But is glory really more important than life? No, of course not. In fact, if you want to talk about face, you can say something about glory. In the view of viscount silver armor, only a fool can take the nonsense that glory is more important than life seriously.

So although he was aggrieved and resentful, after taking a deep breath, viscount YINKAI wisely chose to endure, "what do you want?"

But he wondered in his heart, did this person really see anything? No, it's impossible. Although this person looks a little enigmatic, he can't recognize that kind of thing.

Viscount YINKAI comforted himself in this way, and his face became more and more aggrieved, with a look of grief and indignation.

But Zhao Chengfeng's eyes make him feel uneasy.

"Hehe, how about it?" Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile, "it's not so good. You take this off and give it to me. Then I'll take it as if nothing happened before."

Zhao Chengfeng points to a small stud on this person's ear with a gentle smile on his face.

On hearing this, viscount YINKAI couldn't help changing his face. Subconsciously, he covered his ears. He was surprised and angry in his heart. "This man actually recognized my dimensional object. No, it's impossible. It's so rare. Most people don't recognize it. It's hard to see one in their whole life. Although this man is very powerful, But on May 9, Wuchen family was not a big force. How could he recognize it? What's more, my father specially invited the master to arrange the hidden means. "

"Is it a coincidence... Yes, it must be a coincidence... It must be that the boy is too greedy..."

Although he was shocked in his heart, he still comforted himself and made a final desperate struggle. He forced his composure and deliberately pretended to be very angry and said, "no, it's impossible. This thing can't be given to you!"

Originally, Youya and others saw that Zhao Chengfeng even wanted to roll down the broken Earrings worn by a big man. They were speechless for a while. However, when they saw this man's reaction, they were stunned, "is this broken earring really a treasure?"

Read here, you ya see that small earring again, eyes instantly lit up.

Looking at the reaction of the crowd, viscount YINKAI felt another thump in his heart. He quickly pretended to be very pitiful and begged, "Mr. Qianzhi, in fact, this thing is not worth a few pearls. Originally, I gave you my most precious sword and famous armor, and I didn't care about such an earring, but it was left by my dead mother, So please have a good time with you

Youya and others had their eyes shining. When they heard him say this, they were slightly shocked. They didn't feel like they were telling lies, and the earrings didn't look like valuable goods.

It looks dark, and the workmanship is not so fine. A group of people suddenly lost interest.

And listen to what he said pitifully, a few women in the team are a little heartless.

Only Liuli, after all, knows Zhao Chengfeng, and knows that Zhao Chengfeng is definitely not aimless.

Sure enough, when Zhao Chengfeng heard the words of viscount YINKAI, he laughed jokingly, "he is really worthy of being the son of the leader of the elephant city. He has courage. In your eyes, a precious dimensional thing is not worth several longevity pearls. It's powerful, it's powerful."

Zhao Chengfeng laughs and claps his hand. He really appreciates it, like a Viscount of silver armor.

"Dimensional things? My God, is it true that this thing is a dimensional thing

"Dimensional things, uncle, what you said is true. His broken earrings are dimensional things?

Other people, especially the greedy girl Youya, listen to the four words "dimensional things", and their mouths are all open into an o word, and there are crystal suspicious threads hanging down from the corners of their mouths.

"Uncle, I have decided that this robbery, no, this mission, I don't want anything, as long as this broken earring is enough..."

"What makes you think so beautiful?"

Before she finished her words, Zhao Chengfeng cut her head with a hand knife.

Then he stretched out his hand to Viscount YINKAI, "do you want me to say more? Bring it. Do you want me to take it myself?"

The teeth of viscount silver armor were squeaking. He was very unwilling and unbelievable.

He couldn't figure out this dimension. It's very good to cover it up. Generally, it's hard for the Marquis to recognize it easily. How did he recognize it?

But at this point, he also knew that it was impossible to hide it secretly, but he was willing to hand it over.

What should I do?

As soon as I gritted my teeth, I still had to take it off and hold it in my hand, but I didn't hand it over immediately. Instead, I gave a sneer, "I didn't expect you to have some insight, but I'm not afraid to tell you that this thing is not my own, but an adult..."

But before he finished, he saw that Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand slightly. Suddenly, he felt that his hand was empty, and then he saw that the earrings had already fallen into Zhao Chengfeng's hands.

Zhao Chengfeng holds the earring in one hand. He is too lazy to listen to his words.

Hehe said with a smile: "since it's not yours, don't be so wordy. If you don't like it, let him come to me."

He spoke, but did not look at the viscount. It's looking at the dimensional object between the fingers disguised as an ordinary ear stud.

At the same time, as soon as the divine consciousness sweeps, it immediately feels clearly that there is a unique cave in it, but it is blocked by an invisible barrier.

However, this kind of barrier is not solid in his eyes. He feels that as long as he has a sense of God, he can savagely break through the barrier.

But after thinking about it, he didn't do it. After all, although he had a dimensional object on his body, it seemed that it was lower than this one and could not be used for reference. In addition, he didn't have much knowledge in this field.

However, I feel vaguely that if we really take a barbaric way, even if the space does not collapse directly, we are afraid that the body will be damaged, which may reduce the service life.

As for how to open it, it's not easy. Ask.

Zhao Chengfeng smiles a little, then throws up the earring, grabs it, pinches it in the palm of his hand, spins it and looks at Viscount YINKAI again, "but before again, please tell me how to open it."

Hearing his words, viscount YINKAI didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Even the other people looked very strange. They felt sad for Viscount YINKAI.

It's bullying.

Zhao Chengfeng didn't care. He joked again, "it doesn't matter if you don't want to say it, but in that case, I'll have to test whether it will open automatically after its original owner dies. Of course, it's not what I really want to do. I believe the Viscount doesn't want me to do this kind of unwillingness, does he

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