"This, this dry stone forest will steal Shouyuan!"

Although I have long guessed that this seemingly peaceful fossil forest is not simple, people are still shocked when they step into the forest.

Not only Adele and Youya and others sensed this, but also the color of glaze changed slightly.

Several people tried to isolate this power with psychic power.

Then slightly relieved, "fortunately, this stealing rule is not strong, and it seems that it can also be isolated with spiritual power."

"But how many years have passed, at least for hundreds of years? Is it terrible that the residual force of rules has affected the present Fortunately, at the same time, they were extremely shocked.

It's hard to imagine what kind of existence that level is. The residual influence of a battle can last for such a long time.

Just as several people's faces changed, Zhao Chengfeng could not help feeling a little at a loss when he looked at their astonished and shocked faces.

Why didn't I feel the rules of stealing Shouyuan?

"You feel the loss of Shouyuan?" He approached Liuli quietly and asked in a low voice in Chinese.

"I don't feel clear, but I vaguely feel as if something is running away. If I use the spiritual power to isolate, this feeling will be gone." Liuli didn't know why he asked. He also answered in Chinese in a low voice. Then he looked at Zhao Chenggong in surprise, "master Qianzhi, don't you?"

She seems to have been used to the name of Qianzhi adult. Even if she uses Chinese to convey sound, she still uses it.

"I don't seem to feel it." Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head in bewilderment. At the same time, he subconsciously looks inside at the Taiji map in the sea of knowledge. He doesn't see anything different. Is he surprised?

"Isn't it because of it?"

After a close look, I suddenly found that Taiji diagram cares about the extremely weak speed, and some indescribable power is being absorbed.

All this is extremely weak, even in the case of internal vision, it is difficult to find without careful.

Next to Liuli, he didn't know his situation. I was surprised to hear that he didn't feel it at all.

"According to the truth, I have a sense of it. My Lord has at least won the title of nobility. I should be able to feel more acutely about the increase or decrease of Shouyuan? Is it because you are special? It's as if your power is not limited by the rules of the world. "

Of course, Liuli can't explain what's going on. It can only guess reluctantly.

Zhao Chengfeng himself has already understood that this matter is still related to the mysterious Taiji diagram.

Hearing Liuli's conjecture, he didn't have much explanation, so he had to continue to nod blankly, "well, maybe."

"..." although Liuli didn't know his specific situation, he was slightly relaxed, and vaguely guessed that he should have guessed a little reason, but it might be related to the secret. He couldn't say more, and he didn't ask more questions, but he carefully reminded him: "my Lord, you'd better isolate yourself with your spiritual power, just in case..."

Zhao Chengfeng was stunned when he heard the speech, then he responded, nodded and whispered, "you're right ~!"

Then he also learned to use the spirit power to do the isolation, in addition to just in case, lest other people feel strange.

"Xiaode, take out the map and see where we should go now?" Just when they were talking, Youya told his new "assistant".

"OK, let me see, um..."

"I asked you to give it to me. How stupid. Can you understand it?"

Honest boy is obedient, smell speech immediately from the back of the huge backpack out of the map, just about to open, but Youya was robbed in the past.

"Of course, I can understand..." the young man said in a low voice, but he was glared at by the young girl, and immediately shrunk his neck to please him with a smile.

"Hum ~!" Youya snorted with satisfaction when he saw that he recognized him. Then he opened the map and looked like an explorer. He said: "the goal of our mission is to collect two kinds of minerals and a kind of petrified tree seeds named Jianyu. According to the information given by the trade union and the information we collected from the adventurers, these three kinds of things are in these areas..."

"One of the areas where sword jade may be produced is the nearest one to us, which is less than 30 Li. The nearest one in other areas is 50 Li, so this is also our first target."

Youya said while drawing circles on the map with a pen. Although some of the models were made, they were quite similar.

Everyone could not help smiling.

"Is there any danger here? Is there any altar immortal seed?" Zhao Chengfeng also laughs, and then asks.

"In the past, there were no immortality altars along the way. In fact, there were few immortality altars in the whole dry stone forest, but some of them were particularly dangerous. If we can't find sword jade in this place, the next place where sword jade was produced is called wailing gorge. There is an immortality altar here, which is a Viscount level immortality called scimitar skeleton, Because this species is born with a machete, it's also called the reaper. It's very powerful. "

Youya did her homework and gave a detailed answer. Of course, if she didn't look at the information from time to time, she would be more professional.

"Isn't this a baron level task? How can there be a Viscount level immortal?" Zhao Chengfeng asked with a frown.

"Because this is a gathering mission, not a hunting mission. Theoretically speaking, no one asks us to fight these undead species, and these production places are selective, not only one area. Therefore, in the evaluation of mission difficulty, unless the publisher specifically requests, we can not consider the factors that must be considered. Of course, most task publishers don't do that. However, don't you guess that this is a trap? It's normal for the publisher to deliberately exploit this kind of loophole. Anyway, he doesn't intend to let other people outside Adele's team take it. " You ya laughs.

Zhao Chengfeng smell speech a Leng, immediately self mockery of wry smile, "it seems that I really asked a nonsense."

Youya saw that he was depressed, but he was very proud. He grunted, and then said, "so I think we'd better collect sword jade in the first area, and the other areas should also choose the area where there is no undead altar, or only low-level undead altar."

"Go here first, as you say." Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile, and then consulted Adele.

Adele nodded. "I think it can, but if it's a trap, it's probably impossible to collect those areas without danger!"

"Yes." Old bill also had some worries, but then he said with a smile, "however, it's no harm to go and have a look, just in case it can be finished easily."

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