Zhao Chengfeng didn't affirm or deny the actions of Baron big nose and others. In the eyes of Baron big nose and others, this is tacit approval, which is a burst of joy.

However, their actions once again angered the Viscount YINKAI. For a moment, the anger of viscount YINKAI overwhelmed his fear of Zhao Chengfeng. However, before he started, the only female among the three, viscount Binghua, had already done it before him.

She didn't know why Viscount silver armor would retreat because of a word from a mere scholar level mole ant, and she didn't know what Viscount silver armor was afraid of. But from the bottom of her heart, she didn't think that a mere scholar level mole ant had anything to fear. Even if this person might have some strange skills or hidden strength, she wasn't afraid.

"There is nothing to be afraid of when you hide your head and show your tail and pretend to be a ghost!"

As a relatively weak woman, she can grow up to the level of viscount, and she has deep confidence in her own strength.

"The authority of ice, ice flower is fleeting!"

With the singing of Qingyue, the plump and exquisite body of the ice flower Viscount suddenly disappeared in the original place. Instead, a six petaled ice flower slowly fell down where she was standing, and broke up instantly before landing. It turned into a little bit of glittering and translucent light and diffused in the air.

Almost at the same time, a crystal clear ice flower appeared on the top of the Baron with a big nose. It was crystal bright and hard to look directly at.

"Ah ~!"

It seems that the sense of danger, Baron big nose and others have been shocked, turned to hide.

"Authority of ice, ice flower freezes!"

At this time, the voice of viscount Binghua seems to come out from the crystal ice flower, and then the figure of viscount Binghua appears in the position of the ice flower. The brilliance of the ice flower still converges, and becomes a tattoo like six petals of snow, which is printed on the back of her hand, making her already extremely beautiful and slender jade hand more and more mysterious and clean.

At the same time, a torrent of freezing force came out of her palm.

Baron big nose and others were shocked to find that the air around them suddenly dropped to the freezing point. For a moment, even their blood seemed to freeze, and their muscles and joints were stiff.

From the palm of viscount Binghua's hand, the terrible freezing force immediately froze all the water molecules in the air into ice, and the originally invisible freezing force also instantly turned into a tangible torrent of ice, and everyone was about to be swallowed up.

"Damn, what's this ability? Even the air is frozen..."

"Run, ah, no, damn it, I can't move!"

"No, does this woman want to freeze so many of us?"


The Baron with the big nose and others were frightened and regretted.

With so many barons, even if they were faced with a strong Viscount, they didn't have no power to fight back.

But because from the beginning, they did not have the will to fight, let alone the determination to die.

Similarly, I didn't expect that the ice flower Viscount was so terrible. As soon as the freezing power was launched, it had not been really attacked, and it had first affected their action ability.

So that after each other's ability burst out, they even have no chance to release their own strength.

But at this time, it's too late to regret. The people who are on the edge or behind are a little better. The first few people who bear the brunt can't even call for help.


At the moment when everyone was shocked, suddenly there was a click, and the turbulent torrent of ice burst.

"..." everyone looked at each other, but for a moment, they couldn't react.

"This is the power of authority of viscount level. It's a little interesting ~!" A smile of great interest instantly awakened everyone.

It was only then that I found that it was clear that there was only scholar level authority breath, but I didn't know why I could let Viscount YINKAI get out of the way, and I didn't know when Wuchen Qianzhi stood in front of them on May 9.

His hand was flat, and his whole arm was covered with ice and white frost. However, he seemed to have no feeling at all. He slowly withdrew his hand, ignoring the Viscount Binghua not far in front of him and the people behind him. He just looked down at his frozen hand with an expression of surprise and curiosity.

The public then reacted and knew that it must be this person who broke the terrible ice flow just now.

As they were about to speak, they saw that Zhao Chengfeng's arm shook slightly, and the ice covering his hand and arm fell off instantly. Even the white ice was evaporated in an instant, and his whole arm and hand didn't even have a trace of frostbite.

It seems that there is no trace of frostbite at all. Everyone, together with Viscount Binghua, is stunned.

In the heart can't help but come up with an idea, "is he intentionally let his hand be frozen?"

However, the ice flower Viscount immediately denied this idea, "it's impossible, even if it's a strong earl, it's impossible to face my ice authority without damage. Although this person is not ordinary, but the authority fluctuation is only a gentleman, and depending on his age, it's impossible to have power beyond the Earl level. He was able to do so only because my strength was too scattered, and it was not aimed at him

Read here, ice flower Viscount pretty face cold, about to move again, but see this man suddenly raised his hand: "wait a minute."

Then he turned back to the Baron with big nose and other humanitarians and said, "back off

Baron big nose and others were stunned, but they did not dare to hesitate. They quickly stepped aside to stand with Baron link and Adele.

But this time, they did not dare to be careless. They were all on guard, and their eyes were fixed on the other side, viscount axe sword and Viscount silver armor.

The silver armor viscount and axe sword Viscount although also look calm, but did not look at the big nose Baron and other people, their eyes are on Zhao Chengfeng.

If they still have some doubts before, they have confirmed that this person is not just a scholar level mole ant.

But they are still at a loss about Zhao Chengfeng's real strength.

They didn't even see how Zhao Chengfeng had just moved to Viscount Binghua and how he had broken the ice.

I didn't even feel the fluctuation of authority.

Zhao Chengfeng was the only one who looked relaxed. After he dismissed Baron big nose and others, he turned to Viscount Binghua again and said with a smile, "come again, use your strongest attack!"

Immediately added: "you don't have to worry, you have three shot opportunities, although with all my strength, I don't fight back!"

That expression seems to be afraid that the other party is not at ease.

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