"I'm sorry. I was rude." Adele gave a bitter smile and apologized awkwardly.

On the other hand, Uncle Bill also laughed bitterly. Who can think of this kind of thing? He just pulled two people to make a full count, but in the end he slapped face again and again.

It's so awesome that you pretend to be a scholar. Isn't that intentional?

Although they are not clear about Zhao Chengfeng's specific strength, they subconsciously think that Zhao Chengfeng has hidden his strength by looking at Huo Lun's reaction and listening to the comments of people around him.

Although they don't know how to do it, they didn't see it at all.

Of course, they never thought that this man is not a person in this world at all, and the cultivation system is completely different. In addition, some strange reasons that Zhao Chengfeng himself does not know, even if he does not hide at all, people in this world can only sense the fluctuation of his title.

It's not that Zhao Chengfeng wants to play a pig and eat a tiger.

"Ha ha, little things." Zhao Chengfeng looks at the two people, probably know what they think, but he did not go out of his way to explain anything.

They are not familiar with each other, let alone friends.

Although he said that the team was covered by him just now, it was just because when they were in danger just now, they even considered not to involve him. They felt that their character was good, so they just said it.

Finish saying to put to wave a hand, immediately and you ya plan to leave.

Adele and bill saw that Zhao Chengfeng was going to leave, and they opened their mouths to talk, but they didn't speak in the end.

Next to the honest young holder, ignorant, did not notice the two companions in the eyes of the bitter smile.

Watching Zhao Chengfeng and Youya walk through the crowd and toward the back of the hall, the young man's eyes are shining, full of worship and vision. "I didn't expect that the villain Huo Lun was scared to go away by a word. This adult must be a great man. If only I had such a powerful one one day."

"Hold has ambition, work hard, you can do it!" Old Bill reached out and patted him on the shoulder, smiling and encouraging.

"Uncle Bill, do you really think so?" Teenagers are encouraged to shine.

"Of course, I'm an honest old Bill who never cheats!" Uncle moustache, ha ha, once again patted the boy on the shoulder with a smile.

Adele also laughed and encouraged: "I don't know how powerful that gentleman is or what kind of person he is, but I also believe that our little holder is no worse than anyone else."

"Ha ha ~!" The simple and honest boy was praised by two people one after another. Suddenly, he had some bad intentions. He giggled and his rough and slightly childish face was red to his neck and ears.

This kind of performance makes him look more naive than usual, and he can't see that he was the same child not long ago, and he was still an angry young beast in the face of Huolun.

However, although shy, his heart is really full of determination and vision.

But his two companions are not as relaxed as they appear.

Both of them knew that their troubles had been solved temporarily because of this unexpected mysterious figure.

But in fact, the so-called solution only gives them some temporary relief, but their real troubles are still there.

They subconsciously look around, different from before. What they meet is blatant ridicule, but they are obviously isolated. Even when they pass by, they intentionally or unintentionally avoid a certain distance.

In such a crowded hall, a vacuum formed in a few steps around them.

Old Bill and Adele looked at each other and saw the bitter smile in each other's eyes.

Obviously, the mysterious figure just now covered them, and Huo Lun left. However, according to the performance of the people around, everyone still didn't think highly of their small team.

No one's eyes seem to say, stay away from these three guys, otherwise it will be bad luck.

In fact, it's not hard to guess what people think.

First of all, I'm not familiar with the mysterious Wuchen Qianzhi before. Even if he can let Huo Lun go, Huo Lun is a powerful old Earl with the blue and white Club behind him.

And that five Chen thousand childish, although some people see him and purple wind count confrontation.

But what does that mean? At most, it only means that he has some strength or courage. Although it's great, it doesn't mean that he really has the strength to fight a count.

Moreover, this is the black street city. Huo Lun is a local leader. That Wuchen Qianzhi is just a passer-by. Even if Huo Lun is really afraid of him, the most important thing is that he doesn't move the magic team when he is there. As soon as that guy leaves, it's strange that Huo Lun, who has suffered a lot, will be even worse if he doesn't change.

That's not just what other people think. Adele and old Bill have the same consciousness in their hearts.

Of course, this is not the most urgent, the main problem is, according to this situation, they are more difficult to pull team-mates.

They can't get enough people together. They still can't take the previous task.

If they can't take the task, they can't get it. It's something waiting for help.

"Sure enough, I should have invited you again just now!" Adele sighed.

"Er, this... |" Old Bill said, "I'm afraid it may not be useful."

"The strength of others can make Huolun afraid and count Zifeng afraid. Even if he is not an earl, at least a Viscount must be there. They are such a baron team. If they have the cheek to invite a Viscount, how can they say that? Why should they agree?"

"That said, but, ah... Forget it. In that case, I really have no face to speak again." Adele breathed out, "no matter, go to the mission announcement point first, and see if anyone is interested in that mission, or we can buy it for a price."

"That's the only way." Old bill also nodded, but he felt that there was not much hope for it.

With the difficulty of that task, the general Baron level team will not take it easily, unless it is also a fancy to that thing.

What's more, although it's not as important to others as they are, it's still a very precious good thing. How can people get it easily?

However, even if it's true, it's better not to say it when there is no choice. At least there is a glimmer of hope. He knows that Adele is laughing on the surface, but her heart is more painful than anyone else.

Old Bill couldn't bear to say heavy words to get rid of her last fluke.

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