However, this group was obviously more cautious than Viscount YINKAI and others. Zhao Chengfeng only showed a little strength, and the other party immediately changed their attitude and changed the forced recruitment to invitation.

After Zhao Chengfeng refused, although the other party was not happy, but did not reluctantly, with a group of cannon fodder has been in hand to retreat, Zhao Chengfeng did not stop.

Neither side wants too much conflict.

After a short walk, Zhao Chengfeng and others arrived at the first fork of the canyon. To the left is a branch line, which is also the first destination of Zhao Chengfeng and others in the canyon. To the right is to continue to the forest core area.

Come here, everyone subconsciously stop.

Everyone understands that it's time for them to choose.

Sure enough, before they spoke, Zhao Chengfeng broke their last fluke.

"Ladies and gentlemen, our colleagues are here. How do we plan to move on?"

Although this way, get along well, especially Baron link and others to Zhao Chengfeng's impression is not bad. But Zhao Chengfeng doesn't plan to change his plan for them.

It seems that he is asking for advice, but in fact, it is tantamount to giving an order.

Baron link, Baron big nose and the other leaders of the squads looked at each other with a wry smile.

It's obvious that several teams have realized that they are in a bit of an awkward situation.

Go ahead?

Without the escort of Zhao Chengfeng, a suspected "strong man", their future is worrying, and they may be reduced to other people's cannon fodder.

Although there are a large number of them, they can't compete with several Viscount leading a group of Baron cannon fodder just now.

But I'm not willing to go back. What's more, I don't know if I will meet the Viscount team coming back.

"Mr. Qianzhi, if possible, some of my friends and I want to follow you." Baron link was the first to make the decision.

Hearing what he said, Zhao Chengfeng didn't respond, but the Baron with big nose and others were surprised. They looked at Baron link in surprise.

They keenly noticed that Baron link not only called this Wuchen Qianzhi an adult, but also used the word "follow".

It's like putting yourself in a subordinate position.

This makes Baron big nose and other leaders of several teams frown slightly. Although they also want to continue to follow Zhao Chengfeng, their goal is still the central area of the forest, or the possible treasure of the robber king.

But if you put yourself in the position of followers, even temporary followers, it also means that they have lost all the initiative.

This makes them a little reluctant.

I came here because of my ambition. How can I be inferior to others?

Zhao Chengfeng was a little surprised at the decision made by Baron link and others, but he didn't immediately agree. Instead, he laughed, looked at several people and asked, "you should follow me, but as I said before, our goal is not the same as yours. Maybe we won't enter the core area at all. Even if we go in, it will take a long time, I'm afraid that the so-called King robber's treasure will have to go long ago. Are you willing? "

"Ha ha, we have thought about this for a long time. Maybe we had some illusions before, but we have thought about it for a long time. With our strength, even if there is the treasure of the king of thieves in it, it will not be our turn."

"Originally, we thought that even if we couldn't get the treasure and gain more insight, but now it seems that if we don't have the strength, even if we want to watch the fun, people won't agree. For example, before, if there were no adult you, we would have been captured by others as cannon fodder. "

Baron link and two horsetails looked at each other with a bitter smile.

But then, his eyes were slightly glowing, and he looked at Zhao Chengfeng warmly and said, "and I think it's not in vain to meet you this time, even if you can't get anything. Maybe you are our biggest chance this time."

"Ha ha, yes. I like this flattery." Zhao Chengfeng laughs and then looks at Baron with big nose and others. Some of them look evasive and falter, as if they don't know what to say.

As soon as Zhao Chengfeng saw it, he immediately understood the thoughts of several people. Obviously, they didn't give up, but they were embarrassed by Baron link's simple decision and flattery.

They want to continue to follow Zhao Chengfeng for a while, and it's better to get close to the central area, but they don't want to be affiliated and controlled by others.

"Ha ha, I think it's very good, but is there such a good thing in the world?" Zhao Chengfeng secretly shook his head with a smile, but did not reveal it. He just nodded his head and said, "well, I wish you good luck on your way forward. Let's say goodbye."

Then, without waiting for a few people to answer, he said to Adele and Baron link, "let's go!"

Then walk into the left fork.

Adele and others said nothing and immediately followed.

However, Baron link seems to feel the shame and annoyance of Baron big nose and others. He can't help but sneer and don't look at those people more. He just greets his teammates and then follows them.

A moment later, the Baron with big nose and others were still standing in the same place, looking at the farther and farther back of the group. There was no longer a sense of complaint and dissatisfaction in the eyes of a group of people.

"What's the idea of this Baron link?"

"Needless to say, it's just cowardice, coward!"

"No, I don't think this person is so simple. He probably wants to continue to use the young man. Hum, it's just that this man has a good idea, but I'm afraid the means and wisdom of that young man are not so easy to use. "

Some people spoke, and immediately others followed. Some thought Baron link was cowardly. Others thought he was smart.

But it's strange that no one is dissatisfied with the young man who really "abandoned" them. But there must be some, but no one will say it in front of the public.

At this moment, an ordinary member of Baron big nose's team suddenly muttered: "maybe Baron link is not necessarily what we think, he may have done more correctly and wisely than us..."

But before he finished his words, he felt the gaze of the crowd and immediately lowered his head, but he didn't dare to say any more.


"Here, it is. According to the data, it is one of the places where the black crystal sand, one of the three materials we need, is produced. However, it is also the coverage of the altar of immortality. Of course, it's just the Baron's immortality. Sprinkle water... Ouch!"

Youya just finished the introduction with the map, the gravel ground at the foot suddenly exploded, and a monkey like undead species suddenly jumped out. Youya was caught off guard, and was scared to utter a cry of surprise.

Fortunately, holder was standing beside her all the time and hit the shadow with one punch.

But the next second, holder's face changed.

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