"I'm Viscount YINKAI, my father is... Dare you..." Viscount YINKAI is furious. In his opinion, they have retreated. These five Chen Qianzhi are still aggressive. It's really deceiving. But I've seen Viscount Binghua blow up by this man with the help of the taboo technique of ice hymn. Although he is angry, he is more afraid and scared, So I plan to move out the name of my father and elephant city.

In his opinion, although this man is fierce, his father is the Lord of elephant City, and he is also a top count whose strength is close to that of the false marquis. Although elephant city is one of the human gathering cities in the Black Death world like black street city, its overall strength is much better than that of black street city.

Moving out of such two backgrounds, this person dare not go too far.

But he didn't expect that before he finished, Zhao Chengfeng raised his hand and slapped him in the face.

Viscount YINKAI was surprised and angry, but he found that he could see the opponent's action clearly, and it didn't seem to be too fast, but somehow his body seemed to be fixed, and he couldn't avoid it.

I watched each other's hands slap on my face.

This slap is not heavy, just fan him around three times, lost a few teeth, half of the head completely numb.

"Hun..." after shaking for half a day, he finally regained consciousness, but his vision became a little blurred, some couldn't see the things around him clearly, and his ears were buzzing, but he could vaguely hear the exclamations and inspirations around him.

The Viscount of silver armour of China was about to scold him, but he saw that the figure on the opposite side seemed to be looking at him coldly. He was shocked, but he woke up completely. He quickly swallowed the words back and said, "you, you dare... What do you want?"

"Ha ha." Zhao Chengfeng laughs and takes a step forward. "Before you offended me, I didn't care with you. You're so bold that you dare to do it. Now you ask me how I am, and you want to move backstage to scare me. Do you think I'm scared?"

Zhao Chengfeng said, eyes swept silver armor Viscount two people.

"Although I was offended before, the person who started before was the woman of viscount Binghua, not us..." Viscount YINKAI had some support in his heart, but when he saw that Zhao Chengfeng was so strong, his heart was at a loss.

See Zhao Chengfeng step forward, involuntarily back two steps. It was obvious that his mind was empty.

However, his words made Zhao Chengfeng feel even more contemptuous. Even other people around him could not help looking at him with a little more contempt.

It was the ice flower Viscount who did it before. Yes, but they were together. In fact, he caused the whole thing.

As a result, at this point, a big man put the blame on a woman.

What's more, when Viscount Binghua started, we all saw the actions of this man and Viscount Fujian. Did this man think that the young master of Wuchen family was blind?

In contrast, the vicomte of axe and sword was calm. Although he saw that half of the face of the vicomte of silver armor was swollen, and he looked a little afraid, he was not as unbearable as the vicomte of silver armor.

Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng was approaching, he also stepped back, but without too much excuse, he wisely took out all his things and put them on the ground in front of Zhao Chengfeng. After hesitation, he took off the axe and sword on his back and put them on the ground together. Then he got up again and stepped back a few steps before looking up at Zhao Chengfeng.

I don't say a word from beginning to end, but the meaning is very clear and single.

Seeing this, Zhao Chengfeng appreciated this guy a little. He looked at a pile of things on the ground, but he didn't check what was there. Just a smile, and then looked up at this person, see this person's eyes slightly Dodge, and firmly meet their own eyes.

"Ha ha, it's a little interesting." Zhao Chengfeng once again a smile, a pause, and then nodded: "yes, you can go."

The vicomte of axe and sword didn't say much. He put one hand on his chest and bowed slightly. Then he turned and left.

"Wait a minute." Zhao Chengfeng suddenly opened his mouth, and the vicomte of axe and sword, who had already walked out for tens of meters, felt a slight tremor. For a moment, he seemed to be hesitant.

Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help laughing. It seems that this guy is not so calm.

However, in the end, viscount Fujian did not choose to run away, but slowly turned around. Maybe he could not estimate his own speed, or he could not measure the depth of Zhao Chengfeng.

Anyway, he turned around at last. At the same time, he saw a dark figure flying towards him. The Viscount of axe and sword was surprised and reached for it.

Fortunately, it didn't come quickly, and it didn't have much strength. He grasped it surprisingly simply, and once he grasped it, he felt very familiar with it. When he looked down, he was stunned. It turned out to be his axe and sword.

The vicomte of axe and sword was shocked. He looked up at Zhao Chengfeng in surprise.

When people around see this, they are also surprised.

Only Youya, a little girl, saw the pile of things in front of Zhao Chengfeng, and her eyes were already shining. She even began to calculate how much these things might be worth. Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng kicked the weapon back, it was painful.

"Black uncle, this is a Viscount level weapon. It's worth at least one thousand. No, two thousand days. It's really black!"

Zhao Chengfeng just a faint smile, to the little girl's resentment ears full of not smell, toward the axe sword Viscount like a fly like wave.

The latter looked at him without saying much, reached out and hung the heavy sword on his back again, and turned away again.

Like Viscount Binghua, he also chose the direction of gukou.

Zhao Chengfeng then squinted at the silver armor viscount.

In the process, the look of viscount YINKAI changed all the time. When Viscount axjian took out all his things, his face changed.

When he saw Viscount axe and sword leave with permission, he could not help but gnash his teeth.

In his opinion, viscount axe sword was stupid to do so, and forced him to the Jedi.

"If you want to leave, you must pay a price, but the price can be talked about. Who is so stupid as to take everything out without talking about it?"

"Damn, if you do this, what can I do now? Do you want to give everything to this damned Wuchen Qianzhi? How can you compare that with my wealth? One tenth, no, one twentieth is less than that... "

When he saw that Zhao Chengfeng had returned his vicomte level arms to vicomte axe and sword, he couldn't react.

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