In fact, it's not only Baron link, but also Adele and others. They feel that they are inferior.

Finally, everyone tacitly agreed to stop, leaving Zhao Chengfeng alone with a sword, breaking into the ghost ape tide like chopping melons and vegetables.

Although those ghost apes are fierce and not afraid of death, they can't bear the killing. Suddenly, a high frequency beep came from the deep of the canyon.

The beep was not loud, but I don't know why everyone felt bored and dizzy when they heard it.

Even Zhao Chengfeng's sword can't help pausing.

His face changed slightly. "What kind of sound is this? Is there any undead who is good at sonic attack in the deep of the Canyon?"

At this time, the ghost ape group who had been attacking wildly stopped when they heard the voice. It was like a group of devout believers listening to the oracle. One by one, they were calm, and the scene was very strange.

This scene, let everyone's attack can't help a little meal.

When people were confused, the voice suddenly stopped, just like the player whose power supply had been removed.

At the same time, those ghost apes seem to wake up, "Gaga ~!" A strange cry, suddenly the tide in the general direction of the sound back.

Zhao Chengfeng was stunned and was about to chase after them, but the ghost apes had already jumped up like diving fish, and then all of them plunged into the ground. Their posture was like diving, and they disappeared in a flash.

"What's the matter? What's the sound?"

Everyone looked at each other.

When Zhao Chengfeng saw this scene, he was surprised first and then pleased.

This kind of situation was not experienced by others present, but he did.

It's just the case that I met the foreignized undead species in Gu Tian Ya before.

"Is there a dissimilation immortal here?"?! I don't know the level of alienation. "

"Everybody, you go back outside first. I'll go in and have a look. I'll meet you later."

Zhao Chengfeng is humane to the public.

Adele and others have never met the alienated undead, and of course they don't think about it. When they hear him say so, they just think that he wants to go in and check the situation alone.

Adele was a little worried. Although Zhao Chengfeng was very strong, she didn't know what was going on inside. So she thought about it and shook her head and said, "no, I'll go with you."

Baron link's idea was slightly different. First, he felt a burst of frustration. "Sure enough, we are a burden?"

He was about to nod his head helplessly, but when he heard Adele's words, he turned to see the charming woman with a firm face.

For a moment, Baron link seemed to be hit, then clenched his fist, and even said: "I hope I can go with you, even if my fighting power can't help you, but at least I can help clean up the battlefield. Some things you disdain to do can also be handed over to us."

Then he gave a bitter smile and added, "it's really not good. We can at least make a salted fish called 666."

Zhao Chengfeng is speechless for a while. It's all about what.

But look at the serious expression on these people's faces, the sentence, "I'll do it by myself" is a bit hard to say.

"Well, let's go back and pick up Liuli and Youya first, or they'll all go inside. It's not good for them to be abducted by the strange uncle outside."

People smell speech a Leng, subconsciously looked at him one eye, don't know whether to say, "adult, you are not others as you."

However, Zhao Chengfeng's decision will not be opposed.

So a group of people went back to gukou again to pick up Liuli and Youya.

In fact, outside the mouth of the valley, Liuli and Youya are already impatient. Liuli keeps stroking the sword in his hand, looking eager to fight.

Youya walks around like an ant on a hot pot.

See Zhao Chengfeng and others, two people first a burst of joy, but then a burst of disappointment.

They both thought that after Zhao Chengfeng went in, he had finished all the immortals, which meant that there was nothing wrong with them.

Only after Zhao Chengfeng explained the situation did they get excited again.

Liuli subconsciously holds the sword handle and eagerly looks at Zhao Chengfeng.

She didn't pay any attention to the disgrace of Baron link and others. On the one hand, she despised the knights in the world. She always felt that they were not as good as the real ancient warriors.

Second, although her accomplishments have been suppressed, for such a long time, the exclusion of the rules of heaven and earth has completely disappeared. With her basic combat power, she is sure to defeat the common barons in the world.

At the same time, she longed for the way to obtain the authority, and completely untied her accomplishments suppressed by the rules of heaven and earth.

All these reasons made her more eager to fight than anyone else.

Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help laughing bitterly at this.

He doesn't want Liuli to be able to fully recover his strength. In that case, it will undoubtedly be a great help to him.

But the key is that Liuli does not have the name plate of Changsheng array, or the cover of Changsheng array. He doesn't know whether Liuli can get permission.

"By the way, it seems that there are many local knights in the underworld. How did they get the authority? They don't have a name plate for longevity, do they? "

Suddenly, Zhao Chengfeng thought of this problem

Maybe you can ask Adele, old Bill and others if you have a chance.

"Ah, Uncle..."

Zhao Chengfeng is thinking, suddenly feel someone poke his waist, turn to see is Youya this little girl is toward his thief Xi Xi smile, suddenly a burst of vigilance, "why?"

"Hey, hey, nothing. I just want to talk to you." Youya smiles, then turns her eyes and says in a low voice: "uncle, is there another kind of alienation undead

"Well, how do you know?" Zhao Chengfeng surprised, subconsciously move to the side step, keep the distance.

Leisurely elegant originally also is casually ask, hear his this reply, instinct of open wide eyes, "really have?"

Zhao Chengfeng also realized that he had made a slip of the tongue, but he didn't intend to hide it. Everyone had decided to go together. What else could he hide?

However, he did not answer in the affirmative. He just said, "I'm not sure. Maybe it is."

I went over the situation immediately.

At this time, other people also heard the dialogue between the two, heard the alienation of undead species, everyone was surprised.

And see Zhao Chengfeng also did not deliberately hide the meaning, also surrounded up.

After hearing Zhao Chengfeng's description, other people have nothing to do with it. Anyway, they have all experienced the situation before, and they have never seen the immortal species of alienation.

I don't know what that means.

Yau Ya is as like as two peas. After listening to the little girl, a pair of big eyes are excited and straight. "This is exactly the same as those of the lonely cliffs of the lonely cliffs. It must be a kind of alienation."

Then he hugged Zhao Chengfeng's arm and said, "uncle, let's make it!"

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