"Ha ha, I didn't expect you to look up to me so much. It's hard for me to refuse." Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile.

The leaders of several teams couldn't help but feel happy and hostile to each other, especially the leader of the flame team who followed Adele.

In his opinion, these people are clearly to rob his business, as for the magic team is completely ignored by them.

There is no comparison between a half disabled Baron team and them.

"However..." Zhao Chengfeng suddenly turned his tone slightly and said slowly: "I have a habit that I don't like to be inferior to others, so I can join the team if I want to, but I have to transfer the authority of the team to me. At the same time, the arrangement of the team's activities, when to take the task and what kind of task to take must be arranged by my assistant little sister!"

You ya, who was originally open mouthed and had a cute face, even had her own business, and her authority was so high that she immediately responded, straightened up her chest, raised her chin, and looked proud.

And the leaders of a group of teams all frowned, the original modest and polite action also disappeared, and most of them disdained and sneered.

"What are you kidding? You have to make unified arrangements to hand over the team's authority. Do you really know who you are?"

"Damn, I wanted to be a courteous and virtuous corporal. Who knows it's such a thing. What a shame."

And the onlookers around are also gaping, do not know what to say.

"Well, apart from that, I won't be too strict in terms of remuneration distribution. Well, I'll take 70%, my dear little assistant will take 15%, and you'll take the rest." Zhao Chengfeng seems to have not noticed the expression of these people, continue to talk.

He looks at money like dirt.

The leaders of all the teams were disgusted. They all had to write 500 words after eating excrement.

"Ha ha, you Qianzhi's bearing really makes the flame blush. Sure enough, the whale should live in the ocean, and the tiger should be proud of the mountain forest. I'm so stupid that I want to let an eagle flying in the sky bow to the small eaves. I'm sorry, flame is too impolite. May the Lord of eternal life protect you for a long time! "

The head of the flame team, flame's face was twitching. It was more appropriate to say that it was daily satire than commercial mutual praise. Even sneer did not cover up, and then turned away, even the head is too lazy to return.

Zhao Chengfeng can't help but slightly smoke from the corner of his mouth.

My bearing makes you blush. Do you mean I stink?

However, you are really right, your eaves, brother, I really don't want to stay.

Seeing him go, Zhao Chengfeng didn't care. He just laughed and nodded, "it's easy to say, it's easy to say, so other people... Er..."

Before he finished his words, the leaders of the team who had been flocking to before had gone completely, and even the business ridicule of the flame leader was too lazy to express.

Zhao Chengfeng's mouth twitches

"Ah, what kind of people are they? They don't even have any manners." Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head and looks proud instead of being ashamed. Suddenly, he glances at the corner of his eyes and says, "why, Miss Adele, are you willing to accept such harsh conditions?"

Adele shook her eyebrows and said in her heart, "you know the harsh conditions. I thought you didn't know?"

Forced to resist the temptation of Tucao, Adele cleaned up his thoughts and then nodded solemnly. "We can make complaints about it."

"Well?" Zhao Chengfeng.

Adele grinned bitterly, "in fact, this condition is not too harsh for me. The magic team is already half disabled now. Let me tell you the truth, our team originally had five people, but one of the other two teammates died in the previous task, and the other has only half life now..."

"The reason why I urgently want to recruit more teammates and take the task is that we need a treasure medicine named seven color pansy to save my teammate's life, and that thing is one of the task rewards for this task..."

With Adele's narration, Zhao Chengfeng knows the current situation of Adele's team.

Knowing the reason why Adele is so urgent, I can't help but improve my feeling for her.

But he did not immediately express his position, but asked: "what is seven color pansy? Is it very precious? What's the relationship between that half life friend and you besides his teammates? "

Adele hesitated for a moment, and then replied, "he's my husband, but it's not important. Even if he's just an ordinary teammate, I'll..."

Zhao Chengfeng interrupted her with a wave of his hand, "don't explain. I don't mean anything else. I just feel that when you talk about that teammate, your mood is a little unusual, so just ask. I don't mean to doubt you

Adele nodded, no longer explained, and then continued to answer Zhao Chengfeng's first question, "seven color pansy is just a baron level treasure drug, its main function is detoxification. Although it is precious, its grade is not high."

"However, because this medicine is the companion of count level undead species pterosaurs, it is not accurate to say so. To be exact, pansy is originally a common Hibiscus medicine, but the common Hibiscus is monochromatic, with three colors at most. Only those growing near the altar of pterosaurs can evolve into pansy because they have absorbed the properties of pterosaurs for a long time."

"But just because of this, this kind of medicine is more rare than those real companions, because it is accidental. Not all seven color pterosaur altars have it. Even if it has it, it doesn't necessarily have seven colors."

"In a word, this kind of thing itself is not high-grade, but because of various restrictions, it is even rarer than some high-grade precious medicines."

"Now in the Black Street City, I can only know two plants, one of which is said to be in the hands of the blue and white Club..."

Adele said here and took a deep breath. "Originally, I didn't hold any hope, but old Bill didn't give up. With the hope of just in case, I didn't expect to find it in the reward of a certain task, but this task must require five or more team members to take it..."

Adele said here, listening down and looking at Zhao Chengfeng prayingly, "I don't want anything. I can also transfer the team authority to you. I only want the drug."

She took an apologetic look at Old Bill and honest boy.

Old Bill smiles and takes the initiative to say, "I can also give up everything. I can listen to you for all the arrangements. Although we all know that you may not look up to these things, besides, we will never refuse anything you need us to do as long as we can do it."

Honest young did not finish, just nodded.

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