"Isn't there a personal task?" Zhao Chengfeng frowned slightly.

"Yes, but it's usually a task above the Viscount level. Below the Viscount level, we will provide temporary employment. If you want to, you can register. If someone needs employment, we will inform you ~!" The clerk said and took out a registration book and other things to Zhao Chengfeng.

Zhao Chengfeng a look, sure enough, it has written a lot of names, as well as contact address and so on.

However, Zhao Chengfeng just glanced at it and shook his head. He was not interested in such things.

"No, thank you." Change the register book to a clerk, Zhao Chengfeng sighed slightly, a little bit sorry.

However, he came here originally as Youya's suggestion. The main reason is that the girl wants to make more money. He was not interested in it. Now he is interested in it. After listening to the explanation of the clerk, he knows that the rating of this team is common in the whole guild.

As long as the team leader, master the team's keepsake, then even if a city, even if all the team members are reorganized, the authority is still valid.

Zhao Chengfeng became interested because he felt that if he walked outside in the future, it should be useful.

Since we can't, let's forget it. After finding other people, we can do it together.

As for the temporary search for players, that's OK.

"Sir Qianzhi, are you going to take over the task?" Zhao Chengfeng was about to leave when he heard someone talking next to him. As soon as he turned his head, he saw Adele and old bill. He was stunned and nodded with a smile. "Yes, but it's my first time in this place. I didn't expect that there are still a lot of rules in this place."

Adele and old Bill saw the excitement in each other's eyes as soon as their eyes brightened and looked at each other. They thought they were hopeless, but they didn't expect another village.

"I see." Adele agreed, but in her heart she was quickly organizing her words. Finally, she made a decision, "well, Mr. Qianzhi, our previous proposal, no..."

When she said this, she suddenly shook her head, took a deep breath and changed her solemn voice: "Mr. Qianzhi, I take back my previous words. I now solemnly invite you and your companions to form a team with us. Please do answer my presumptuous request! "

With that, she pressed her right hand on her chest and bowed.

Behind her, old Bill and holder put their right hands on their chest and bowed.

They were so solemn that they immediately attracted the slight glances of the people around them.

Zhao Chengfeng smell speech, looking at still bent three people, slightly frown.

To be honest, he is still not interested in the request.

He has his own things to do. If he can freely take several tasks that can be easily completed according to his own wishes, he can also consider joining other people's team, which is unnecessary.

He wasn't even interested in organizing his own team.

"Mr. Qianzhi, I'm Viscount flame, the leader of flame hunting team. My companions and I also very much hope to have the honor to invite you to join us ~!"

Just at this time, there was another voice.

However, there was another leader of the hunting team. He had already aimed at Zhao Chengfeng and Youya before, but he was afraid of Zhao Chengfeng's strength. He was afraid to speak rashly and make a fool of himself, so he didn't speak. At this time, when he saw the magic team, he spoke first.

The leader couldn't help it, so he immediately stood up and asked.

With this opening, everyone around him was startled. "My God, it's the Viscount of flame! I didn't expect Viscount flame to take the initiative to invite this young master. It seems that you are really not simple. "

"It's no use saying that. If it's simple, can Huo Lun be scared to run away? But even so, if Viscount flame can invite me, it's my next jump. "

"That's the Viscount of flame, but it can rank in the top five among the Viscount of black street city. Besides him, the other three of flame team also have the strength of quasi viscount. The only difference is to wait for the opportunity to obtain the authority. Such strength is also among the best among all Viscount teams."

In the crowd's exclamation, Adele and Bill's heart is a thump.

For a moment, I felt the plot turned straight down.

Can not wait for them to slow down, and then there is the same sound one after another.

"The Da Qingfeng demon hunting team grew up in Qingfeng and met Mr. Qianzhi. Our da Qingfeng demon hunting team also hopes to have the honor to fight side by side with Mr. Qianzhi!"

"Three boat team..."

"Golden kite team..."


One by one, the voices rang out, and the people around them all grew up, while Adele and her three were completely confused, bent down and forgot to straighten up.

What's going on, what's going on, and why?

Are these team leaders crazy?

Zhao Chengfeng also frowned slightly.

He was a bit surprised, too.

If he understood Adele's invitation, they were regarded as the God of pestilence by others because they had offended Huolun. At the same time, there may be other reasons. But in short, they invited him mainly because they couldn't find anyone.

But what are the other teams for?

He did show some strength before, but that shouldn't make these people rush for it?

You know, he has offended the two overlord forces in the city now. The two Earl level strong men may attack at any time.

Do these people see through the essence of brother Feng?

No, it shouldn't be possible. Brother Feng, I hide so deeply, how can they see these dregs.

If he didn't know that the possibility was too small, he would almost think that these people already knew about his breakthrough.

All of a sudden, he thought of the possible purpose of these people.

"They don't like me. They should have got some information, so they mistakenly think that I have something to do with the Lord's mansion."

"In other words, the target of these is not brother Feng, but the Lord of the city. They want to establish a relationship with the Lord of the city through my line."

"Oh, pathetic!" Want to understand this, Zhao Chengfeng heart secretly sigh. Looking at these people, I feel that they are really pitiful.

If they know that I haven't even met the Lord of the city, they don't know what to look like.

Wait a minute. For these people, maybe it's more valuable to know Miss Elsa through me than to catch up with the Lord of the city directly? Maybe that's what they're fighting for.

"Damn it, my great brother Feng has been taken as a bridge of nepotism by these people. Damn it!"

Thinking of this, Zhao Chengfeng can't help biting his teeth.

But the smile on his face brightened up

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