Others were even more surprised that Zhao Chengfeng could use divination.

"Qianzhi can use mental power. Is he a marquis?"

"If not a marquis, at least a quasi marquis."

Everyone subconsciously used the honorary title of "you", because whether they speculated on Zhao Chengfeng's rank, or the strength of their previous moves, they all brought great shock to these people.

What's more, they vaguely speculated that the other side might still be the marquis.


If the Earl and the Viscount can only be called masters in the two realms of eternal life and black death, the Marquis is qualified to be called the strong. This is almost a watershed.

In terms of status, the Marquis level, whether in the eternal world or the Black Death world, is basically a city or a large gathering place, the existence of the city master level.

"Mental power?" Although the voices of the public were very low, Zhao Chengfeng's ears could hear them clearly. When he heard these words, he felt a little shocked, and then he responded, "it should be the world's appellation for divine consciousness. Even if there are differences, it's almost the same. But listen to what these people mean, the martial arts of the world... Well, it should be called the nobility, Only at the Marquis level can we use divine consciousness or mental power. "

Looking at people's reaction, Zhao Chengfeng knows that these people probably have some misunderstanding, but he doesn't explain.

Just in my heart, I made some comparisons between the ancient warriors of the earth world and the Knights of the world of eternal life and death.

The title of a knight is also a person who cultivates himself in this world. At the beginning, he also called the person who cultivates himself in this world a warrior.

But before he fought with Viscount Binghua, he had found that the title of "warrior" didn't seem to be accurate for the practitioners in this world.

For example, the fighting style of viscount Binghua has nothing to do with martial arts. When you think about it, it seems that few of the Knights he contacted before actually fight with martial arts skills, that is, the use is very rough.

These people seem to rely more on the power of authority given by heaven and earth, as well as the talent skills brought by authority.

And those natural skills, although some moves are similar to martial arts, are actually quite different.

Most of the martial arts in the earth world have a process of evolution, from recruitment to potential, and then to intention and situation. Generally speaking, it takes at least to break the virtual state before the rules are initially involved.

The original meaning of emptiness is the meaning of "law". The so-called breaking emptiness is to explore, or "see" the meaning of some laws, and to make preliminary use of the power of some laws.

But seeing is only seeing after all, and there is still a gap between seeing and real clarity, and using is only skin deep. Only further, that is, the so-called void state, can we really get insight into the understanding of the law, and can we make further use of the law.

However, no matter how further we go, utilization is only utilization. Fundamentally speaking, it is still in compliance with the law. We can borrow the law, but we can't break it.

After that, to be able to break some rules, or even control some rules, this is the so-called broken virtual.

Of course, these are just some conjectures after Zhao Chengfeng broke through the virtual world. As for how to evolve martial arts at that level, or whether martial arts are still useful at that level, he can't know.

But the world's gift of authority seems to have the power of law from the very beginning.

"However, it seems to be very powerful, but from my several contacts, the skills they use, although they have the power of law, always feel dull and monotonous. Well, the reason is that although the talent skill can be used by the owner, it is not the result of the owner's understanding in essence, but is forcibly endowed by the power of heaven and earth. "

"What is given is just like that soldiers in the earth world can fire bullets with pistols. This ability is essentially pistol, not soldier's. Of course, this analogy is not necessarily appropriate. "

"In addition, there must be restrictions. For example, before the ice flower Viscount, although she was able to use the authority of ice, the means of using it was relatively fixed and single. It seemed that she could only use the corresponding skills to use the corresponding authority, or the power of the law. This is also different from those in the virtual world. "

"For example, now, if I understand a law, I can use it by any means in theory. I can use fist, knife or sword. Of course, there are some special exceptions, such as the law of the sword or the law of the sword."

In his heart, he compared and summarized the cultivation systems of the two worlds. Unconsciously, he felt that he had a deeper understanding of the rules and martial arts, and even improved his cultivation.

Although it's not as good as going from the initial stage to the middle stage, the progress is still very obvious.

"No wonder Lao Zhao said before that some martial arts masters paid special attention to epiphany. This kind of feeling is really good, and the collision of two civilizations can really make people have a spark of thought. We need to do more thinking in the future. "

Feeling this kind of progress, Zhao Chengfeng's joy is even more than that of getting the dimensional object itself, because no matter what treasure is compared with his own strength, it is foreign.

And this kind of understanding is not only the improvement of immediate cultivation, but also the long-term benefit.

"I'm sorry, I just realized that. I've kept you waiting for a long time."

Although Zhao Chengfeng is happy in his heart, he doesn't realize it all the time. This time and place is not suitable, and everyone around him is still waiting for him.

But Adele and others didn't care. First of all, they saw Zhao Chengfeng's hand before, and then they guessed that people's attitude towards him had changed unconsciously.

Don't say that Adele and others are two groups of people, Baron link and Baron big nose. At this time, Zhao Chengfeng's eyes are unconsciously with a trace of reverence.

This is respect for the instinct of the strong.

Moreover, although the Knights of this world do not attach as much importance to "Enlightenment" and "Epiphany" as the ancient warriors of the earth world, they do not underestimate this sudden realization.

However, this kind of understanding is even rarer for the knights in this world. It is definitely a kind of genius.

This also makes people look at him more and more different.

In the heart all not from secretly way: "no wonder this person's young strength is so amazing, it seems that this adult should belong to that kind of legend can break the rank authority limit of the top genius."

Hearing what he said, everyone said: "you are too polite. Without you, we have been poisoned by the three people before. Let alone wait for such a short time. Even if we extend this time 1000 times or 10000 times, we don't have any complaints."

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