"No?" Adele was stunned by the words, and then came back to herself. She frowned slightly and nodded slightly. "Something's really wrong!"

Other people smell speech but slightly don't understand, the vision Qi sees to two people.

"Don't you think the number of undead species is a little too much?" Said Baron link.

"Well?" After hearing the words, they took a breath and looked at the undead people who had been killed but still kept on fighting. Their faces were a little dignified.

"Don't say it's an altar here. Even if there are two altars in the same place, the undead species shouldn't have such a terrible number?"

Baron link frowned and continued: "although there has been no final conclusion on how many undead species can be produced at the same time by an altar, there is always a limit. Generally speaking, the number will not exceed 2000. Even with the resurrection ability of the altar itself, it will be at most 2000 or 3000. Even if the two altars are in one place, it should not exceed 6000. "

"But the number of undead species, we have killed for a long time, and thousands of young adults have killed for a while. Together, there are almost thousands of undead species. Even if there are not a thousand, there are hundreds of undead species. That is to say, under normal circumstances, at least one tenth of them have been killed by us, but you can see that these undead species show a slight decrease."

The crowd looked in the direction of his fingers and looked more dignified.

For a long time, the sun beads in the center of the battlefield have accumulated a thick layer, but whether it is the iron winged eagle in the sky that blocks out the sun like dark clouds, or the night fork ghost ape on the ground that bumps into Zhao Chengfeng's sword like a rolling torrent, there is no sign of any reduction.

"What's more, every time they attacked before, they all retreated with one strike." Baron link frowned and continued: "but this time, these pithecines, like those iron winged eagles, have no intention of retreating, and even rarely escape to the ground. This feeling is more like... More like, um..."

"Suicide." Next to a voice interface, but rarely speak of glass.

Baron link seemed unable to find a suitable adjective. Wen Yan patted his hands. "Yes, it's suicide."

"Suicide? But, you say these undead are suicidal, it... Why? " The others were stunned by the speech, which was unbelievable.

Will the undead commit suicide? No one has ever heard of such a thing.

But the current situation is really strange, which they can see. After Baron link's explanation, it seems that they are a little brave when they look at the attack methods of the pithecines.

Even though this kind of fierce and fearless attack is really fierce, in fact, it does not give full play to the advantages of this kind of undead.

This situation does seem to be a bit similar to suicide

But why is this? Why do these undead species do this?

"Maybe it's a suicide attack, or there are alienated immortals in it ordering them to do so. As for why..." Baron link shook his head. "I don't know, but this situation is strange. No, it's very wrong. Master Qianzhi, these immortals are strange... "

Baron link wants to remind Zhao Chengfeng, but it seems to be a little late. At this time, people suddenly hear a "Hua Hua", like the sound of water flowing across the ground, like the sound of countless cockroaches crawling, which makes people feel numb.

In fact, Zhao Chengfeng's ear power and people's conversation have long been in his ears. He also feels the strangeness of these undead species. However, with his own strength, he thinks that even though these undead species are somewhat strange, they are only barons. It should not be a big problem, so he doesn't pay attention to them.

At this time, the strange voice suddenly rang out, and Zhao Chengfeng's face changed. The situation seemed to exceed his estimate.

At the same time, the sound source of the strange sound has appeared in everyone's vision, and everyone suddenly feels that the pores of the whole body have turned into goose bumps.

They are a group of strange creatures with very strange shapes. Their shapes are a bit like snakes, but they are several times thicker than ordinary snakes. Each end is about the thickness of a bucket, and the length is not short. They are about two or three meters, but the length and the thickness are very out of proportion to snakes.

What's more strange is that when these things are moving, the front part of the body is as straight as a human, and there are a pair of strong arms in the front part of the body, and each snake has a ferocious steel fork on its hand.

It was the strange, tingling sound of these monsters as they moved and breathed their scarlet forked tongues.

"Galanthus! Viscount level immortality breeds Galan snakes. My God, isn't this Baron level altar? How can there be Viscount level Galan snakes, and there are so many of them? "

"Thousand childish adults?"


Everyone looked at the sudden appearance of the Kalan snake, and they were all shocked to change color. He immediately grasped the weapon.

After a short rest, all of them had recovered their strength. At this time, they saw that a Viscount undead came suddenly. Although they were afraid, their first reaction was that they immediately planned to help.

"You don't want to come up. The situation is a bit strange. I'll cut it off and you'll get out of here!" Zhao Chengfeng stopped the people who wanted to rush up and ordered.

Seeing the appearance of those Jialan snakes, he was sweating all over and his pores tightened.

It's not that he's afraid, but that creatures like snakes naturally have a chilling smell. In addition, the sudden arrival of dozens of viscount level undead species really increased his pressure. Although there were dozens of viscount level undead species, he was still confident that he could deal with them and protect them from damage.

But the situation here is really not right.

Even though he doesn't know much about undead species, from the known information, this situation is very contrary to common sense.

Adele and Youya were about to step forward when they heard his order, but they couldn't help a meal.

"Uncle, you..."

Youya was worried, but Adele and Baron link made an absolute decision immediately after a meal. The former pulled Youya and nodded: "OK, we know!"

Then the court said to the people, "come on, let's give it to Qianzhi first. Let's get out of the canyon first!"

Youya hesitated, but she also knew that with their strength, they could fight against the Baron undead. However, in the face of a group of viscount undead, apart from Adele and Baron link, they could barely resist one or two, and others were just delivering food.

If they don't go, uncle will be tied up if he wants to retreat.

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