Hearing this, everyone was shocked again.

"What's the matter with this stupid uncle? He can't be serious, can he?" Youya is stunned and almost thinks that she has heard wrong.

Liuli Meimu squints slightly and doesn't speak, but she doesn't know what Zhao Chengfeng plans to do.

Is it because they are beautiful?

No, although Mr. Zhao does have a good reputation in the world of the earth, he has a lustful reputation. However, from his recent contact, it seems that he is not a person who can't walk when he sees a beautiful woman, but only thinks in his lower body.

No matter in the face of Adele or miss uya, he showed great restraint, and he didn't show any lust in the face of me.

Although this woman looks good and has a good temperament, she is worse than Adele and miss Youya. Even me, I am not inferior to her.

Mr. Zhao doesn't think so because of his beauty, does he?

In addition to the two girls, other people are also dumbfounded, I don't know what Zhao Chengfeng means.

And the three of the ice flower barons were very pale, especially the ice flower Baron himself, who was almost dripping water. In her opinion, this person was insulting her naked.

Because too angry, the forehead veins are floating out, temples Dudu jump, a long blue hair without wind!

"Ice flower, be careful of his deceit!" Viscount YINKAI was also very angry, but he was very alert in his heart. He was afraid that Viscount Binghua would get angry and be killed by Zhao Chengfeng's treacherous plan.

At the same time, the vicomte made a wink, and the latter nodded knowingly.

Then he quietly took off his exclusive weapon, a huge axe sword, from his back.

It's a kind of strange weapon with a peculiar shape. It's a bit like a two handed sword with a long handle. However, the back of the sword's body is like a giant axe, which makes it not only have the piercing ability of ordinary swords, but also greatly enhance its chopping ability.

With his natural power and the power of the power of the bonus, such a weapon also makes him like a tiger, rarely meet opponents at the Viscount level.

But he didn't mind. When the opportunity came, he and Viscount YINKAI and Viscount Binghua cut off the strange boy and even attacked him secretly.

Different from the ordinary nobility, he didn't have that kind of nihilistic sense of honor. To him, that kind of thing was just like the decoration on the silver sword of viscount silver armor, redundant and unnecessary.

On the other side, viscount YINKAI also took off the silver sword on his waist, and moved forward quietly with Viscount axe sword for a few minutes. It seemed that Zhao Chengfeng was not aware of it.

A cruel sneer passed through the corners of their mouths, and they rubbed forward.

On the other hand, Adele and others' eyes and attention were on the ice flower Viscount, but the Baron with big nose and others had been attacked once just now, so they were always on guard against their actions. When they found their changes, they were surprised and would remind them.

But at this time, the ice flower Viscount has moved.

A jade hand slowly stretched forward, at the same time, a six petal snowflake Shaped Pendant hanging on the ice blue metal chain appeared in her hand.

"Freezing the ice of all things, you gestate the life of all things, and also control the death of all things. You are the most beautiful and pure in the world..."

With the singing of Qingyue, the faces of viscount YINKAI and Viscount Fujian, who had been quietly approaching, changed. Instead of moving forward, they retreated quickly.

It seems to be a great fear.

On the other side, the Baron with big nose and others, who were supposed to remind them of this, were stunned. For a moment, they couldn't react to it, but then they realized the problem.

The original intention of the two men was obviously to besiege or even sneak attack with Viscount Binghua.

But now they don't advance but retreat. It's definitely not that these two people have conscience and repentance. The only reason is that they are very aware of the terrible move of viscount Binghua. Even they are afraid of being affected.

What kind of privilege talent is this? It's so terrifying that company friends are afraid of it.

This idea together, people's hearts immediately hung to the throat.

"..., my Lord, be careful. This is a taboo gift!" The Baron with big nose screamed in horror, trying to remind Zhao Chengfeng of his idea. Although he didn't even know what to call Zhao Chengfeng, he understood that they were already travelers on a boat. Once the mysterious man's boat capsized, those people would never let them go.

"Taboo talent ~?!"

"It's really taboo talent. Is this woman crazy? How could she, as a Viscount, display her forbidden talent? "

Hearing the cry of the Baron with a big nose, Adele and others, who were already dignified, were even more shocked.

"It must be because of the pendant in her hand. It's not all her own power, but also the power of the pendant!" Youya's voice was also dignified, and her eyes were fixed on the blue snowflake like Pendant in Viscount Binghua's hand. Then she was shocked, "that's the eulogy of ice ~, no, it should be imitation, but..."

"Uncle, be careful, that woman doesn't use her power, it's the power of the pendant in her hand, it's an imitation semi artifact..." you ya yells.

"Semi artifact? What the hell Zhao Chengfeng is also stunned when he hears Youya's cry. Then he looks at the blue Pendant in the woman's hand. He really feels that there is a terrible power gathering in it.

This time, even he could not help sinking in his heart, "no, it's so big!"

He just wanted to understand what is the so-called power of authority in this world, and at the same time, he wanted to see the resistance of the spirit power to the power of authority.

After coming to this world, he also fought with the so-called nobility several times. The first time was Wuchen Qianyang and Wuchen Qiancheng. The second time was the two Viscount of Qichen family. The third time was the slave leader.

However, in those times, either the opponent's level was not high, or because of the type of authority, so relying on the basic physical strength, the fighting mode was still the warrior mode; Or the fighting speed is too fast to experience carefully.

As soon as he started with the ice flower Viscount, he immediately felt the difference. This woman's fighting style was completely different from that of the ordinary warrior. She was a bit like a Western magician, and he vaguely felt the taste of law from the other party's fighting.

This immediately surprised him and pleased him.

You should know that he only felt and dabbled in the power of the law after breaking through the void, and the so-called power of authority in this world actually involves the law at the Viscount level.

This is quite different from his previous guess.

That's why I plan to feel each other's power.

But I didn't know how to make a semi artifact. Is that a joke?

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