Zhao Chengfeng turned around slowly, looked at the owner of the voice, and then said coldly: "roll ~!"

"Hiss ~!"

Zhao Chengfeng this a roll word exit, all around cannot help but ring out a piece of breathing sound.

All people stare at Zhao Chengfeng.

"Where did this come from? Are you crazy?"

"It's not crazy. The madman must be more sober than him. He dares to call the little master of the blue and white club, master Huo Lun. He's just tired of living."

Don't mention other people, even Adele, they can't help but grow up and look at Zhao Chengfeng with the expression of looking at the monster. They don't know if this product is brain pumping, or brain pumping, or brain pumping.

Who is that? Huo Lun, one of the five major forces of the Black Street City, is one of the famous little tyrants of the black street city.

Even their elite team, whose main body is all Baron level, just accidentally provoked him and was forced to be on the verge of death. Even so, they had to swallow their anger.

Although we can see that the young man is really a little different before, the breath he gives out is the rank of a scholar, at best, the rank of a baron to be. If we give him a higher estimate, we can draw the battle power of an old Baron at most.

Such combat power is really precious among ordinary warriors.

But such strength dare to let Huolun roll?

But to everyone's surprise, Huo Lun heard the word "roll", his face was green and white, his teeth were creaking, but he didn't attack. Even the people around him were on guard, and didn't dare to move.

At a time when everyone thought that there was going to be a conflict at the next moment, Huo Lun turned away from everyone's expectation. He shook his hand, turned green and left without saying a word.

Seeing this, Zhao Chengfeng was slightly surprised. He didn't expect that the young master of blue and white would give such advice. He thought he might have to do something.

But now he didn't care much. Even if he brought out the blue and white count, he was not afraid.

Who knows, the boy should be so counseling.

He does not know, in Huolun's eyes, he has been positioned as a very strong and reckless madman.

The reason for this impression is that in addition to Zhao Chengfeng's "stupidity" after offending him, the scene of Liuli killing the slave leader also helps.

One of the women he saved is so crazy that he can recover himself.

Considering these impressions, Huo Lun, who almost didn't spit out in the dark at that time, naturally classified him as a madman.

Although Huolun himself seems to be boastful and arrogant on the surface, it's just his protective color. In fact, he is a very cautious person.

The so-called horizontal afraid of Leng, Leng afraid not to die.

In Huo Lun's eyes, Zhao Chengfeng is undoubtedly the kind of person who is not scared and desperate. The most important thing is that he still has some strength. Unless his father does it in person, he will never be able to kill Zhao Chengfeng with his own strength.

And once you can't do it, offending this kind of madman is equivalent to hanging a sword on your head that may fall at any time.

As a person who cherishes his life, he should not take such a risk. In case of being attacked by this madman, even after that, what if his Laozi killed the goods and avenged him?

Based on this consideration, the young master of the blue and white Association wisely chose to leave without saying a word.

I have to say that his choice really saved himself to some extent.

However, Zhao Chengfeng didn't know about these situations. Seeing the boy's advice, he couldn't help but curl his mouth. Then he threatened again in a cold voice, "from now on, I'll cover the magic team. You'd better give me less trouble in the future! Otherwise, I will beat you once I see you. "

Huo lunqi's face turned white, but he didn't look back.

Obviously, he has decided to go all the way.

"But this crazy bastard insulted me so much. It's not over. I have to find a way. I'd better kill two birds with one stone."

What Huo Lun thought in his heart, how to make up his mind, and no one else knew his psychology.

And the people on the scene, see Zhao Chengfeng a word scared off Huo Lun, not finish, even dare to threaten, one by one do not know what to say.

"..." all the people were speechless.

"What's the situation?"

"Who is this?"

After a long silence, the whole hall began to make a slow commotion, secretly observing Zhao Chengfeng and whispering to each other, asking who this person was?

Don't say, someone recognized Zhao Chengfeng.

No one had noticed him before.

Now that he's in his mind, some people recognize him. Some even recognize him as the person who was angry with the purple wind club a few days ago.

"It turns out that he is Qianzhi, the young master of Wuchen's family on May 9. He is so powerful."

"But wasn't he expelled by the Wuchen family on May 9? It is said that he is still offering a reward. This kind of identity should not be enough for Huo Lun to fear? "

"I think what he can make Huo Lun afraid of is not his identity but his strength. In terms of identity, let alone that he has been expelled. Even if he has not been expelled, the only count of Wuchen family disappeared on May 9. What else can Huo Lun fear?"

"Cut, pull, according to your meaning, he can also bear blue and white count Lord?"

"Haha, it's hard to say. You don't know, this one didn't just fight Huo Lun today, but he also fought Zifeng before..."

Someone immediately embellished the incident a few days ago.

"Haha, count Zifeng was at the end of the bridge at that time, but he didn't dare to do it..." someone said with a little pride, as if it was him who confronted count Zifeng at that time.

However, many people scoff at this kind of speech, "pull it, count Zifeng will not dare to do it. I think count Zifeng doesn't want to do it. How old is he, and how strong can he stand the count? "

The person who spoke before was also a little guilty, and finally argued: "anyway, the count of Zifeng had confronted him at that time, and he didn't do it at last, even the Viscount of Zifeng club didn't do it. I can't help but watch that group of slave captors being killed. Even the slave captains, tut Tut, the one who died is miserable... "

Hearing this description, people can't help but quietly look at Zhao Chengfeng with different looks. Some are suspicious, some worship, and some don't think so.

And Adele three people also heard these comments, looking at Zhao Chengfeng's eyes are inexplicably strange, it seems that they don't know how to face the new teammate who just wanted to win over.

In particular, the previous sentence, "magic team is covered by me" let a few people a little bit do not know how to position themselves.

Teammates? Or affiliated?

At the same time, they are also guessing the meaning of Zhao Chengfeng's words and how much weight they have?

Can you really cover it?

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