"What's going on?" When they heard the conversation, the corners of their mouths moved slightly.

It's a kind of alienated undead. The alienated undead at a baron level altar is at least not lower than the existence of a Viscount level. How can it be as if it's just going to pick up money.

However, thinking of Zhao Chengfeng's strength and the easy freehand brushwork of killing those ghost apes before him, it seems that it's almost like picking up money.

While they were talking, the crowd had already reached the position where they had turned back.

At this time, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly stopped.

"What's the matter?" The crowd was puzzled to see him stop.

"What do you think that is?" Zhao Chengfeng frowned and pointed to the sky near the bottom of the valley.

They looked in the direction of his fingers and saw a strange cloud moving in the sky above the canyon.

"It's a cloud, no, it's like a huge group of flying creatures... Is it some kind of flying borer?" When the dark cloud came in, they could see that it was a group of flying creatures moving towards this side, and their faces changed slightly.

"No, it's not a group of borers. Borers can't appear in that position. It's like a group of birds... But how can there be a group of birds here?" Old bill put up a shed and looked far away. He said in a puzzled tone.

As he spoke, he looked at Zhao Chengfeng. Others also looked at Zhao Chengfeng.

Among the people, Zhao Chengfeng is the most powerful and has the best eyesight.

Others just guessed that Zhao Chengfeng had seen clearly that it was really a group of huge birds.

"No, it's not a common flock of birds, it's not a moth, it should be an undead species, be careful!" Although Zhao Chengfeng was a little surprised that there was another kind of immortality here, he looked calm.

"What, undead? How can there be any undead birds here? Is it impossible that there are two altars here That's the iron winged eagle. It's really another kind of undead... But how can two kinds of undead appear in the same place? " The crowd was surprised when they heard the words.

Even Youya's beautiful eyes are full of shock.

She had never heard of such a thing.

Liuli, like Zhao Chengfeng, doesn't know much about immortality. Although it seems a little unusual from people's tone, because they don't understand it, they are not as surprised as others.

Her first reaction clenched the handle of the sword in her hand, and her eyes twinkled with a burning sense of war.

No matter what kind of undead, it's always right to kill them.

"Don't panic. Although it's a little strange, the iron winged eagle is just a baron immortal. It's even easier to deal with than the ghost ape. It's not a big deal to have one more and one less." Zhao Chengfeng's voice is also relatively calm. Seeing Liuli's war spirit, he can't help smiling.

However, at this time, people felt that the light in the canyon was getting darker and darker. It turned out that the black cloud composed of iron winged Eagles was really like the black cloud before the rainstorm. It rolled all the way from the edge of the sky. Unconsciously, it spread from the bottom of the canyon to the top of people's heads. Half of the sky in the canyon was completely covered.

It's not just how many.

Everyone can't help but take a breath of air.

Even Zhao Chengfeng did not dare to be careless.

Although these iron winged eagles are only Baron level undead species, if the number is a little less, it can almost ignore the existence of them, but once the number exceeds a limit, then more ants can kill elephants.

Of course, that kind of situation is an extreme. Generally speaking, the probability of occurrence is very small.

As long as it's not careless, it won't happen.

So while he was on the alert, he also vaguely looked forward to it. In this case, maybe there are two kinds of dissimilated immortals in the canyon. If so, it would be a disaster.

No, how can I become a money fan like you ya.

While he was daydreaming, the iron winged Eagles had completely covered their heads, and countless pairs of cold Eagles were staring at the bottom of the valley like their prey.

This kind of situation makes people hair involuntarily.

"Damn, the eyes of these animals are really annoying. Don't they treat us as prey?" One of the barons in the lineup couldn't help swallowing and subconsciously pinched his weapon.

Other people hold on to their weapons as well. No matter what their strength is, they have a lot of fighting experience. At this time, they don't need anyone to direct them. They all enter the fighting state automatically.

Even Youya and Liuli are no exception.

But it's strange that when the iron winged Eagles reached their heads, they didn't move forward, but they didn't attack. Instead, they hovered above the canyon.

For half a day, more and more iron winged Eagles gathered above the heads of the people, flying all over the sky.

"What the hell are these animals doing? Why don't they attack?" Everyone frowned at the sight.

Zhao Chengfeng was also a little strange. Suddenly, he moved in his heart and cried out: "everyone, be careful on the ground, don't get close to the cliff!"

When people heard him say this, they suddenly thought of something. Several members who had been leaning against the rock quickly and warily dodged aside.

Almost at the same time, the rock walls on both sides of the crowd and the ground under their feet rippled like water, and countless ghost apes sprang out of the ground and the rock walls on both sides.

As soon as PU appeared, these ghost apes immediately screamed and slaughtered like ghosts seeing delicious souls.

Seeing this, people's faces were shocked, especially the two barons who were leaning against the cliff just now.

He was frightened.

"Kill Zhao chengtui in a sharp drink, the silver white sword in his hand has been released, a few of the fastest ghost ape in a moment by him to chop the body, and then into a stream of light, straight to the altar in the depths of the canyon.

However, Zhao Chengfeng is not the original. He has already started the power of the longevity array in the longevity plaque. As soon as the streamer overflowed, it was immediately covered and turned into sun beads. Only a small part of it still escaped and flew to the depth of the canyon.

In addition, a few black horns also fell to the ground, which is the solidification of these ghost apes.

But at this time, Zhao Chengfeng couldn't even take a look at it. He drew out the sword in his hand, and the sword that was transformed from the spirit power on the sword couldn't breathe and breathe. The ghost apes who came out of their heads died when they touched it.

But Zhao Chengfeng can't help frowning slightly, and seems to be slightly dissatisfied.

Although the silver sword is armed at the level of viscount, and its spiritual power is also excellent, Zhao Chengfeng always feels that it is not easy. Although its power is too many times stronger than that of the previous dagger, he does not feel comfortable enough.

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