Zhao Chengfeng disdained to answer her question. He just looked at her, then pretended to be forced to smile, "it doesn't matter, I'm here."

That means: you are silly, no brother is a trap, brother is still a trap?

But it's a pity that Youya and Adele didn't understand. Old Bill was the quickest. He was a little stunned, and then his eyes lit up

Adele then understood what Zhao Chengfeng meant, but after she was overjoyed, she was a little surprised. She didn't understand why Zhao Chengfeng had refused all the time. Now she knew that the task might be a trap, but she agreed to help them.

"Just think that I need your team's authority. It's really useful for me." Zhao Chengfeng didn't explain much, and then said, "in a word, go and have a look first. I hope that the task hasn't been accepted or cancelled."

Others, of course, have no opinion.

Adele is not sure about Zhao Chengfeng's words, but she can feel that Zhao Chengfeng doesn't seem to have any malice... Maybe it's sympathy. There are words of sympathy in the world. With that in mind, Adele once again expressed her thanks, and the party returned to the union hall.

Originally, the teahouse was nearby, so it was just a few steps away. This time, the whole party didn't interrupt and went straight to the task point.

At the same time, Huo Lun, the headquarters of the blue and white society, was pacing back and forth with a gloomy face.

All the people next to him knew that Huolun young master was in a bad mood at this time, so they didn't dare to go out.

There are only two exceptions. One is a bearded man, the other is an old woman who looks like an old witch in the fairy tales of the earth world.

The big man is not tall, but he is very strong. His muscles under his dark skin are like pieces of iron.

While Huo Lun was pacing back and forth, he was sleeping in a soft leather chair, snoring wildly. The terrible snoring made his men more and more nervous, for fear that the Lord's snoring would annoy Huo Lun.

At that time, the anger of the little Lord will have to vent on them.

But unexpectedly, Huo lunshaozhu, who is always in a bad temper, is extremely tolerant of this man's behavior. He snores so loud that even the roof will be lifted off, but Huo lunshaozhu doesn't say anything about it.

As if I didn't hear it.

Compared with this man, the old woman is much quieter.

In addition to taking out bottles of medicine with strange colors from time to time, it seems to appreciate the beautiful rhythm of those strange liquid swaying in the bottle.

But the people around her did not relax because of her silence. Even more nervous.

In addition to the fear of the strange liquid itself, the image of the old woman also made people feel extremely uncomfortable.

His gray hair was dry and disorderly, like a canopy of withered hay. Hawk hook like nose is exaggerated, sharp and long. Her whole body seems to be thin and only bones are left. She is wearing a dirty robe, which makes people wonder if the part covered by her clothes is a dead bone.

A pair of equally thin claws, if not covered with wrinkled gray skin, is a pair of hands of the dead protruding from the grave.

But a pair of eyes are extremely bright, and her whole person is not commensurate, but let her whole appear more gloomy terror.

These two strange people are two real Viscount strong men, and they are the wild old viscount.

So although all the people around were unhappy or disgusted with them, they didn't dare to say anything. They just subconsciously kept away from them, especially the old woman. No one was close to them within ten steps.

The whole room was strangely dreary, except for the sound of Huo Lun pacing back and forth, there was only the snoring of a big man with a long beard.

As for the old woman, although she had some movements, she was as light as a cat, without any sound.

"Huo lunshaozhu, could you please stop? You walk around like this, shaking me dizzy." I don't know how many times Huo Lun went back and forth. The old woman, who had been immersed in her own tasting game, suddenly said with a smile. Unexpectedly, the voice of the old woman who had grown up like this was extremely beautiful, clear and sweet, just like a 16-year-old girl.

Huo Lun had obviously heard the old woman's voice for a long time, so he didn't show any surprise. Moreover, the young master of blue and white club, who was usually arrogant and domineering, acted like a polite gentleman in front of the old woman.

"I'm sorry, ma'am, because Huolun's uneasiness has affected your peace."

The old lady also very lady smile, "where, sorry should be the old man, you are the host here, as a guest to interfere with the host's behavior, the old man should first apologize.". It's just that when I'm old, I love peace a little more. "

"Hoo, ha, SC, SC!" The sleeping man nearby seems to be breathing a little bit blocked. He makes two "scandium scandium" sounds like thunder, which can restore the original rhythm of "Hu ~ ha ~ Hu ~ ha".

"..." a group of subordinates held their breath for a moment. These two "scandium scandium" are really out of time. Although the snoring has been very loud before, these two snores are undoubtedly one level higher, and they are just stepping on the point.

Can't it be that this adult didn't fall asleep at all, just deliberately mocking?

Everyone secretly thought, a little scared, but also inexplicably excited.

"Huo lunshaozhu, why are you worried? Is it for the sake of Wuchen's chivalry, or is it because you can't get the heart of that beautiful lady?" The old woman continued to speak.

"Well?" A group of people are a little confused, say good love peace, is this the background of the legend of peace?

She didn't hear the voice of this adult, did she have bad ears.

Some even began to doubt the old woman's hearing.

No, maybe it's some secret skill that blocks the voice here... It's worthy of being an old viscount. It's really powerful!

Of course, some intelligent people immediately thought that the old woman could not have a hearing problem, and probably did not use some secret technique to block the voice here.

She dares to interrupt huolunshaozhu at will, of course, because she has strong strength. As an old Viscount, although she is attached to huolunshaozhu now, huolunshaozhu has noble status, but her real strength can barely reach the level of quasi viscount.

As a powerful old Viscount, she is good at mysterious alchemy. Even as a dependent, she can also maintain her pride and reserve.

On the contrary, she would choose the thunder like snoring as a quiet background. There is only one reason, that is, this big man is stronger than her.

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