"My God, the moths!"

"What happened? How could so many borers come out of the periphery of the dry stone forest?"

"Run away!"


Just as Zhao Chengfeng and his party encountered borers, borers of different sizes appeared in other parts of the Kuoshi forest.

Like Zhao Chengfeng and others, these moth swarms did not attack the human warriors, but some of them were found too late, or the scale of the moth swarms they encountered was too large, so they couldn't avoid them, and suffered a disaster.

And surprisingly, as soon as these borers escape from the dry stone forest, they disperse and no longer gather.

Seeing this, most of them were surprised and suspicious.

"What's the situation? Is there any catastrophe in the dry stone forest going to happen?"

In the face of this situation, the reaction of the warrior is also different. Some people terminate the original plan, while others think that the crisis may be pregnant with opportunities. Many people naturally associate with the legend of the robber king.

Even the warlords who used to be around the withered stone forest also came to the withered stone forest when they got the news. No matter which world, there was no shortage of adventurers.

The timid just stay on the periphery, and the bold even want to go to the center to find out.

Generally speaking, after the discovery of the borer group, the number of soldiers in the dry stone forest did not decrease, even increased.

Even those who left didn't really go far. Most of them stayed around the withered stone forest.

As soon as the borers came out of the dry stone forest, they were no longer clustered, and they were immediately surrounded and killed by the warriors who gathered around the forest.

Along the way, Zhao Chengfeng and others encountered several groups of borers, one of which was even more than the number they encountered in the first group, with thousands of them.

In addition, some people were shocked to find that the more the borer swarm behind, the more monsters there were, and the more fierce they were.

Several people even saw a water buffalo, but it was as big as half a hill. Its swarthy carapace was emitting heavy dark light like metal. A few thick petrified trees were like fragile firewood in front of it, and turned into powder in an instant.

Even an elephant like moth stood in front of it and was crushed by it.

That terrible power, even if Zhao Chengfeng and others were far away at that time, they still felt a burst of panic.

Although he didn't know the strength of the moth, Zhao Chengfeng intuitively felt that he couldn't do it now. That is to say, the moth's strength alone was definitely higher than that of the count or the empty level.

"It's terrible. I didn't expect that there were so many terrible creatures in this dry stone forest!" Old Bill was a little frightened.

Adele pursed her lips and did not speak, but she looked worried.

On holder's honest and tender face, he was not only awed, but also excited. Zhao Chengfeng felt that if it wasn't for the task, he would have rushed to catch a moth.

In contrast, although Youya's face was white, her eyes were shining. "Uncle, do you think these guys are all from the center of the forest?"

"So what? Don't tell me you want to go to the central area. I tell you you want to go by yourself. Don't drag us to die with you! " As soon as Zhao Chengfeng looks at the girl's eyes, she knows what she's holding. She was blocked in one bite.

But the girl didn't give up when she heard the words. She pursed her lips and said, "hum, you are so timid. The old man doesn't even have a dream. This beautiful girl is very rational analysis, only then has the idea

"Ha ha, you are still rational analysis!" Zhao Chengfeng laughed sarcastically, "don't think I don't know what you think. Don't you think these huge things have come out, and now the central position will be very empty?"

"Isn't it?" Youya is said all of a sudden, a little short of breath, but still not convinced.

"What is it? First of all, how can you be sure that all those who escape are in the central area? Can't there be more terrible guys still in the central area? Secondly, even such a terrible guy would run away, and you don't imagine what kind of danger it would be With that, Zhao Chengfeng hit her on the head.

"Uncle bastard hit me on the head again!" The girl touched the knocked position and protested angrily, "I know. You are just jealous that benmei is smarter than you and want to beat me as stupid as you."

"Ha ha, you guessed right, hit again ~!" Zhao Chengfeng laughs, raises his hand and knocks again, showing his teeth and biting you ya.

The crowd was also amused by their gags.

For a moment, it eased the tension in my heart.

And the next good luck, I do not know whether the borers have run out, at least before reaching the first destination did not encounter a relatively large group of borers.

There was no danger.

However, seeing that most of the branches of the petrified trees were bare, their faces were not good-looking.

Because their first task target, Jianyu, is actually the fruit of the stone tree called jianyushu.

Although the plants in the withered stone forest are petrified, their fruits preserve the vitality of the kernel while the outer shell is petrified.

Moreover, because of the protection of shell fossilization, the core part of these fruits has been preserved for a long time, but to a certain extent, qualitative change has taken place.

This is the case with jianyuguo. Its shell has become a gray white fossil like the main body, but some of them have been broken, and the core has not been petrified, but has been jadified.

Crystal clear, shaped like a small sword, so it is called jianyuguo, or Jianyu.

This kind of jade core is not only beautiful in appearance, but also has the medicinal value loved by many pharmacists. Because of the long time of jade and storage, its medicinal power has become gentle and pure. It is said that it has greatly improved the success rate of pharmacists.

However, it is also because of its precious, plus collecting this kind of thing, there is almost no danger, so this kind of sword jade fruit has become more and more rare.

If it wasn't for the danger of the dry stone forest itself, there would be no such thing left.

This is obviously the case in front of us.

Originally, they did not give up and began to search one by one, but after searching for a long time, they only found more than a dozen gray fruits that had been missed by the people in front of them, and most of them were completely petrified and had no jade heart.

Although everyone had been psychologically prepared before, they were disappointed to see that they were so clean.

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