He's so casual that others don't know whether what he wants to say is important or not.

However, since it is Zhao Chengfeng's own arrangement, other people will certainly have no opinions. Just in the heart are still guessing what he said there is a problem in the end refers to?

"I'd better say it directly!" Zhao Chengfeng was not ambiguous. He said directly, "first of all, I remember Miss Adele... By the way, should I call you miss or Madam?"

"Well, if you don't mind, you can call me Adele directly. Although I'm married, I'm not used to being called Madame, but miss's words don't seem good, so you'd better call me Adele directly." It seems that Adele is not the first time that she has been asked the question of address. Although she blushes a little, she is very generous. Of course, this may also be related to her certain attributes.

"Ha ha, I would be impolite. In fact, to be honest, if I insist on calling my wife, not only you are not used to it, but also I am not used to it." Zhao Chengfeng is honest.

This is not only because Adele thinks that she is a young beauty, but also because Zhao Chengfeng didn't form such a habit when he was in Huaxia. After all, Huaxia's etiquette in this aspect is quite casual sometimes, and is often called Daoxing directly. Especially young people.

However, the world seems to be more similar to Medieval Europe in terms of etiquette. Although the situation is chaotic, the etiquette of this kind of address is very particular, so he specially asked that giving the other party the right of choice is the best solution.

However, as a result, what was said was straight to the point, but it still diverged.

Zhao Chengfeng coughed softly and returned to the main topic.

"First of all, Adele, you said that although the seven color pansies are not very expensive, they are very rare. It's even possible that there are only two in the Black Street City, right?"

"Well, yes?" Adele didn't know what he meant. Did he think that seven color pansy was too rare and precious, so he suffered a loss?

But she still nodded her head to express her affirmation, and her suspicions didn't come out easily, so as not to be rash. In fact, she had been rash once before.

"In that case, don't you think it's a coincidence?" Zhao Chengfeng didn't expect that she would think so much and didn't even pay attention to these details.

It's not that he's negligent, but that he's not so confident in using his brain. So he has to let himself focus on what he is thinking, and he is lazy to pay attention to the less important things in front of him.

Of course, it doesn't mean that he thinks he is stupid or stupid. In fact, a person like him who is always honey and confident will never doubt his IQ.

In fact, to put it bluntly, it was because he was a little too lazy in this aspect when he was on earth.

In fact, Zhao Feilong has always criticized his laziness in using his brain, and he is more willing to solve it directly with his fists or rudely let his instinct solve everything.

Or they may hand over to others things that cost their brains to do, such as Zhao Feilong himself correcting errors for him more than once.

And he's usually only in charge of waves and loading.

Even if it is willful, with his own strength, and a large group of people cover, poke out the basket, and finally can be recovered.

But now, he is in a foreign world, and is carrying a heavy burden on his shoulders.

And his fists are enough in some small parts of the world, but looking at the whole world, his fists don't seem to be able to help him with everything.

So far, the biggest backer seems to be himself. So even he had to die and think about everything.

However, because he often does not use it, or is cautious, he always concentrates on it every time, so as not to ruin his reputation.

"What a coincidence?" Adele was slightly shocked when she heard his words, and immediately threw her wishful thinking aside, but she didn't understand his words all of a sudden, and asked subconsciously.

"Yes Zhao Chengfeng said: "think about it. According to your opinion, there are only two seven color pansies in the black street city. One is in the blue and white Festival, which means that it is in the hands of Huo Lun. And the other one is in the prize item of a task you said

Zhao Chengfeng once again describes what Adele has described before to confirm.

Adele Wen Yan looked at Zhao Chengfeng nodded seriously, seems to be thinking.

Old Bill didn't think much about it before. When he heard Zhao Chengfeng's description, he suddenly felt that something was wrong.

It's a kind of unspeakable feeling. In a word, it doesn't feel right.

"It's just a coincidence, isn't it?" Old Bill didn't feel right, but he did.

"Ha ha..." Adele bit her lips and didn't speak. Zhao Chengfeng laughed noncommittally.

"Then may I ask you a question, Adele?" Zhao Chengfeng said again.

Adele looked at Zhao Chengfeng and nodded, "of course!"

"Well, good." Seeing that she agreed, Zhao Chengfeng nodded, "first question, have you ever seen these two pansies?"

Adele was stunned for a moment, then shook her head and said, "no, I've only seen one. I've seen them on a certain occasion of the blue and white Festival. I didn't see the one as the reward for the task, but the information was very clear and guaranteed by the trade union. I don't think it will be a problem. "

Hearing Zhao Chengfeng ask this question, Adele was a little relieved.

She thinks that Zhao Chengfeng is worried about the authenticity of that information, but she is not worried about it. As a trade union, she has the ability and credibility, otherwise the trade union can not exist in two worlds.

"Ha ha." Zhao Chengfeng once again laughed noncommittally, because he did not doubt the credibility of the trade union at all, but so what? As long as he has the heart, there are loopholes in the constitution of the United States.

But he didn't bother about it either.

"So the second question, have you met the person who released the mission?"

"No, the task publisher is anonymous. As an adventure team, we don't need to know who he is. Anyway, as long as the task is completed, we can get the remuneration directly from the trade union, because the remuneration is trusteeship. You don't need to worry about that, sir. It's the rule of the trade union!" Adele finally smiles after the conversation.

Bill was also relieved.

Next to Youya, he rolled his eyes and worked for a long time. He was mysterious. I thought that uncle had some good ideas. As always, he lacked common sense. He didn't even know the rules of the trade union.

Looking at the reaction of several people, Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help laughing bitterly, "Hey, brother Feng, I've always been very rude, but no matter how rude I am, I won't be so naive. Is it because I've heard too much about conspiracy theory, or people in this world are too simple.

”Trusteeship, ha ha, is trusteeship useful? Have you never thought that this one and that one, if they are the same one??

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