But at this time, Zhao Chengfeng's face suddenly changed, suddenly looked into the distance, and said in a quick voice: "don't worry about those things, run, go there!"

Finish saying to see the crowd all bewildered of looking at him, not from big anger, again shout a way: "return Leng what Leng, quick!"

At the same time, people felt that the ground under their feet suddenly shook, followed by a rolling thunder from the distance.

There is also the sound of petrified plants being broken or broken.

Click, click, boom, as if there are thousands of troops rushing to the forest like the tide.

At this time, everyone's face is a change, and there is no need for Zhao Chengfeng to say more. Without hesitation, he runs in the direction that Zhao Chengfeng pointed out before.

Zhao Chengfeng also put Youya under his armpit, holding Liuli with his other hand, and ran crazily behind the crowd.

But not a few steps, the roar of thunder has come close, people subconsciously turned to see, face involuntarily are a burst of panic.

Looking around, we can see that there are thousands of moths in Hula La, big and small. The small ones are similar to those they killed before, the big ones are the size of wild boars and bison, and even some of the biggest ones are just like elephants.

The shape is also different, some look like deer, some look like ostrich, some look like crocodile, but all have a hard shell.

This kind of crustacean grows on the small moths before, but it doesn't feel like it grows on the large moths. It's just like an armored car. It's rumbling and hugging the thick petrified tree. It breaks when it hits, and some smash directly.

The borers seem unconscious.

Seeing this, people's faces couldn't help changing suddenly, and they sped up their pace. But it was only a few feet away, and the moths had already arrived.

Fortunately, their original position is on the edge of the path of these borers, and the borers seem to ignore them strangely. They roar past them, but none of them pay attention to them.

Zhao Chengfeng and others were relieved to see that the borers were not aimed at them, and then stopped.

But looking at these strange looking borers running by, Zhao Chengfeng and others were surprised, but they didn't know each other so much as to make up their minds.

A moment later, thousands of moths had disappeared in the public's sight, leaving only a path tens of feet wide, a mess, and the distant thunder.

After a while, even the thunder could not be heard, and people were completely relieved. But it's still palpitating.

"I'll go. The dry stone forest is more dangerous than I thought." Zhao Chengfeng can't help but turn pale.

Even if he is now in a virtual state, he is not afraid to face an old count, but he can't say that he can be relaxed if he tries to fight against the tide of borers.

Especially the big guy like the armored car, even if he was hit, not to mention the broken tendon, it was not easy.

"Put me down!" Is feeling, suddenly aware of the armpit someone struggling, yelling, this just found himself holding a face red little girl, can't help laughing, "ha ha, a little kid, also shy?"

"You ~!" Youya was put under her armpit like a quilt by a big man, but she looked embarrassed. Unexpectedly, the bastard made fun of her like this. She suddenly burst into a rage and bit Zhao Chengfeng's arm.

"Oh, you're a dog!" Zhao Chengfeng didn't expect that the girl was really biting. She couldn't help laughing and scolding. Fortunately, his muscles can't be cut, not to mention his teeth. Although he cries in his mouth, it doesn't really hurt.

But he let go.

After all, he is not sincere enough to take advantage of a little girl's film. If he wants to have no chest or buttocks, brother Feng is not interested.

Before that, I was just shocked by the borers and forgot for a moment.

"Well, I deserve to be killed!" His hand a loose, you ya also immediately broke free to go out, eyes ruthlessly stare at him. But when he said that, his hand was rubbing his cheek subconsciously. Is this bastard full of stones? So hard to bite, he didn't even have a mark, and it hurt the girl's teeth.

"That's ungrateful. I saved your life just now. That's how you repay your benefactor." When Zhao Chengfeng saw her expression, he secretly laughed in his heart. Suddenly I felt something in the other hand was pumping out. Then I remembered that the other hand was still holding Liuli's hand. I quickly released it, "ha ha, I'm sorry, I forgot."

Liuli pretty face slightly red, nodded and said nothing, next to Youya but wrinkled nose cold hum, "big sex wolf, clearly want to eat tofu also forget, really shameless."

"When I eat your tofu, you should have no chest and no buttocks. Can you tell me where your tofu is?"

"You ~!" Youya is furious and instinctively wants to bite him again. But when you think of him, he is just like a stone. He bit him just now, and his teeth are still sour, so you have to give up. He stomps his feet hard, snorts and turns his head to ignore him.

All the people could not help laughing.

"How do these moths feel like they're running for their lives?" Adele once again talked about the borer group just now, in a worried tone.

"That's true!" The crowd nodded slightly.

"I've never heard of borers outside the Kuishi forest before. I think it's probably from the central area of the forest. Maybe something happened in the central area." Old Bill guessed.

"Then what happened?" Xiaodezi asked.

Old Bill gave a wry smile and said he couldn't answer the question.

"No matter what, I'm afraid it's a bit unlucky for us to come here this time, but we can't go back empty handed now. Fortunately, our goals are all outside the forest and we don't need to go deep into the central area. So my opinion is that we don't have to guess now. It's time to finish the set goal. What's your opinion? " Zhao Chengfeng said and looked at the crowd.

The others pondered for a moment, then nodded slightly.

Only Adele apologized, "I'm sorry, I put everyone at risk!"

Zhao Chengfeng and others took a look at each other, and then they all laughed.

"Captain Adele, there's no need to say that. We knew about risks from the beginning." Zhao Chengfeng patted her on the shoulder, then waved his hand and said: "continue to do the Dharma, don't do those broken things. I'll take you to sweep a few altars later. It's not much more profitable than peeling these shells."

Youya, a young girl, was hanging an oil bottle in her mouth when she heard this sentence. She was very happy. She grabbed his sleeve and said happily, "this is what you said. Repentance is a dog!"

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