He had a feeling about this before. He thought it was just starting and needed to run in, but the more he used it, the stronger he felt.

"It seems that this sword is not suitable."

Zhao Chengfeng thought about it in his heart, but his action was not slow.

Breathing, has killed no less than 20 ghost ape.

This kind of efficiency, even if Baron link and others have seen it before, still feels very shocking.

But unfortunately, this time the ghost ape seems to be more fierce than the previous wave of sneak attacks on ghost ape. After being killed so much, it has no effect at all.

More and more ghost apes are springing up.

If it wasn't for Zhao Chengfeng's sword, people would have been overwhelmed by his kung fu.

Just when they were frightened, the dark clouds above seemed to have received the order of attack. They all gave a shrill cry. Then they felt that their heads were dark, and it was like the sky suddenly collapsed.

Countless iron winged eagles, like meteorites falling from the sky, smashed into the crowd.

Such momentum, even if people had been prepared, still could not help a shiver.

Fortunately, all of them are experienced in fighting and have seen the storm. In addition, with Zhao Chengfeng as the backbone, although they are flustered, they are not flustered.

One after another, they drank and did not dare to reserve anything. Everyone used desperate means to raise their fighting power to the highest level.

But in addition to Zhao Chengfeng, the rest of the people still feel the pressure.

Even some of them are left and right.

This scene, Zhao Chengfeng naturally all see in the eye, in the hand long sword shakes, then wants to let everybody back.

But the corner of the eye light, suddenly found that although all the people are gnashing their teeth, but the eyes of war is extremely fierce.

Not only glass, Baron link and Adele and others seem to be holding a breath, a kind of indomitable color.

The heart can't help but move, the corners of the mouth show a smile.

All of a sudden, Adele, Baron link and others, who are on the rise of killing, suddenly feel that the pressure increases sharply. Subconsciously, they turn their heads and see that Zhao Chengfeng has stepped aside and stood by.

People can't help but feel numb. What's Qianzhi doing? Stop at this time. Isn't it cheating?

When people's mind moves, they can't help being distracted. This distraction is already in a very dangerous situation, and immediately someone makes a mistake.

Baron link and Adele were immediately attacked by the iron winged eagle and the pitchfork ape. Baron link was slapped on the back by an iron winged eagle, and the whole person fell forward.

All of a sudden, the whole person lost his balance.

For a moment, Baron link's heart was cold, and he said "it's over".

At this moment of life and death, I was distracted. This time, my defense cooperation was broken. Not only me, but also my company friends had bad luck.

Sure enough, in this instant, several ghost apes and iron winged Eagles all saw the gap, whistling and rushed to Lord link and others. One of them, the iron winged eagles, grabbed Lord link's back neck.

Hearing the wind behind his head, Baron link knew that it was not good, but his body had lost its balance. The iron winged eagle's speed was even faster and faster. He couldn't open more.

Seeing that he would die, Baron link didn't have much fear in his heart at this moment. Instead, he felt more remorse and regret.

I regret that I shouldn't be distracted and blame myself for putting my hope on others.

At the same time, there is some resentment.

He didn't understand why Zhao Chengfeng suddenly stopped. It was killing them.

At this time, suddenly I heard the wind behind my head, followed by a sharp whine, the iron winged eagle turned into streamer.

Baron link was stunned to find that he was all right, but he turned his head to see his graceful and agile figure flash past him, and the sword in his hand pulled back from his head at the same time.

Baron link was stunned, and immediately recognized that this figure was Qianzhi. The woman who seldom spoke seemed to be Liuli.

Then he immediately realized that one of the two sounds was probably the woman, and the other one was just about to turn back, but there was a pleasant voice in his ear: "don't look around in the battle, the adults are behind you!"

Baron link was shocked and suddenly woke up. Just as a ghost ape came to kill him, he quickly gathered his mind, and at the same time, he slashed at the ghost ape.

But the remaining light in the corner of his eye still couldn't help glancing at the profile of Liuli. He happened to see Liuli's sword flying an iron winged Eagle upside down, and she didn't hesitate to catch up with her, leaving only the back of Baron link's head.

But it was just a hasty glance that shocked Baron link.

At that moment, he saw the extreme calm and excitement from this woman's eyes.

This woman is laughing in the face of such a fierce battle.

His strength is not strong, and she has no authority at all. She feels like a baron, and her fighting power is only barely up to the Baron level. However, in the face of such a terrible battle, she has no fear.

"Don't look around in the battle, the adults are behind you!"

It seems that the voice of colored glaze is ringing again in my ears. I can't help feeling ashamed.

Don't look around and distract yourself in battle. I need to be reminded of this common sense!

Before, I was not reconciled to my lack of strength, but I didn't realize that my fighting spirit and will were inferior to that of a woman, and I just wanted to rely on others.

At the moment when Qianzhi stopped, I was flustered and even resented.

Damn, I'm really a pig

Baron link could not help scolding himself.

But then he shook his head. "No, it's not the time to blame myself. I can't be worse than a woman!"

Realizing this, Baron link suddenly yelled, "kill!"

He took the initiative to jump on the undead population.

"Link ~!"

All his teammates were shocked to see him like this.

But then he was shocked by his brave action.

At the same time, they are also aware of Zhao Chengfeng's intention, withdraw from the battle is probably to give them the opportunity to temper them.

And they didn't really care. Several times before, when they were in danger, Qianzhi's sword saved them in time.

In this case, there is nothing to be afraid of, so they also roared to the undead.

For a moment, along with Adele and others, there was a feeling of being aroused, and their morale was greatly boosted.

Seeing this, Zhao Chengfeng's smile grew stronger.

For a moment, he found that he really did not need to fight.

Before that, a ghost ape threw away the armor of two groups of people. Now, the two undead species attacked together, but they were suppressed by the same two groups of people even if he didn't fight.

Sure enough, people's potential is unlimited!

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