"No, why? The rank of the team is not enough. What is that? Why is this strange rule... "

Adele did not expect that as soon as they arrived at the task announcement point, they met the young master and the girl again.

When three people see two people, young girl Youya is slapping the table in front of the union staff with an angry face.

And the mysterious young master looked at the girl sarcastically with his arms in his arms, "ha ha, this is what you say, you know it like the back of your hand..."

The girl seemed to be angry. She turned her head and glared at him fiercely. "What I said is as clear as the palm of my hand. It refers to the common sense about the undead species and the underworld. How can I know the strange rules made by the strange trade union in this strange city?"

"This is not the rule of our family, but the unified rule of the trade union in every city of the underworld and the eternal world. It's not surprising that each hunting team will receive tasks of different levels according to the team leader's accomplishments and the task points he has completed. "

She did not fall, Zhao Chengfeng did not speak, the face of her anger did not change the clerk is not willing to back this black pot, mercilessly exposed her excuse.

"Shut up, don't say a word, no one treats you as dumb!" The girl's excuse was exposed. Seeing Zhao Chengfeng's sarcastic sneer, she blushed slightly, and then glared at the clerk.

Then he took a look at Zhao Chengfeng with a guilty heart. He was somewhat ungrateful.

Although she still insists that this kind of thing can't blame her at all, originally, what kind of task to take is everyone's freedom, as long as you can do according to your ability, you can finish it, anyway, you can't finish it and you can't get benefits. Why should there be such a strange rule to add to the cake.

Seeing her appearance, Zhao Chengfeng was amused. He shook his head and sighed, but he didn't really blame her.

Because from the very beginning, he could see that this girl was actually a young lady who ran out of her family. Although she had a wide range of knowledge, it only proved that she had received a very systematic and high education. As for this kind of "low-level" market knowledge, it was not surprising that she did not know.

It's just fun to laugh at her.

So he didn't chase after her any more, just joked and let her go, then looked at the task bulletin board.

The so-called bulletin board actually looks like a white wall, but according to the color of the text, it is divided into eight areas.

At the top of each area are the words "Baron, Baron, viscount, count, marquis, Duke and Baron". Obviously, as the clerk said, all tasks here are divided into eight levels.

According to the level of the team, you can only receive regional tasks of the same level or below.

But the highest task here seems to be only count level, and the area above the Marquis is basically blank.

However, in Wang Jue's area, there was a message written in bright red, which made Zhao Chengfeng feel a little surprised.

In such a shabby place, someone even issued a task at the rank of Wang Jue to whom? It's not funny, is it?

Another look at the content of the task, Zhao Chengfeng can't help but smoke again. The whole task has less than 20 words.

[searching for the secrets of the world; Task overview: none; Task requirements: unlimited

Then there is a small line at the end: all regional trade unions are effective, and there is no limit on the number of times to complete.

Then there's no more. I didn't even mention the task reward.

"It seems that the people who issued this task did not expect anyone to take it or complete it at all."

If it wasn't for the fact that this is a great trade union, it would be impossible to make fun of this kind of thing. Zhao Chengfeng almost thinks that this is written by some kid's prank.

Then he shook his head and stopped paying attention to it.

Turn to the mission area of Baron level.

This is also the area with the most task information.

I don't know what technology is used to write this bulletin board, whether it's an array or a refining tool or a alchemy. The text information can even automatically roll and refresh.

But obviously, it does not use electronic technology similar to the earth world. The words seem to be written directly on the wall with a pen, and the wall also seems to be an ordinary wall.

But every one or two minutes, these text messages will be automatically hidden, and then a batch of new text will appear. Let Zhao Chengfeng be sure that it is not written directly.

But Zhao Chengfeng looked all around, and did not see any equipment similar to projection. At the same time, there was no projection light.

"Sure enough, it is not easy for any civilization to develop to a certain extent."

Zhao Chengfeng sighed in his heart and became more and more interested in the world.

Zhao Chengfeng also saw the possibility of changing the fate of the earth.

It's just that there's too much information, and it's all at the rank of nobility. Of course, it's impossible for awards to go anywhere high. Many of them only have one or two sun beads, and even have Chen beads as a unit.

Let Zhao Chengfeng lose interest more and more.

"Dare to ask, how many of these tasks need to be done before the team's authority can be upgraded?" Zhao Chengfeng looks at the clerk.

"It doesn't have to depend on the assessment of task completion. Usually, if you have completed 20 Sergeant Level tasks, you can open the authority to receive Baron level. Of course, the premise is that the team leader must have Baron level. " Although there was still no expression on the clerk's face, the explanation was quite serious.

But before he finished, he casually rolled his eyelids and took a look at Zhao Chengfeng, "but with respect, compared with this, I think it's not too late for the two to form a complete team first."

"Is there a limit on the number of people in a complete team?" Zhao Chengfeng was stunned.

Then look to you ya, but see the latter open big eyes, a face of naive lovely. Can't help but roll a white eye, as expected this wench also doesn't know this at all.

The clerk also rolled his eyes and didn't bother to answer his question.

Zhao Chengfeng's mouth twitches and is obviously despised again.

"How many people does a team usually have?"

The clerk held out four fingers instead of answering.

"Four?" Zhao Chengfeng asked with confirmation, suddenly thinking of Adele and old bill.

"Yes, but four people are only the minimum basis. If the task publisher has requirements, it's not necessary. However, there are no more than seven people, more than seven, less than 30. We usually automatically identify them as medium-sized collaborative tasks. If there are more than 30 people, they will be identified as large-scale tasks."

The receptionist explained.

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