However, infinity is only relative.

No matter how great the potential is, people's physical ability is limited.

Before, because they were inspired by the fighting spirit and blood, the morale and fighting power of the people were greatly increased, but this kind of potential stimulation and sequelae also appeared.

That is the consumption of physical strength, this kind of super long play, the consumption of human energy is several times more intense than under normal circumstances.

In less than half an hour, even Liuli, who had the highest fighting spirit, felt exhausted. Every time he put out his sword, he felt as heavy as a thousand.

Other people are black in front of their eyes, flustered in their hearts, and even their feet become vain.

If it wasn't for Zhao Chengfeng who had been following to pick up the missing materials, people would have fallen more than half.

He has a dagger in his left hand and a long silver sword in his right hand. Every time someone is in danger, there will be a sword or a silver light to kill those undead who have a fatal threat to people.

But even so, Baron link and others have suffered several or more injuries, even dozens of large and small injuries. Fortunately, these injuries are skin injuries, not fatal.

But even so, Baron link and others have been unable to support, relying on a will to admit defeat is still supporting.

But the woman with two horsetails, and another Baron to be, could not hold on.

Although they don't want to admit that they are inferior to others, the gap is the gap, and there is no way.

"Baron link, I can't do it. I really can't do it. I'm not as good as you. I..." the girl with two horsetails said. The sweat on her forehead flowed down the Liuhai stream. Although it wasn't particularly beautiful, her pretty face was very clean. At this time, she was a little white, and was smeared with sweat, dust and blood.

"How many of these animals are there? Why can't they be killed?" Old Bill cut a pitiful ape with a knife, but the ape had a forelimb, but it didn't die.

Obviously, his knife is crooked. It's not that his sword technique is bad, or that ghost ape is powerful, but that his hand has no power to control the knife in his hand.

Seeing this, Zhao Chengfeng knows that the crowd has reached the limit. If he continues, even if he is nearby to remedy, the crowd will be injured.

Immediately, he stepped forward slowly, stood in front of the crowd and said, "OK, you step back first, and then you give it to me!"

Finish saying left hand silver long sword, right hand still that handle Baron level dagger, sword, dagger Qi Shi.

In an instant, all the pressure of the people was taken down.

Baron link, Adele and others suddenly felt the whole body pressure relaxed, but the fatigue suddenly surged up, and everyone knew that this was not the time to be brave, so they all immediately resisted the fatigue and retreated to the rear as quickly as possible.

Several hovering iron winged Eagles see this, a wing, seems to want to take the opportunity to kill people.

Seeing this, Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help sneering, "a group of animals, our adults have already done it, and they still want to be fierce and die for me!"

"Ha ~!" Zhao Chengfeng whispered, and the sword instantly pulled up a piece of rain like sword light, like a sword net. The iron winged Eagles immediately became the prey of the net, and were chopped up by the sword net, turning into streamers.

All the people who were tired and could hardly stand were silent when they saw this scene.

"Strong, really strong, that's the difference between me. In the past, I always felt that even if there was a gap between myself and those real masters, it was not impossible for me to take two moves. But after seeing Qianzhi's hand, I know how ridiculous my idea is. " Baron link sighed and couldn't help laughing bitterly.

Other people can't help nodding subconsciously when hearing the speech, and their mood is a little complicated.

"Sooner or later, I will be as strong as Qianzhi." The way that holder's eyes shine.

Hearing the words, everyone could not help laughing, showing a half encouraging and half joking smile. They raised their thumbs one after another, "good boy, have ambition!"

While talking, Zhao Chengfeng's long sword and dagger attack again and again, which makes the iron winged eagles who are trying to chase Adele and Baron link become streamers. Even a few other pithecines who swim from the underground are not spared.

In this way, the harpoon ape and the iron winged Eagle seem to realize that if they can't break through this human, they can't pursue other human at all.

And the undead seed is just the undead seed. After being beaten several times, they all transferred their hatred and gave up Adele and others one after another. They began to attack Zhao Chengfeng crazily.

Zhao Chengfeng laughs and is very satisfied with the "obedience" of these animals. After he has no scruples, the light of his sword suddenly soars.

All of a sudden, the streamers of the undead seeds were like fireworks flying all over the sky, almost illuminating the bottom of the canyon.

Before that, people who marveled at Zhao Chengfeng's skill of turning sword into net couldn't help growing up again.

After a long time, Baron link said with a wry smile, "I feel that my fighting spirit I just started has been hit again. Suddenly, I feel that even if we try hard, it still seems that it's useless."

"No wonder we invited adults to form a team with us at the beginning, but they didn't have any interest at all. This level is not the same as ours at all." Old Bill couldn't help laughing.

Then he quietly looked at Adele, only to see that the expression on the latter's face was unusually calm, and did not change as he imagined.

I can't help being surprised.

All along, Adele is a woman with strong self-esteem in his eyes, and the most unacceptable thing is the sympathy of others.

I didn't know that the real strength of this chivalrous adult and self consolation was the exchange of interests. But along the way, I realized that this chivalrous adult was more and more powerful than they knew. Even I could see that the kind of thing they traded was of little value to this chivalrous adult.

He still chooses to form a team with us, the only reason is sympathy.

Adele naturally felt his gaze, and turned to smile at him without explanation.

Just smile silently in my heart. Although Adele values self-esteem, she doesn't know good from bad.

In front of this adult, I may not guess the reason why he helped us at the beginning, but along the way, I can feel his sincerity to people.

If even such sincere help can hurt self-esteem, then self-esteem is too fragile.

But this five Chen thousand childish adult is really mysterious.

What's the difference with the legendary dandy?

"Captain Adele, it's not right." Just as Adele's thoughts were flying, he heard Baron link's voice say something dignified.

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