On the other hand, a smile appeared again on the old woman's strange face. She did not dislike Huolun's behavior, but appreciated it.

Isn't the weak the existence that can be killed by the strong?

But she can be respected because she is strong.

She likes the feeling.

The bearded man had completely opened his eyes, but unlike the old woman, he didn't care too much about it, whether it was appreciation or disgust. He just observed Huo Lun's behavior at first, and then lost interest.

He's focused on something else.

"Wuchen's chivalrous, which Wuchen's?" For the first time in such a long time, his voice was very dull, but like a huge drum being knocked, even if it was not big, it also had an inexplicable resonance force.

Everyone felt the eardrum buzzing.

This strange feeling made the old lady and Huo Lun look slightly changed, but then they both returned to normal.

"It's the Wuchen family of the city of May 9, which is the closest transmission point to the black street city." Huolun replied.

"May 9 City, Wuchen family?" The big man is like a beast that is still half awake. Although he wakes up, his brain hasn't come to his senses. After thinking for a long time, he nods his head, not only understanding but also not understanding.

However, his immediate question let Huo Lun know that he probably did not find the corresponding object, "is the Wuchen family very strong on May 9?"

"This Wuchen family is not very strong, no, it can be said that it is very weak. There was a count level strong man, who is said to be a very powerful count, but now that count has disappeared. It seems that there are only two viscount in the clan, and one of them is a Viscount who has been in the clan for less than five years

"And that Wuchen Qianzhi is the only blood of the missing count. It's said that he is a dandy. Recently, he was expelled from the clan."

It's obvious that Huo Lun has specially investigated the origin of Zhao Chengfeng's identity before, and it's like a treasure.

But when he said that, the old woman and the big man could not help frowning. Even the big man's eyes seemed to be more sober.

Two people are very puzzled, this degree of the enemy even asked to move them, but also two together.

When have we become miscellaneous fish?

However, they both know that this is definitely not the only thing, otherwise, even if Huolun is their dependent object, if there is no proper explanation, they will be ready to pay the price.

Huo Lun, of course, knew this, so he continued to explain: "these are all the information about the young master of Wuchen, but what I know is quite different from this. At least the Wuchen Qianzhi is not a waste who will be forced away by two not too strong viscount. Although it's spreading outside now, Huo Lun is scared to sit on the ground by a rubbish, and says that I'm scared to run away by him. "

"But they all forget that although Huolun is useless, at least it has the strength close to the quasi Viscount level."

When he said this, a trace of humiliation flashed in his eyes, and a trace of strength was surging slightly, which was obviously to show their strength to support his own words.

Sure enough, both of them felt his breath, looked slightly moved, slightly surprised, and then nodded slightly.

"I can't imagine that young master Huo Lun is also a strong man who hides deeply enough. This kind of strength is not simply close to the quasi viscount. As long as young master Huolun is willing, he may be able to obtain the authority of viscount at any time." The old woman nodded slightly, some half complimenting and half appreciating.

Of course, this degree has not really been able to enter her eyes. In this way, it is still due to the other party's identity.

But also a little agree with the Huolun young master.

That big man did not express, but also faintly nodded.

"Ha ha, I dare not. In front of you, I dare not call you a strong man." Huo Lun's modest way, but vaguely still some pride, but then thought of someone, this silk pride was immediately unwilling to replace.

Immediately, there was a bitter smile of some resentment, "and when it comes to forbearance, I can't compare it with that young master."

"Oh, does that young master really have the power to make Huo Lun so scared?" The old woman laughed, her voice was very beautiful, even charming, but with her face, it was strange and terrible.

Even Huo Lun had goose bumps.

But he didn't show it. He nodded slightly, then shook his head again. Then he frowned and said, "I'm ashamed to say that I don't know his strength, and it's strange that when I first met him, I didn't feel any sense of Title authority from him, but it was his sudden outburst of power that made me sit on the ground in shame."

"Moreover, according to my understanding, before he came here, he only had less than an hour to clear all the undead species within the scope of an altar, and killed one of the undead species whose strength evolved to Viscount level. Then he easily defeated two Viscount's joint attack and killed one of them."

Huo Lun then narrated the conflict between Zhao Chengfeng and Zifeng club.

This time even the old lady was surprised.

The big man's eyes also opened completely, and it seemed that he finally woke up from his ignorance.

"The Baron has the power to kill the viscount. If, as you say, count Zifeng is afraid of him, that means that he is at least close to or even has reached the level of quasi earl. Is it possible that a young man should have the strength of a quasi count? " She said a subconscious look at the big man,... The count to be didn't even come to me. If there is one, I'm afraid it's only this guy.

Then he said with a smile, "of course, I'm not questioning Huo Lun Shaozhu, but it's too unrealistic. That Qianzhi Shaozhu is not as old as Huo Lun Shaozhu, are you? If Wuchen had such a genius, would he be expelled? "

"I can't understand this..." Huo Lun frowned.

But he also knew that those were facts.

It confused him.

"There is a possibility ~!" The big man suddenly opened his mouth.

"What's possible?" Both of them looked at the man together, and the latter said slowly, "that Wuchen Qianzhi is no longer Wuchen Qianzhi!"

"Ah?" The other two opened their eyes wide in surprise. "What does that mean? Wait a minute. You mean the present Wuchen Qianzhi is false, but all the evidence proves that he is Wuchen Qianzhi, and.... "

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