Those who are wise understand this. Young Lord Huolun also understands this. As for the old woman, she knows it better.

And none of them felt that there was any problem, let alone that the old woman was so shameful.

Respect for the strong, just the law.

Huo Lun gave a wry smile and was about to answer. Suddenly, there was a sudden sound of footsteps outside the door. Then someone called out: "newspaper ~!"

"Come in!" Huo Lun's face changed slightly. Then he gave the old woman a little bow to apologize. He suspended the conversation and then changed into a cold face. He said to the door indifferently: "come in ~!"

As soon as his voice fell, the people outside pushed the door open and hurried in. They stepped forward with a happy face and said, "little Lord, good news, Adele, they have taken the task!"

Huo Lun smell speech also sit straight body, a pat tea table, happy way: "good!"

But then he frowned, looked at the people and asked, "which group of people joined their team, why didn't they report to me?"

As soon as the visitor heard this, he immediately shrunk his neck and said with a little guilty: "that, no, it's not our arrangement, it's, it's..."

"What is it? Son of a bitch, can't you even tell me clearly? If so, cut off your tongue. Anyway, it's useless to keep it! " Huo Lun patted the coffee table again, but this time it was not joy, but anger.

The visitor's face suddenly changed when he heard the speech. He knelt down on the ground with a bang and kowtowed again and again! It's not the people we arranged to join them, it's the former two men and women! "

"Which two men and women?" Huo Lun felt something bad in his heart. His eyes narrowed slightly and asked coldly.

"Yes, that's..." the visitor knew that once he said those two people, Huo lunshaozhu would be angry, but he didn't dare not say it, and the sweat beads on his forehead fell down.

"Why can't you talk again?" Huo Lun gave a sneer, and then yelled to the left and right hands: "drag this rubbish out, cut your tongue ~!"

The left and right hands heard a thump in their hearts, but they did not dare to hesitate. Immediately someone rushed up and pulled the man out.

The man was scared to death. He didn't dare to hesitate any more. He yelled: "it's Wuchen's Qianzhi on May 9, and the girl who seems to have something to do with the city Lord's mansion with him. They are the two men and women who were against you in the trade union hall. Please forgive me, young Lord!"

"It's them?" As soon as Huo Lun heard that it was Wuchen's Qianzhi and Youya, his already gloomy face sank again and patted the tea table. This time, the tea table failed to bear his strength and collapsed.

"Damn it, how can you fight against me again and again?" Huo Lun clenched his teeth and thought of Zhao Chengfeng, his old and new hatred suddenly poured out.

I didn't notice the damaged coffee table, but suddenly I heard someone nearby cry: "little Lord, I have finished. Please forgive me this time."

Huo Lun turned his head when he heard the news, and saw that his subordinates were holding the messenger, but he seemed to be waiting for him. He was stunned and looked suddenly cold. "Why hasn't he dragged it out yet? It seems that not only his tongue is bad, but also your ears are bad, isn't it?"

The faces of those people changed greatly. They thought that this person had finished speaking and might let it go once. After all, they were the companions who usually mix together, so they hesitated. Who knows, they almost hurt themselves. How dare they stay? They immediately dragged the person out.

The latter was scared to death and screamed like killing a pig.

"Wait a minute ~!"

Seeing that the man had been dragged out of the door, Huo Lun suddenly stopped several people.

Everyone was subconsciously relieved and thought that Huo Lun was merciful.

And the client was also relieved, almost crying with joy.

However, the old woman looked at Huo Lun and seemed to be slightly surprised, while the snoring of the big man did not know when to stop, and her small eyes opened a thin seam.

Huo Lun then looked at the happy and crying fool with a smile. "It seems that you are really afraid of the separation of tongue and mouth?"

The man didn't know what he meant and nodded, "thank you for your kindness. I will go through fire and water for you in the future, and die later..."

"Well, good." Huo Lun nodded with a smile. "For the sake of your loyalty, my Lord is very kind once. I forgive you for cutting off your tongue."

The man was about to thank him again, but Huo Lun casually said to the men who dragged him: "drag out, cut off his head directly, so that his tongue and mouth don't have to be separated."

"..., yes ~!" A few people were surprised for a short time, and then they came back to their senses. Only feel sweating, but dare not have the slightest hesitation.

The unfortunate one thought that he had escaped. When he heard Huo Lun's words, he was stupid. Until he was dragged out a few steps, he yelled again. First he begged for mercy, then he yelled.

"My Lord, spare my life, my lord... No, don't kill me, don't kill me, I don't want to die... Son of a bitch, Huolun, you bastard, coward, you can't die easily!..." Asshole, what's the matter with you? You have the guts to go to Wuchen Qianzhi... You will be killed by Wuchen Qianzhi. Ha ha, no one can save you. Even your stupid count father will be killed as well...! no, no, don't kill, don't, I'm wrong, don't... ah ~! "

A shrill scream came from outside, and all the voices were over.

The rest of the men in the room were silent and could see the fear and helplessness in their eyes.

This is not the first time. Huo Lun is moody and doesn't agree with each other. It's common to kill people.

Sometimes it's not a good job for them to follow Huolun, but they don't want or have the courage to take risks like ordinary warriors and take a little chance to survive from the undead seed.

With better masters, their inferior strength and character are not valued by others, so here is one of their few choices, and other possible choices may not be different from here.

What's more, such a job is not useless. For example, as long as the young master of Huolun is well served, as long as they go out, they can bully other weak people just like them with the power of the young master?

That kind of feeling also fascinates them.

As for Huo Lun, he didn't care about the feelings of these people at all. It's just a group of dogs. It doesn't matter if they've killed them all. Only if they have bones, they never lack such cheap two legged dogs!

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