Adele was stunned. Old Bill was also stunned. Even the cute and honest young man who had been nearby opened his simple and kind eyes.

Zhao Chengfeng's point of view is too scary for them, and they have never thought about it at all. But even the honest young holder thinks that if this point of view is true, it's terrible.

It is you ya although also surprised to see Zhao Chengfeng, a little surprised his brain hole, but in the end not three people so empathy, after all, she is just a spectator.

And her family background, although she is not good at this kind of intrigue, but has not seen the pig run, has not eaten the pork( On the contrary, for modern urban children, eating pork is ten thousand times more popular than seeing pigs run.)

So after a brief surprise, he thought a little and nodded his head subconsciously, "it's really possible."

Although her words were whispered, Adele seemed to be awakened from a nightmare, and she was struggling.

"No, it should be... He... But what is he doing this for?" Seems to want to deny, but her tone even her own feel confused, it is her heart already believe. But there is always a trace of struggle, helpless smile, "we such a small person, his blue and white will be less master, to deal with us is not easy? Do we still have resistance in this black street city? Why should it be unnecessary? "

"Ha ha... I don't know. Maybe you have more number in your heart than me. Anyway, I'm just making my guess. " Zhao Chengfeng chuckled and did not answer her question.

As he said, he just felt that there might be a problem, and then pointed out the problem.

Of course, he didn't guess out of thin air, but there were too many doubts about it.

"First of all, you said that seven color pansy is very rare, and the only thing you can be sure of is that blue and white will have it in your hand; Then, according to the previous situation, it has been shown that the young master of the blue and white association has a conflict with you, or a plot... "

Zhao Chengfeng said here with a smile and a meaningful look at Adele, although he didn't know what Huolun was trying to plot for these people, or what kind of holiday.

But according to his very scientific inference, the possibility of plotting the beauty in front of him should be the biggest factor.

Sure enough, Adele's charming pink face turned a little red when she heard this, and her teeth bit her lips and turned white.

But Bill and holder couldn't help but show a touch of anger in their eyes. However, unlike holder's simple anger, old bill still had a little sigh and helplessness in his heart.

"Well, men are not good things ~!"

Little Lori you ya this time is a common enemy, but this girl seems to have made a mistake, why a face angry stare at me?

Zhao Chengfeng is a little depressed and pretends not to hear. He has a little more disdain and disdain for Huolun.

Damn, what kind of character, robbing other people's wives. Brother Feng, I'm known as the first villain in China. It's very shameful, OK?

The so-called banditry also has its way. Lust is emptiness. No, it's the most disgusting person.

We must learn a lesson when we have a chance.

That huolunshao is mainly the sixth sense. If he is sensitive enough, he must be able to sense a deep malice from someone at this time.

However, Zhao Chengfeng's face was calm, and he continued to analyze: "if I'm not wrong, you should have been to the blue and white society for this medicinal material before and found the Huolun young master, right? Then he must have put forward some more excessive conditions, but you probably refused? "

"..." Adele was silent for a moment, then shook her head and said, "no, I knew he had a bad heart for me for a long time. In this case, I knew what would happen. How could I ask him?"

"Er..." Zhao Chengfeng was stunned. He didn't expect that he just wanted to play the role of anticipation, and was beaten in the face instantly. Old face can't help but blush awkwardly. Then a light cough: "cough, that's what I said."

But I can't help but wonder, "no, according to the general dog blood plot, in this case, the woman should not know the result, but still have to be harassed to set off the villain. It's really mean and mean. Finally, for the sake of love in her heart, even if she is determined to die, she still pretends to promise... Isn't this woman and the unfortunate ghost true love..."

Of course, he won't say that, otherwise he will be regarded as a fool

"Cough" coughed again, covering the embarrassment. Fortunately, other people didn't notice his face change at this time, and didn't even care about his failure.

With a little relief, he said again, "but that's right. That guy should know your current situation. Originally, he should have calculated that you would come to ask him, but if you didn't go, he could only do nothing and have another plan..."

Even he felt a little stupid in his blunt self justification.

I sighed in my heart. Sure enough, am I not suitable for this kind of setting?

But old Bill's face was shocked when he heard this. Then he suddenly widened his turbid eyes and asked in an angry and shocked tone: "if one plan fails, another will come up? Mr. Qianzhi, who do you mean? The death of our vice captain and little tyle was also calculated by that bastard of Huolun. He deliberately poisoned our vice captain in order to force Adele to beg him? "

Adele and others changed their faces when they heard Old Bill's words, and then subconsciously looked at Zhao Chengfeng.

"..." Zhao Chengfeng's heart is also a burst of muddled force, the original can also have this kind of pre reasoning“ Well, yes, of course, it's all my guess. "

Zhao Chengfeng was a little guilty, but old Bill suddenly slapped the table. "It must be like this, asshole. No wonder I always thought that incident was weird. It was just an ordinary escort mission, and I was targeted by such a powerful enemy. Moreover, the strength of those people is so strong and they act so ruthlessly that I thought they would die without life, but the result is.... "

When he said this, he suddenly stopped and didn't say any more, but his meaning was very clear. Those people had the ability to destroy them, and they were not soft hearted people, but only killed one of them, poisoned one, and let them go.

But he didn't finish these words because he was afraid that Adele would feel bad.

Sure enough, Adele's face was pale and her eyes were full of pain and guilt. "Old bill, why didn't you say that before?"

"This..." Old Bill squeezed out a smile. "I just doubted before, but I didn't think of that bastard of Huolun. If it wasn't for Qianzhi's reasoning, I just thought it was a fluke."

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