out of control."

The more cloud crane said, the colder his voice was, the brighter and colder his eyes were.

Finally, his eyes fell on the white crane again, but the trance and decadence in his eyes had disappeared, but it was replaced by a touch of determination.

"But I, the crane people, will never sink, never!"

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