
With a dull noise, holder felt as if his fist had hit a piece of millennial cow skin. Although it was not very hard, it was extremely tough. At the same time, an anti shock force came along. He could not help but "pedaling" for several steps.

The shadow was also rolled over and fell several meters away. However, before everyone could see what kind of undead it was, the thing actually slipped into the ground again, just like a creature without real form.

"My God, it scared me to death. Xiaode, just now you saved me! " All this happened so fast that Youya was still in a state of shock. She patted her chest and then her shoulder, trying to calm down.

Then he felt that his reaction just now was a little embarrassing and said angrily: "asshole, what kind of undead seed is that? It can drill into the ground... No, it's not drilling into the ground at all. It feels like there's no real thing. It comes out at once and goes back at once. Xiaode, do you see what it is? "

"I didn't see it clearly, but it should have entity. At least when I hit it just now, it must have entity, and it has strong defense." Holder shook his head.

"I saw it a little bit. It was like some kind of small ape." There is humanity in Baron link's team.

But before he finished, someone objected, "no, it should not be an ape, because I saw that thing had horns!"

"He looks like an ape, and has horns... And he can escape from the earth. I know what immortality it is." "Old Bill suddenly said:" if I guess correctly, the immortal species of this altar should be the pithecus

"It's very similar to old bill. But, no, according to the information on our map, isn't it a baron undead species called iron feather eagle? How can the pithecus come out? "

When they heard Old Bill's judgment, they nodded first and then couldn't help wondering.

"It's no surprise that the distribution of undead species is relatively stable, but it's not static. Where there was nothing, there would be an altar. The Baron level altar suddenly became a Viscount, or even a higher undead altar. This kind of thing can happen. As for the change of a kind of undead, it often happens

Baron link said with a smile“ We're lucky to say that, at least, although the Yaksha ghost ape is more difficult to deal with than the iron feather eagle, it's still a baron undead species. With so many of us, it's not hard to deal with a baron immortal, not to mention a thousand childish adults. "

Lord link said that old Bill and Adele and others had some worries, but they thought it was reasonable.

This kind of thing is not common, but it happens.

Maybe it was just an accident.

Of course, what worries people most is that Zhao Chengfeng is the key factor.

So everyone turned their eyes on Zhao Chengfeng.

Zhao Chengfeng himself didn't know much about this kind of thing. Thinking about it, he thought it was just a kind of immortality changed into another kind of immortality. Since everyone said that this kind of thing was not without precedent, he didn't care about it.

Seeing the crowd looking at themselves, he said with a smile: "come here, you can't just go like this because the undead species have changed one. If these undead species have been hiding underground all the time, if they come out, just do them."

When he said this, everyone laughed.

"In order to improve efficiency, I suggest that we just divide into two groups. I'd better take a few people to search on the left, team leader Adele to search on the right, and master Qianzhi and miss Youya and miss Liuli to stay in place to be responsible for the coordination." Baron link is very active to himself and others are also joined in the search team, and take the initiative to propose action.

"It's great that Baron link and you can help. We have no problem with Baron link's proposal." Adele, old Bill and others know that Baron link is doing this because of Zhao Chengfeng, but they are still very grateful. Moreover, Baron link's proposal is also very appropriate, and of course they will not oppose it.

Since both sides have no opinion, Zhao Chengfeng certainly has no opinion. He nodded and said, "let's do it. If there's any accident, send a signal immediately!"

He said that, but he didn't think there would be any problem. After all, it was just a baron level altar of immortality. As long as there was no such kind of alienated immortality, the strength of Adele and Baron link and others should not be a problem. What's more, their goal was not these immortality.

Now that the plan of action has been decided, all the people have made an appointment with the method of sending the letter.

In addition to Zhao Chengfeng three people stay behind to help, the others are divided into two groups, along the left and right sides to search the depths of the canyon branch line.

Not far away, Baron link's side was first attacked again. Three or five shadows sprang up from the ground and even the cliff.

This time, people finally saw it clearly. Sure enough, it was an undead species that looked like a monkey but had two sharp horns.

The name of this undead species is exactly what old Bill guessed before, which is called the pithecus.

This kind of undead species is not very common, but it is not rare. Besides Zhao Chengfeng and Liuli, most of them are familiar.

After confirmation, Baron link and others have settled down.

Although this kind of undead has the ability to drill through the ground and walls, it is like a ghost in seclusion, and its defense is amazing, and its strength is terrible.

But in fact, this kind of undead is not a crime in Baron level, which is a headache because of its single attack means.

Moreover, Baron link and others are barons, at least quasi barons. If they are prepared, Baron link is a group of people with strong fighting talent in Baron level.

These are the same as the Baron level of undead species, where is the opponent, three or two were beheaded. All of them were shocked.

Although I knew it was a baron immortal before, I didn't really meet this type. I was still a little worried. I cut off two ends at once, and people immediately had a bottom in their hearts.

However, this kind of nocturnal harpoon ghost ape is worthy of the name of ghost ape.

And intelligence seems to be high.

The common undead species, such as the orphan girl of Yashan, basically have no consciousness of escape and strategy.

But these ghost apes saw something wrong, and immediately fell into the ground and the cliff again.

Seeing that a ghost ape was about to escape to the ground, Baron link held up his sword and chased him. He saw that the sword hit him, but the long sword passed through his body, but the ghost ape was not damaged.

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