"Ha ha." Zhao Chengfeng noncommittal smile, although know these people's words half true and half false, there are flattering ingredients, but listen to still very comfortable.

"I've heard that rank is not only a right but also a limit. Only the most talented can break the limit of rank and go out of their own way by their own understanding. Just like the king of the robber and His Majesty the stone emperor, can you also understand your own way?" Asked Baron link tentatively, smiling with longing and curiosity, and some flattery.

"Ha ha, the king of thieves and His Majesty the stone emperor, which I can compare now." Zhao Chengfeng laughed again, but did not answer this question directly.

But his words surprised Baron link and others, even Youya and Adele and others could not help showing a trace of shock.

Because at first glance, Zhao Chengfeng's words seem to be a denial, but on second thought, the meaning is completely opposite.

"Now it can't be compared, doesn't it mean that you have realized your own way, but it can't be compared now. No wonder he has only scholar level authority, but his strength is so amazing. Is it true that people who have realized their own way are not limited by rank

Because the heart is too shocked, even the little girl Youya also forgot to shout that Zhao Chengfeng robbed her dimensional things.

Is Lengshen see, suddenly see Zhao Chengfeng lost an object to come over, subconsciously hand a pick, but it is a jade.

Youya is also knowledgeable, and she has seen Zhao Chengfeng remove a pile of things from the jade plate before, so she immediately understood what it is. The shock was changed into surprise, but it was hard to believe, "here, give it to me?"

"Why, no?" Zhao Chengfeng pretended to reach for it. The little girl immediately responded. She was trampled on her tail and jumped back. At the same time, she hid her hand behind her. She wrinkled her nose and snorted: "who said I don't want it? I want to take it back when I get it. There's no way."

Said and couldn't put it down to get in front of a careful look, the more I like to see, smile, mouth almost split to the ear.

Of course, other people also reflected what it was. After all, Zhao Chengfeng had removed a pile of things from it before, and they all saw it.

People can't help but show envy, some people can't help but flash a trace of greed and desire, but think of Zhao Chengfeng's terror, and instantly annihilated, can only a wry smile, secretly sigh: the same person different life, or, beauty is to take advantage of what?

"Come on, don't look at it. Let's refine it. Look at your promise. You don't have it at home, do you? "

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't care about other people's expressions. With him, he believes that these people have no courage to be crooked. After returning to the city, even if Youya is separated from himself, he believes that the Lord of the city will never allow anyone to steal things from Youya.

Moreover, if the girl's family background is as he guessed, she must have a land plate to protect herself. Otherwise, how could the Lord really let her run around by herself.

It's Youya's reaction that surprised him. This kind of thing even has Viscount silver armor, and it's still a high-grade product. Shouldn't this girl not have it?

Who knows Youya didn't care about his jokes this time. He just said: "yes, of course, but it's not rotten cabbage. Can you have one person?"

After that, some depressed people added: "although I have always wanted one, those old guys have been putting off, saying that benmei girl's strength is too low. Hum, benmei girl doesn't have one now. Ha ha, uncle, help me to refine

Zhao Chengfeng looked at her appearance of being a villain. He could not help shaking his head and laughing bitterly. At the same time, he was also surprised. This dimension seemed to be more valuable than he imagined.

In this case, how could Viscount YINKAI have any other background besides being the son of the head of the city?

However, it may also be that the deputy city master has some way to go, and he really dotes on his son.

Well, the difference in gender, age and strength is probably the reason.

He thought about it in his heart, but he didn't pay much attention to it. Anyway, he had already robbed it. It's hard to send it back.

It's a big deal.

Because you ya didn't have the so-called power of divine thoughts, Zhao Chengfeng had to drop a drop of blood essence, and then refined it into a blood mark, which was printed on the prohibition of dimensional things.

This is also one of the ways to refine things. It's called blood refining. Although the process is more troublesome, the effect is actually better than refining things directly with divine consciousness.

However, after refining in this way, if the goods are damaged, it will do more harm to the owner.

After finishing, once again toward you ya a throw, half joking smile way: "this even if you this time of salary, after what harvest has nothing to do with you."

"Hum, stingy!" Youya took it and wrinkled his nose. However, when I feel the space in the dimensional things, I immediately feel the joy in my eyes.

Although the internal space is not big, it is very stable. On the contrary, Youya knows a little better than Zhao Chengfeng, so she immediately affirmed that although the space is not big, the refiner's method is not low, and she felt a subtle feeling.

Of course, what is more important for her is that the significance of owning a dimensional object is more important than the level and space of the dimensional object.

In a word, the more she looked at this dimensional object, the more she liked it. Later, she was busy loading and taking out her things all the way. She had a good time.

Until Zhao Chengfeng got tired of it and threatened her to take it back by force. She just hummed a look at Zhao Chengfeng, and then carefully, reluctantly put it away.

Although they were amused, they all understood it. In fact, people feel that if they have such a treasure, I'm afraid they will be more uneasy than Miss Youya.

Of course, they may not have such a thick nerve, dare not so aboveboard toss.

Because after they set out again, they met more and more adventurers along the way, and there was even a Viscount level team whose strength was no less than that of viscount YINKAI and others.

What made them even more startled was that more than a dozen barons were gathered around the Viscount team. When they saw them, the barons surrounded them with a swarm of bees as soon as they waved their hands.

At this time, they understood why Viscount YINKAI and others were interested in them. It was not only that Viscount YINKAI was lustful, but also that they wanted to catch them as cannon fodder because they were uncertain about the danger of the central area of the forest.

And these people are obviously playing the same idea.

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