"There are three levels of prohibition... However, if you want to refine, you must have a strong person above marquis to use the divine idea to help..." the Viscount of silver armor gave in without much struggle this time, and even didn't want to say anything threatening. He not only said the prohibition, but also said the key to each level of prohibition.

But when it comes to the back, he still can't help but sneer, but his smile has not completely floated, and he froze, because he found that before he finished his words, the earring that Zhao Chengfeng pinched on his fingertip suddenly burst out a layer of aura.

He had a similar experience himself, and he could certainly recognize this situation, which was the performance that the dimensional things had been refined again.

For a moment, his mouth was half open and he couldn't close it for a long time.

"You, you..."

He "you you" for a long time, but can not say the complete words. But in my heart, the waves are rough.

Is this man a marquis, or even a strong one above me? Isn't my revenge... Impossible for the time being?

Although he used the word "temporary", he knew in his heart that if the other party was really Marquis or above Marquis, it would not be temporary for him, but he would never get revenge.

After all, they are too young.

Regardless of what Viscount YINKAI thought, Zhao Chengfeng was very surprised at this time. Although he had guessed that this dimensional object was higher than his original one for a long time, after he opened it, he knew that it was not a little higher, but a lot higher.

Apart from other things, the space alone is several times the size of a small basketball court.

Compared with his original one or two meters square, this thing really has a small dimension.

Satisfied with this silver armored Viscount, he waved his hand and said, "well, you can go. If you want to get revenge, you can come to black street city or the city of May 9 in the eternal world to find me, but I hope you don't come, because you gave me such a good thing. I really don't want to kill you."

Viscount YINKAI was stunned when he heard that he was worried that he would kill people when he got dimensional things.

Now it seems that although this man is hateful, he still keeps his word.

But there was no gratitude in his heart.

I just don't know what strength this person has, otherwise, hum, how can it be without revenge?

However, he also knew that it was useless to talk more about the matter. He just took a look at Zhao Chengfeng and immediately turned around and left.

After a long walk, I look back and see that Zhao Chengfeng and others have no sign of catching up. It's really a relief. It seems that it's not the cat playing with the mouse, but it's really letting him go.

But at the same time, he felt more and more relieved. The other side's performance was that he had no fear. At least he didn't care much about his father.

Once again, I came here for the legendary treasure of the king of thieves. I didn't expect that I had not entered the forest area, let alone gained something, but I lost myself first.

"What shall I do? Shall I go back like this? If you go back in this way, depending on the performance and posture of the other party, I'm afraid that even if my father comes personally, he may not be able to avenge me. I'm afraid that I can't avenge my revenge for my whole life. However, although I am defeated now, at least my life is still there, and so is the treasure of the robber king. If I break into it, I may not have no chance. "

"However, if I run into danger again, I don't even have any weapons and my teammates..."

When he hesitated, he suddenly found that several figures were approaching quickly in the distance. He was surprised to think that Wuchen Qianzhi and others were coming again. But when he looked at the direction, he came from the direction of gukou. When he looked at the rank breath of those people, he felt relieved.

"It turned out to be a group of barons and quasi barons. I dare to come here. I'm really looking for death..."

When he thought about this, he suddenly thought that Wuchen Qianzhi was only a baron to be on the surface. These guys are not playing pigs and eating tigers, are they

No, no, no, no, there are so many freaks in the world. I was scared to see that everyone was suspicious.

In his heart, viscount YINKAI had a bitter smile and some anger.

At the same time, those people seem to have found him.

。“ Eh, Captain, there are beggars in the dry stone forest. "

"Ha ha, it's really ah, no, this guy should have been very rich. Maybe he was robbed... I wiped my pants. Is that too miserable?"

When a group of people saw the miserable appearance of viscount YINKAI, they subconsciously took him as an unfortunate newcomer. They just watched jokes, and no one noticed the rank of the unfortunate ghost.

One of them even said: "Captain, I think we are short of cannon fodder. Why don't we pull this boy up?"

However, this person's proposal has been opposed by other people all the time, "are you an idiot? Even if you are not afraid of being laughed at, are you not afraid of getting moldy?"

After that, these people burst into laughter again, but the laughter did not stop, these people suddenly seemed to be stuck in the neck, the laughter was choked in the throat, the smile on their face was frozen.

Because they were frightened to find that the unlucky guy who didn't even have pants had a horrible smell that made the sole of their feet soft.

Unexpectedly, he was a Viscount level master, and his breath was clear, and he was the best among viscount.

"Big, big..."

A group of people felt tongue tied.

Seeing the performance of these people, viscount YINKAI suddenly felt that his whole spirit was shocked. He even burst into tears. "That's right. That's what a group of barons and barons should do?"

If everyone doesn't play cards according to common sense like that bastard, how can he be a happy law of the jungle.

I feel that confidence is restored, and I see hope again in my life.

Although the Viscount of silver armor was still wearing only a fat dress, he felt very fresh and refreshing. He immediately gave a cold drink, "everyone listen to me. I have no other intention. I'm just robbing you. Everyone takes out all the things on his body, including his clothes. After three minutes, I don't want to see anything other than your body..."


Not to mention the Viscount of silver armor, not to mention the barons and barons to be who have just entered the canyon and have fallen down before two steps.

However, after Viscount YINKAI, Zhao Chengfeng had completely refined the dimensional object disguised as earrings, and immediately transferred all the things on his body, even the items in the original jade plate shaped dimensional object, to this new dimensional object.

This kind of huge see you ya etc. even Eye Bead son stare out.

Youya, the little girl, was the first to jump out and cry: "uncle, you're too much. You've already got a dime. You even want to rob me."

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