At the same time, the ice flower Viscount with singing face also pale up, but hear you ya call, her mouth is showing a trace of ferocious sneer.

"... praise your eternal ice in the world..." the voice of singing rises abruptly. The original voice of Qingyue becomes sharp and high pitched. The hand holding the snowflake pendant suddenly points to Zhao Chengfeng and screams, "freeze, mole ant who is my enemy!"

With her cry, the snowflake pendant suddenly burst out a terrible cold breath.

Air, soil, rock, cliff and even wind and sound all start from the snowflake pendant, as if the whole world is rapidly frozen.

At this scene, Adele, Liuli, Youya, old bill, holder, Baron big nose, Baron link... All of them opened their eyes in horror, even their voices were released.

Viscount silver armour and Viscount axe sword looked a little shocked when they saw this, but more of them were laughing at schadenfreude.

Zhao Chengfeng was the first to bear the brunt. He looked dignified at first, but at the moment when the power broke out, he frowned slightly. It seemed that he felt something was wrong.

How to say, he felt that the attack was terrible, but it didn't seem as terrible as he thought.

But he did not dare to take it lightly. After all, it was a semi artifact.

Although he didn't know the level of the so-called semi artifact, he couldn't pay too much attention to the word "God".

Without hesitation, at the moment of the outbreak of the force, he put on the armor of the dissimilated arms, and drank softly.

"Vajra boxing, Vajra's anger!"

In this situation, the sword and dagger are useless, and he doesn't intend to escape, so the best choice is Zhigang Zhiyang's Vajra boxing.

The whole person instantly incarnates as the angry eye Vajra, and at the same time, he blows a fist. Behind him, it seems that there is a virtual shadow of the angry eye Vajra, and the huge copper fist is also waved at the same time.

"Boom, boom Ah ~! "

There were two loud noises, followed by a euphemistic scream.

The terrible condensation of the iceberg instantly burst, into a little bit of crystal light scattered, together with the freezing force is not close to him, the surrounding also instantly turned into nothing.

However, the smile on the face of the pale but still grimly grinning Viscount Binghua was instantly solidified, and the huge force of anti phage made her scream, and then she flew backward and slammed into a huge rock.

The whole canyon was silent, and everyone was stunned.

Zhao Chengfeng was also a little stunned.

"You... Poof ~" Viscount Binghua struggled to get up and glared at Zhao Chengfeng angrily.

As if in scold: bastard, say good don't fight back?

But at the same time, there was a tremendous fear in her heart.

She has used the strongest card, the result of the other party actually no bullshit, on the contrary, she almost did not hang up.

Is this man a powerful Marquis, but he has only the rank of scholar. What kind of monster is this.

Zhao Chengfeng was really guilty and wronged by her stare. He said in secret: "I didn't want to fight back. I just resisted. Who knows..."

But even the enemy, he can't say that, it seems too hurtful.

Suddenly think of what, toward you ya a stare, angry way: "you don't say this is what taboo force, what semi artifact, how so weak?"

Youya was just as stunned as any other salted fish. She was shocked by the words, and then she burst into a rage. She put her hands in her waist and glared back and said, "is it my fault? I didn't tell a lie. Who knows that she is so weak that she can't exert any power with an imitation semi artifact!"

Suddenly she turned her eyes, pointed to the blue pendant that Viscount Binghua still held in her hand and said, "if you don't believe me, you can grab that for me. I'll take it back and study it. I'll show it to you after a few years. I'm sure it's better than her."

The ice flower Viscount hears Zhao Chengfeng to drink to ask you Ya's words, the whole person is angry of a mouthful of blood gushed to the throat again, almost didn't spurt out.

It's not easy to hold back. After hearing the half sentence behind Youya, I finally couldn't hold back. I opened my mouth and the second blood gushed out.

When Zhao Chengfeng heard you Ya's words, he was speechless. He was very good at crying and laughing and pointed at the girl, "you're so brazen, even I'm amazed! But are you telling the truth? "

"..." everyone.

Youya suddenly laughed, but she immediately put away her smile, still pretended to be angry and snorted, "of course, benmei never lies!"

"Well, to prove that you didn't cheat me, I'll make an exception!" Zhao Chengfeng also snorted angrily. Then he turned his head and stretched out his hand to the ice flower viscount and said, "this ice flower Viscount is right. You have heard what I said just now. Now I want to prove my innocence and that the little girl really didn't cheat me, so I need to borrow your pendant."

"Of course, I'm a reasonable person, and I don't want to force others. The most important thing is to keep my word, so you can choose to continue to sell. You need two more chances. Do you choose to lend this pendant to my little assistant for a while, and then sell it in a few years, or do you choose to sell it right away?"

Hear Zhao Chengfeng a face sincerely say so shameless words, a people face muscles can't help twitching, of course, some people because of anger, some people want to laugh dare not laugh.

Only a girl with a bright face.

Ice flower Viscount teeth bite of cackle straight ring, a pair of beautiful eyes venomous looking at Zhao Chengfeng, "do you dare to leave a name?"

When Zhao Chengfeng heard the words, he laughed. Did he intend to take revenge? However, he didn't care. He said with a smile, "on May 9, Wuchen's chivalry is."

"May 9, Wuchen's thousand childish, good!" The ice flower Viscount repeated it word by word. It seemed that he wanted to carve every word into the bone, and said a "good" word. Then he didn't say any more. He raised his hand and smashed the pendant at Zhao Chengfeng.

"I'll get it back!" She gritted her teeth to finish these words, then turned around and walked towards the valley without looking back. It seemed that she didn't even plan to participate in the changes in the forest center. In fact, she couldn't participate in her current state.

I didn't look at Viscount silver armor and Viscount axe sword.

Her attitude made Viscount YINKAI frown a little, and then looked at Viscount Fujian. They were silent and planned to turn away.

"Ah, I'm afraid another beautiful woman will never forget me from now on, sin!" Looking at the figure of viscount Binghua leaving, Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head and sighs. However, when he sees that Viscount YINKAI and Viscount Fujian are going to leave, he looks suddenly cold. "Are you going to leave like this? I don't remember that I allowed you to leave! "

"You, what do you mean?" Silver armour Viscount two people see Zhao Chengfeng let go of the first ice flower Viscount, there is still a fluke in the heart, but hear Zhao Chengfeng call to stop, two people's hearts suddenly clapped.

They both grasped the weapon subconsciously, and their faces changed.

"Ha ha, what do you mean? Don't you understand?" Zhao Chengfeng light smile, slowly toward the two.

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