"The trade union, theoretically speaking, is the sixth largest force in the black street city besides the city Lord's office and the four overlords in the southeast, northwest and North. But in fact, the trade union's status is very detached."

"Although the trade union does not have the top fighting power in the Black Street City, no party dares to despise it because it is different from several overlords, even the city leader's office. It is not a force limited to any city or place."

"In fact, no one knows how powerful the trade union is, whether it's in the eternal world or in the Black Death world. Anyway, we only know that there are so-called trade unions in every gathering place with a larger scale."

"The union is so tough?" Hearing you Ya's introduction, Zhao Chengfeng was slightly surprised.

I didn't expect that this so-called "trade union" is such a terrible organization. It really runs through the two circles and unifies the world.

"However, such an organization, will those big forces tolerate its existence?" As a man of the earth in the 21st century, Zhao Chengfeng doesn't study and care much about political issues, but even so, he knows how the existence of such an organization is a threat to those who are in a dominant position.

Is this trade union run by the owner of longevity or the owner of drivers.

However, no matter whether these two legends really exist in the world or not, even if they do exist, it is understandable that they can operate in their own territory. How can they allow each other's territory.

Is it a py deal?

But these questions, you ya a little girl film certainly cannot answer.

So after listening, she just shook her head impatiently, "how can I know? Anyway, what do you care so much about? We just need to know that we can take on tasks and make money. "

Then he thought about it, touched his chin and said, "but I remember hearing my old man mention it to others. I remember they said at that time that these trade unions didn't seem to belong to each other. They just said that there was an agreement between them and that there was a punishment order."

"They don't belong to each other? Agreement... Punishment order... "Zhao Chengfeng was slightly stunned, and he could not help touching his chin. Then he moved in his heart, and suddenly he said," I see. I probably understand. Hehe, the person who has developed such a force is really a talent. "

"What, do you understand? What do you understand?" You ya see his smile strange, can't help but some inexplicable, why I didn't understand, he understood? Really?

But Zhao Chengfeng laughs and doesn't answer her.

While they were talking, they came to the union hall of the black street city.

Like most of the buildings in black street city, even the legendary trade union has no such attribute as magnificence or grand scale. Although it is more "formal" than other low and wonderful buildings, yes, it is formal or serious.

This is a serious house. That's what Zhao Chengfeng can think of and describe the legendary union hall in front of him.

It's just a few ordinary houses and a relatively spacious hall. It feels like a small vegetable farm in the world.

After entering, there were a lot of people. The whole hall was full of heads. Most of them were adventurous warriors with rough appearance. At first sight, they were mercenaries who were good at fighting.

Then there are a lot of stalls that seem to be a little messy. There are signs in front of each stall, and some people yell out: "go, go, strength brush small moon demon team, only one person short, ask for a master, come and go!"

"Shouzhu team, led by Baron experts, has rich experience..."

"Auxiliary xiaomengxin is obedient, clever, coquettish, cute and demanding..."

"Recruit several battle Baron masters, salary is negotiable, can day knot..."

Looking at everything in front of him, Zhao Chengfeng was a little confused. He suddenly felt that he had thought too much just now. "Maybe the reason why such an organization is not suspected is that it does not have a plan, or a clever system, or just because it is not worth being suspected at all?"

It's like every city in the world wants a vegetable market, but no ruler will take the market as a threat. If the owners of these markets are not the same person, it seems that even if they are close to each other.

Of course, though Zhao Chengfeng make complaints about this, he knows that he can open the vegetable market in this world. He is not an ordinary vegetable market owner, and, moreover, it is not the vegetable market.

Just when Zhao Chengfeng was in a daze, an uncle with a moustache warmly welcomed him.

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen Uncle came near, a very noble hand on the chest, slightly saluted.

Zhao Chengfeng and you ya are stunned, but they all politely return a gift, "good afternoon, sir."

Although Zhao Chengfeng does not adapt to this kind of etiquette, but as a Chinese, do as the Romans do.

"It's amazing that both of them are so young, but they have extraordinary strength." Uncle is exaggeration and sincere flattery.

Zhao Chengfeng's mouth corners are tiny and can't be checked. This uncle is really telling lies with his eyes open. It's just suitable for Youya.

But if it's used on him, it's hard to say whether it's flattery or satire unless uncle sees through his real combat power.

Although he thinks he is young and beautiful, he can at least see his age. At least he is twenty-three or twenty-four years old.

And his present breath and the breath of the meritorious card are at the level of baroness.

Is it really amazing to be a baron at such an age?

To make complaints about Zhao Chengfeng's cough, he said, "Sir, you flatter me. I am a little better than the average genius. This is not worth praising. But what's the important thing for this gentleman to greet us so warmly? "

"... $%..." this time it's uncle moustache's turn to sprout coins,... Better than ordinary talents. Are you sure you are really awake?

However, the uncle did not look like an ordinary person. After a little embarrassment, he immediately regained his nature and nodded: "yes, it's really a very important thing. Oh, before talking about business, please allow me to introduce myself: my name is bill, but people who know me well all call me honest bill!"

"Honest Bill..." Zhao Chengfeng said again.

From the beginning to the end, where does this uncle have anything to do with the word honesty?

"Well, Mr. bill, if you don't mind, I'll talk about your important business later. Before that, please forgive us for not being with you any more." Zhao Chengfeng was still holding the idea that he didn't know such a place anyway, and it was good to have a little contact with this uncle.

However, after listening to a few words, I felt that Uncle Bill was not only unreliable, but also unable to get to the point, so I immediately lost patience.

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