"Ah ~!"

A shrill cry.

One of the barons to be was stabbed in the legs by the sharp claw of a harpoon ape.

After this delay, countless ghost apes immediately came up.

Seeing this, the baron to be turned pale and cried out in horror, "Lord link, help me..."

"Lyle ~!" Baron link has been running for some time. Seeing this, he looks surprised and angry. He turns around and runs back. However, he is caught by his two companions. "Go, you can't save him at this time, you will die too!"


On this delay, the baron to be had been drowned by countless ghosts and apes.

Baron link's face turned pale when he saw this, and he cried out, "ah ~!"

Then he turned around and ran. Just as his companion said, it was too late for him to rush back at this time. He could not save others, but also catch up with himself.

At the same time, Adele and others on the other side are not much better. Fortunately, all three of them are real barons, and they are the first to see those ghost ape movements. As soon as they see Baron link's surprised face, they immediately realize that they are the same scene.

So I ran in time.

In this way, old Bill was almost killed. Although he escaped, there was a deep bone wound on his back.

Bursts of fiery, heartfelt pain, while running to the crowd shouting, "quick, gather, gather, this thing is too fast, we can't escape, only gather together to join forces against the enemy can we have a glimmer of vitality!"

Baron link and others heard the words and looked back, their faces changed again.

The speed of that thing was much faster than they expected.

The main reason is that those things don't need to run as hard as they do. As long as I drill on the ground or in the rock wall, like fish in the water, I will jump out of a large section in an instant.

It was a few meters apart before Ming Ming, but it just got to the front of the crowd as soon as it was drilled.

And as long as one of them gets in the way, the end can be expected.

As soon as Duke link bit his teeth, he said to his friends in a fierce voice, "just as old Bill said, get together, get together ~!"

With that, he swept the surrounding terrain, then quickly rushed to the middle of a road, and slightly raised the highland, and then turned around to kill a ghost ape who rushed out of the ground, shouting, "gather, gather, three people in a group, back-to-back, gather!"

At the same time, he called out to Adele, "signal, signal!"

Adele and the three moved closer to him first, but the ghost apes all around also arrived. They were surrounded in the center in an instant, and there was no time to signal.

"Beast Baron link swore and slashed wildly.

Other team-mates know that it is impossible to run past those ghost apes today, and they don't hesitate immediately.

Soon a group of three formed a reluctant formation.

It's just that before everyone's formation is completely completed, a large group of ghost apes have been running into their simple formation.

"Ah ~!" Soon another baronet was injured.

Seeing that some of their teammates are going to be attacked, the eyes of all the people are about to crack, but there is nothing they can do, because there are too many undead species. They are too busy with the attacks from all sides.

At this moment, a silver light shot past, and the ghost ape, who rushed to the baronet, split in an instant.

"Ah ~!" The baron to be thought that he was finished, but suddenly he found that he had not been hurt.

As soon as you look at it, a figure comes from afar like a roc spreading its wings. A long silver sword in your hand passes through a sharp light like lightning. The sharp light of the sword roars into the group of ghosts and apes that flood in general.

Suddenly more than a dozen ghost apes were torn in an instant.

The whole ghost ape torrent seems to have stopped.

They immediately felt the pressure relaxed and looked up. It was Zhao Chengfeng who came.

I can't help but be surprised and happy.

"Master Qianzhi, why did you come here? I thought it was over?"

Said Baron link pleasantly.

Others have the same sense of survival.

Before, although they said they wanted to send signals, they found that they didn't even have the chance to send signals when they were in danger.

I thought it was going to be over, but Zhao Chengfeng came first.

This kind of surprise made people, especially the baron to be, almost cry with joy.

"Why, I'm too early. I'll go back and have a nap first!"

Zhao chengtui chuckled, but his hand was not slow. He waved his sword. Before that, the tide of ghosts and apes was like a flood. In a few blinks, he was killed dozens of heads by the sword light.

Although the ghost ape tide is fierce, it has damaged so much at one time, and some of it has failed to catch up. The momentum has been stopped.

Seeing this, people were really relieved. Hearing Zhao Chengfeng's words, they shook their heads, "no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

I'm kidding. Later, all of them have to be here.

Even a second later, they're going to hurt a teammate.

When it comes to team-mates, Baron link's look is not only gloomy, surprise and joy are replaced by anger and sadness, but also the battle is intensified once again.

Taking advantage of Zhao Chengfeng to stop a large group of ghost apes, several people quickly killed several ghost apes, then roared and rushed to the ghost ape tide.

Zhao Chaofeng sees this scene, in the heart not from slightly move, the vision sweeps, this just discovers that the number of people has already lost one.

I understood something in a moment.

In the heart not from clap Deng for a while, "still come late?"

In fact, after everyone left, he felt a bad feeling. To be specific, he felt that something was wrong.

In order to be on the safe side, he let Liuli and Youya out of the entrance of the canyon branch line, and walked into the canyon, but he didn't expect that the result was still a step late.

Think of his joke before, can't help chatting, a sigh in the heart.

He also stepped up a point in his hand.

He didn't ask for any sword moves. He just opened Dahe and killed the already decadent ghost ape tide in an instant.

Seeing this, everyone felt excited and dejected.

They just looked like the tide of ghosts and apes caused by natural disasters. They were so vulnerable in front of Zhao Chengfeng.

This gap is really striking.

Baron link, in particular, had a wry smile in his heart. "I used to say that we could show some strength along the way, and even follow this adult in the future, but now it seems that we are just a burden. Maybe it would be easier for him to clean this Baron level altar alone?"

So what qualifications do we have to say to follow? Do we have to be a group of salted fish and shout 666 after them?

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