"No? No, you should not underestimate our young master of Huolun. He is not so stupid. He is quite cautious. In fact, although that woman is a member of the enchantment group, she is the blood of the exile. The members of the enchantment group probably don't know that there is still such a blood in such a small town. Otherwise, Huo Lun would not dare to make up her mind even if she had the courage. " Mrs. Black said with a smile.

"So it is. It is the offspring of the exile." Viscount benlei slightly forehead, eyes flashing, I do not know what to think.

Black madam looked at him, the corner of the mouth slightly a hook, ponder of way: "how, Ben thunder Viscount don't have what idea?"

"Er, ha ha, what can I think? Does Mrs. Black still want to rob the business of our Huolun young master? Besides, even the descendants of the exiles, they are the blood of the enchantment family. The enchantment family may not care about her life and death, but they may not allow others to steal their blood." Viscount benlei is not smiling.

"Ha ha, that said, but..." Black lady said here, suddenly a meal, and then the topic changed and asked: "Viscount benlei, your strength should have already stepped into the level of pseudo earl, don't know now you have some assurance that you can withstand the Earl's authority?"

Viscount benlei's face changed, and then fell into silence. It was obvious that the question of black lady was right to his point.

Many low-level fighters probably think that the most difficult step to advance is to obtain permission. Only high-level fighters to a certain extent know the importance of blood. Even if you have the ability to break the altar to obtain permission, you can't bear the impact of the permission rule.

This is the reason why so many people are locked up in a certain level for a long time.

You can rely on the help of others to attack the altar. As long as you have enough strength and will, you can also survive the altar crystal. However, the authority itself is the embodiment of the law of heaven and earth. If you want to accept the authority of the corresponding level, you can't do without strength, physique, will and blood, which can't be helped by any external force.

Of course, everything in the world is absolute, even the blood is not absolutely impossible to upgrade.

In fact, martial arts cultivation itself is a process of upgrading its own essence, and it is an evolutionary transformation.

In addition, stealing higher blood for one's own use is also one of the methods. Of course, this method has huge defects and risks.

For example: the stolen blood can not continue to evolve, that is to say, once your limit reaches the limit of this blood again, then you really have no possibility of advancement. Second, once the integration process fails, the risk is also immeasurable.

Of course, the biggest threat comes from the Revenge of the forces behind the blood masters. Basically speaking, there are huge terrorist forces behind the races with high blood, and these forces will not allow their own blood to be stolen by others in any case.

There is no exception to this.

However, in the face of absolute interests, there will always be people desperate.

For example, huolunshaozhu.

And now the great man with Qiu beard, viscount benlei, can't help feeling a little excited.

"So..." he was about to say, when the people in front of the team who were tracking Zhao Chengfeng and his party suddenly came back in a hurry.

"Young master, I found traces of fighting in front of me. It should be those guys who are in trouble!" The returnees came to huolunshaozhu and reported in a gloating tone.

"Well, fighting?" Huo lunshaozhu was stunned and frowned to confirm.

Hearing the report of the returnees, Mrs. Black and Viscount benlei looked at each other, stopped talking, went forward and asked, "what happened?"

"Report to two adults, we found traces of fighting ahead. It is estimated that those guys met with fighting." The returnee repeated, "we also found the body of a strange creature, you see."

One of the returnees pulled out a gray white mouse like creature, but the mouse had no hair on its whole body. Instead, it had a gray white carapace.

"Borers, there are borers in the dry stone forest!" Seeing this creature, Huo lunshaozhu, the old lady and the big man with Qiu beard could not help exclaiming, and their faces changed slightly.


"The moth?" Zhao Chengfeng and Liuli looked at the gray ugly creature with a strange look. "Although this thing has a shell, it doesn't look like an insect."

"Borers are not insects. Just as undead species have many forms, borers also have many forms, big and small. The small ones may really be more common. The big ones are even as big as the moving house. The only thing in common is that they all have beetle like crustaceans, so they are all called borers." Old Bill explained with a dignified look.

Then he frowned slightly, "but I've never heard of this moth in the dry stone forest before."

"In fact, it's not surprising that the withered stone forest is one of the mysterious areas in the Black Death world. Although the danger level is not comparable to those areas called forbidden areas, there are also not many people who can really understand it. At least it's not what we can do at this level. It's not surprising that there will be a kind of borer, But it's not normal to be in such peripheral areas. " Adele said so, but Xiumei also slightly locked.

Zhao Chengfeng didn't worry much, because this kind of thing is strange, but it's not strong. The only thing is that the carapace is a little bit hard. That scholar's Dagger can easily deal with this kind of ugly thing. If the force is small, it can't break its carapace.

Fortunately, there are not many, so it's easy to solve.

Turn a head to see, discover you Ya is taking small virtuous son to be in that snort snort snort snort snort snort snort husk, can't help but have a burst of speechless, "I strangle go, dead wench poor crazy, you also want this kind of thing, this thing also can sell money?"

"Hum, why not? No matter how small the money is, it's money. You don't want it. You don't have to share the money when it's sold." You ya smell speech but head also don't lift, at the same time toward the side of the glass and old Bill and other humanitarian: "don't stand, quick help!"

But Liuli didn't have Zhao Chengfeng's order. How could she help her? For her words, she was totally deaf and motionless.

Old Bill and Adele also hesitated. According to their heart, they didn't want to delay for such a small profit. But although Zhao Chengfeng damaged Youya, he didn't stop it, so he hesitated for a while, and finally decided to squat down to help.

After all, they just killed not many borers, but also a lot of them. It's not as fast to expect two people to peel them as everyone else.

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