Uncle moustache was stunned, and then in a hurry, he reached out to stop Zhao Chengfeng and Youya.

At the same time, he said busily: "no, sir, please give old bill more patience. You can rest assured that what I want to say is absolutely beneficial to you."

"Oh, sorry, I don't buy Amway, I don't buy insurance, and I'm not interested in storefront room." When Zhao Chengfeng saw that he even used the honorific title of your excellency, he couldn't help taking a puff.

A baroness "Sir"... Ha ha~

But it didn't change his mind.

On the contrary, he didn't want to pay any attention.

The so-called ceremony to people must have a plan.

Although Zhao Chengfeng knows that he certainly can't be an Amway or an insurance salesman, there is no difference in essence.

When he reached out to stop him, he laughed.

But light and nimble pull you ya tiny a Shan, avoided his to obstruct, haven't waited for the small beard uncle to react to come over, the person already passed him.

Old Bill didn't expect that he, an old Baron, was evaded by the other side without finding out how the other side crossed him. He was stunned again.

However, he was anxious and didn't think much about it. He just thought it was his negligence.

As for what Zhao Chengfeng said, he understood every word, but he had no idea what he said.

What case, what insurance? What is that

But he can feel Zhao Chengfeng's attitude, which makes him feel anxious.

Their mission this time is very critical, and it can even be said that it is related to the life and death of their team. If they were not at the end of their tether, he would not have made a decision on the two soldiers.

And one of the young lads said, at least it's OK to do some chores, while the other girl was probably reluctant to do soy sauce.

But what can we do? Their team is in an awkward situation now. Anyone who knows something about it will avoid them. Who will join them?

The reason why he takes aim at Zhao Chengfeng and Youya is that they are all strange faces.

I thought that as soon as the Baron opened his mouth, it was easy to cheat two new melons.

As long as the two people are fooled into the team, enough people are gathered to take the task first. As for whether the two people can work, let's talk about it later.

But he didn't expect that the two gentlemen didn't buy his Baron level master's account, which was very embarrassing.

I'm also worried, so even the honorific "Sir" has been used.

But the two kids still ignored him.

It hurt him a little, "ah, young people nowadays really don't know how to respect the old and love the young at all ~!"

Bill was upset in his heart, but he couldn't hurry to chase them. "Hey, don't go, just listen to me, just two words..."

But Zhao Chengfeng didn't mean to stop at all, and he was very fast. In the crowded crowd, he was as flexible and quick as the fish in the water.

Old Bill was surprised to find that he couldn't catch up.

This surprised uncle moustache and made him stare.

At this meeting, he was a fool, and he could see that this young man was not as simple as an ordinary taxi baron.

This makes him surprised at the same time, but also can not help a burst of heart heat.

Good guy, I didn't expect to catch two rookies casually. They turned out to be real experts ~!

"Ha ha, it's my old bill. He has a good eye."

If such a master can be successfully drawn into the team, this task can increase at least 10% of the grasp.


Old Bill was trying his best to push forward in the crowd when he found that the young man who was about to lose his goal suddenly stopped.

Old Bill was surprised, but then he was very happy, because he found that Zhao Chengfeng stopped because he was stopped. One of the two people who stopped Zhao Chengfeng was a beautiful young woman with plump figure and hot clothes. Beside the young woman was an honest 18-9-year-old boy.

At the sight of the two, bill was very happy. He quickly raised his hand and cried, "Adele, these two are my new team-mates, so we must stop them. Well, we must keep them with enthusiasm..."

His words are so nondescript that Zhao Chengfeng almost has a cramp at the corner of his mouth.

That simple and honest young man is also a red face. Other people around him are looking at each other, and everyone's eyes are weird.

But the young woman did not care about a smile, raised her hand toward the wheezing uncle moustache made a gesture on me.

At the same time, Zhao Chengfeng, who was obsequious, said enthusiastically: "it's a new teammate. Welcome. For an introduction, my name is Adele, and this boy's name is horade. But since we are all teammates, we don't need to be so born. If we don't dislike it, just call me Adele's elder sister, or my elder sister. "

"..." both Zhao Chengfeng and you ya can't react.

What new teammates?

Is there something wrong with you!

But the beautiful and sexy young woman in front of her seems to have no such consciousness at all. When she speaks, Xuebai Fengyi's arm has been put on Zhao Chengfeng's shoulder generously and forthrightly. The snow-white scenery flashes from the neckline, and Zhao Chengfeng is dizzy.

Beside you ya see this small face is inexplicable gas of iron green, small tiger teeth is bite of squeak ring.

And that honest boy is also old face red, desperately low head.

But old bill, who was about to squeeze in front of him, saw this situation, his turbid eyes brightened, and he praised in his heart, "it's really true that he's the demon Baron Adele, powerful!"

Ha ha, with Adele's help, even this difficult boy will be in the clutches of the devil.

"Lovely new teammates, my sister has introduced herself, you don't tell my sister your name, it's very impolite ~!" Adele is very casual on the surface, but she can't help laughing when she sees Zhao Chengfeng staring at the white light on her chest.

I don't feel angry in my heart. On the contrary, I have a funny feeling of teasing little boys.

Before the dialogue between Old Bill and Zhao Chengfeng, as well as Zhao Chengfeng's action, she also saw in the eyes, it is also to see that Zhao Chengfeng is not simple, she came out to show.

Originally thought it should be very difficult to deal with, ha ha, it seems just a little boy.

She is thinking about this in her heart, but suddenly she feels that her arm is slipping, and the place where she used to build her strength is suddenly empty. In a daze, Zhao Chengfeng has already pulled Youya away from her jade arm.

Adele was surprised.

I ran away

Next to old bill is also a Leng, "isn't it, 'great' Adele's hand can't make this boy?"

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