"Is this the target of the mission, the dry stone forest?"

"What a terrible forest, but isn't it more accurate to call it stone forest?"

Zhao Chengfeng and his party looked at the vast sea of forest, which they did not know whether to call forest or stone forest. They were shocked.

The reason why we don't know whether it should be called forest or stone forest is that the forest is really made up of towering trees that several people can't grasp, but these trees have now become fossilized materials.

Adele and Youya are all good. They are all semi residents of the Black Death world, so even if they haven't been to this fossil forest, they have heard about it. Although they are shocked, they are not surprised.

As Earth people, Zhao Chengfeng and Liuli's inherent knowledge system in the earth's world makes them really hard to imagine that there will be a forest in this world, which is probably larger than any primeval forest in the earth's world, and is composed of giant tree fossils.

In fact, there are not only trees, but also some low plants, and even a variety of herbs. These plants have become fossils.

Moreover, most of them still keep the appearance before fossilization. If it's not the color of withered ash and the obvious real feeling, from a distance, it's a normal plant.

"How did the forest come into being? How could there be fossils growing on the ground?" Usually there are Zhao Chengfeng in the occasion of rarely opening the glass also can't help but doubt the opening.

In fact, the knowledge system of the earth world is totally unable to explain this situation.

Because according to the common sense of the earth world, the formation of fossils must not be oxidized in the air. They are usually buried in the ground, or sealed in amber and other objects.

"Well, I don't know the specific reason. According to the legend, it seems that it was caused by the fighting between two strong men. Of course, it was also said that it was the master of the Black Death world, the work of the God like existence game."

Adele said, looking at Youya. "Maybe miss Youya knows more."

Through a period of contact, although she doesn't know the specific origin of Youya, she also vaguely feels that the girl's origin is not simple, and it seems that she has something to do with the Lord's mansion.

Of course, in a wise choice, she did not make any stupid attempt to test the origin of the girl.

As a warrior who has been fighting for life and death all the year round, she knows that curiosity can kill both cats and people.

What's more, she can't protect herself now. How can she feel free to inquire about others.

You ya didn't think much about it. Wen Yan nodded and said: "this is really caused by the fighting between two strong men. One of them is Shi Huang, one of the three emperors in the human world. Petrification is his power, but some people say that his power is life deprivation, and petrification is only an incidental effect. And this forest of withered stones was deprived of life under his authority. "

"In addition, at that time, the other side fighting with the adult was a top king. It seemed that the power talent was theft, and it could steal everything in the world, including vitality. So to be exact, the dry stone forest was caused by the aftereffect of the superposition of the two people's abilities."

Compared with Adele, Youya is more detailed. Although some people use it in many places, it still reveals a lot of information.

Don't say that Zhao Chengfeng and Liuli are Adele. They can't help showing their shock.

However, Zhao Chengfeng feels that when the girl talks about stealing authority, she seems to be a little excited. Isn't she a thief?

Of course, more or shock, glass is also shock, two people subconsciously look at each other, see each other's eyes.

"The aftermath of the battle has created such a huge petrified forest. How powerful is it? The atomic bomb is not as good as it is. If there is such a strong man in the earth world, he is afraid of yuxu cave in the inner world."

However, the Viscount level corresponds to the realm of magic martial arts, the Earl corresponds to the void, the Marquis corresponds to the void, the Duke corresponds to the void, the king should correspond to the congenital, what kind of realm is the emperor?

And where do they have so much time?

"You ya elder sister, you said that King adult should not be that legendary giant robber King adult?" Also excited is the honest young holder, but what makes people speechless is that this product is obviously two or three years older than Youya, but I don't know how to be fooled by Youya.

And look at this goods look excited yearning, should not also envy the talent of theft?

God, what's wrong with young people now?

Youya was more excited when someone asked this question. She nodded with her eyes shining: "Xiaode, it's good. Do you know the king of thieves? Are you also a man who wants to be the king of thieves? "

Zhao Chengfeng and Liuli can't help pulling at the corners of their mouths when they hear the words. What's the ghost of the man who became the king of thieves?

Xiaode was a little shy and said: "no, no, how dare I have that kind of expectation."

The girl was alert and hostile, but she was furious when she heard Xiaode's reply. She patted the latter on the shoulder and opened her eyes. "What's the matter? How can you be so ambitious? Every ambitious man should aim at becoming a man like the king of robbers. How can you say that you are my brother who is the most beautiful girl in the world?"

Hey, hey, don't miss people.

Zhao Chengfeng can't listen to you any more. He is about to speak, but Xiaode is shocked when he hears you Ya's words. Then he nods his head in shame and says, "I'm wrong, you ya. Although I want to be a man like Qianzhi, I won't let you down. I'm the king of thieves!"

"Who won the last battle?" they asked

On hearing this, the "bad" girl's attention was really diverted. She sighed with regret, "although it was the most difficult battle in the life of Lord Shihuang, he was defeated and seriously injured in the end. For this reason, he was finally captured by another emperor, yuanchenghuang, and was beheaded in his hometown town, It's a great pity. "

Zhao Chengfeng was just asking casually, because it is obvious that one is the emperor and the other is the king. The victory is obvious.

But I didn't expect that the robber king could fight with an emperor with the power of the king. Then he ran away and another emperor was arrested.

This kind of strength is also strong.

"However, although Lord robber Wang died in the end, he left a famous saying that inspired countless generations." Youya's eyes lit up again, and brighter than ever before.

Zhao Chengfeng feels a little bit bad. Wait a minute, should it be

Sure enough, you ya said in a confused voice: "do you want my treasures? They are at the end of the Black Death world and the eternal life world. Just go and look for them!"

Zhao Chengfeng and Liuli are all covered with black lines, "the goods are not from the earth world, but the time is not right, and even death is cos. What kind of spirit is this?"

Youya was excited before she finished saying, "I have a feeling that I'm here to be led by fate. There must be a clue here. No, maybe the treasure of the robber king is in the forest. Ah, no, my wallet is hungry and thirsty. Xiaode, let's go!"

"Stop, stop, what is it? Your wallet is starving. You're working for me now, you know? It's also mine to find, and don't forget, our mission goal! " Zhao Chengfeng quickly called two people with red eyes.

He felt vaguely that it was not so calm on the surface!

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