Baron link was stunned to see the pithecus diving into the ground.

Not far away to watch this scene of Zhao Chengfeng and others can not help but slightly surprised.

"The so-called yecha ghost ape is worthy of a ghost word. It can transform between the virtual and the real."

At the same time, Adele's side also encountered the attack of the Yaka ghost ape, but without any preparation, she did not suffer.

And a few times later, people probably also find out the characteristics of this pithecus.

People thought that this pithecus would become a virtual body only when it touched the ground.

But a few times later, people found that it was not at all. To be exact, the pithecus will only become a real entity at the moment of attack.

In other states, it seems that they are more like some kind of ghost. After each attack, they have to return to the underground for a period of time to launch the second attack.

"Although this ghost appears and disappears, it doesn't seem to be anything else." In the team of Baron link, a baron once again killed a ghost ape. He said with a smile.

The others laughed at the speech.

Along the way, everyone was used to it except that they were scared by it at first.

"Don't take it lightly. Although the attack power of this thing is not strong, it's haunting. Don't turn over the boat in the sewer." Lord link exhorted, but his expression was quite relaxed, but along the way, they saw that they were almost half the distance to the end of the canyon, and still did not see the Amethyst sand.

"There is no Amethyst sand here." A member of the team said.

"How can there be more? If I say, it's a waste of time here." As soon as the man opened his mouth, someone immediately complained with disdain.

"Shut up, it's our initiative to help, and it's not forced by others. There's nothing to complain about Baron link's face changed slightly. He immediately scolded the man, and subconsciously looked at the other side of the canyon, but he was stunned. "Eh, Captain Adele, where are they going?"

"I saw them over there just now..." they all subconsciously followed their eyes, but they didn't see Adele and others.

A group of people could not help but be slightly stunned.

The canyon is a branch line. The bottom is not wide, and the widest part is only two or three hundred meters. Although some plants are petrified, it does not hinder the sight.

So although they are divided into two groups, they can take care of each other. Not long ago, they could see Adele and others searching on the other side. Why did they disappear?

Everyone looked a little nervous.

Baron link was about to go over to check when suddenly a figure appeared behind a big rock near the cliff. It was Adele. Then old Bill and holder came out from behind.

The crowd was stunned, and then reflected that there was a crack. Adele and others must have searched inside just now, and the entrance of the crack was blocked by a big stone, so Baron link and others mistakenly thought that Adele and others were missing.

To understand this, Baron link and others could not help laughing.

"This thing scared me, almost scared me to death."

"Let's just say, how can the living man suddenly disappear."

Adele and others seem to feel their eyes, turn to look at them, see link and others smile, a little confused.

Old Bill said with a smile, "Baron link, how can you be so happy? Have you found any treasure information?"

"Ha ha, there is no treasure information, but I saw something interesting..." Baron link said the misunderstanding with a smile.

Old Bill and others couldn't help laughing.

"Well, Captain Adele, have you got anything?" After the joke, Baron link asked again.

"I found a little, but it's a drop in the bucket." Adele said, taking out a translucent leather bag, vaguely saw a pinch of purple crystal sand inside.

Actually found it?!

Baron link was a little surprised. He thought he had got nothing here, and so must Adele and others.

I didn't expect that the other party actually found a little.

So there are still some here.

This time, he was a little embarrassed.

Although he took the initiative to help, separate search is also proposed by him, but if we have no harvest, that's OK, it can only show that here has been completely exhausted.

But Adele and others find it. If they get nothing, will they be considered as perfunctory?

In that case, it would be good intentions to do bad things.

At the moment, I can't help chatting: "it's good to find a little bit, at least it shows that there is something left out here. It's a pity that apart from a few sun pearls, we have several sets of materials for immortality, but we haven't got anything else. "

Adele didn't think much about it. She laughed bitterly and shook her head. "That's right, but it's useless. The task requirement is at least 50 grams, which may be less than one tenth. We can see a lot of the base of the Amethyst sand, but it has already been illuminated by people. I'm afraid it was accidentally missed... "

Baron link thought that Adele was comforting him when he heard her say this. He was deeply moved. This young lady Adele is worthy of being the team leader. She is not only mature and beautiful, but also so understanding. Unfortunately, she is a married woman

As he was about to speak, he suddenly found that Adele's eyes suddenly passed over him and others and looked behind him. His face suddenly changed, and he seemed very frightened.

Baron link was surprised, and then Adele called out to them, "run, run!"

Baron link had already felt something bad when he saw the three people's faces changing. When he heard her shouting, he realized that it was not good and subconsciously wanted to turn his head. But the next second, he couldn't help but open his eyes and looked at the cliff behind Adele and others in horror.

Without looking back, he knew that what Adele and her three saw must be the same scenery as what he saw.

If it can be called scenery, it may be more appropriate to call it scene.

"Behind you... Run ~!"

Baron link roared at the top of his voice. He grabbed one of his friends who was still in a daze and ran to the position where Zhao Chengfeng and others were.

"My God, why so many monkeys!"

"Damn, I said these animals are gathering here, they are going to attack us!"

"Don't talk about it, run!"

At the same time that people realized what had happened, countless pithecines suddenly appeared on both sides of the cliff, rolling down like an avalanche.

Everyone's reaction was not slow, but some people were slow.

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