He can clearly feel the countless forces of the wind, under the traction of the rules of the wind, constantly converging with his long sword, and then turning into a continuous breeze that integrates the will of the sword.

His feelings about this move became clearer again.

"The sword didn't disappear, it melted into the wind."

One, two, ten, 20, 50, 55, 60, 61, 62

Did you reach the limit?

Sixty two strands of sword wind is condensed out, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly feels that this move has signs of collapse, and his heart is tight.

I knew immediately that this was probably the limit of his current move. If he went further, I was afraid that if he could not kill the enemy, his move would collapse first.

"Then go!"

Zhao Chengfeng drank quietly in his heart.

The breeze came out.


A flick of a finger is sixty seconds.

It's a long story, but it's only a tenth of an instant.

In Zhao Chengfeng's own perception, it seems to be extremely long, but in the people around him and those immortal consciousness, it is just a short moment that can be almost ignored.

No one even saw how Zhao Chengfeng wielded his sword.

It's just a terrible feeling, but suddenly it's like nothing,

For a moment, even the wild undead felt a great threat in their instinct, but they didn't wait to respond.

An iron winged Eagle feels as if there is a wisp of wind blowing over its body.

It's very gentle.

Very comfortable.

But the next moment, its hard as iron body suddenly fragmented, and then even screamed too late to send out, turned into streamer.

However, this sudden broken iron winged Eagle did not cause the idea of other undead species, not only because it was too fast, but more importantly, the wind was too gentle.

But its fragmentation is like a powder keg.

In the next instant, the next few undead seeds on its side followed its footsteps.

And it's not over.

The wind of dozens of Kendo wills and wind rules is light and fast flowing at the bottom of the canyon, without trace or sound.

The violent undead population did not know what the situation was. The undead species were quietly cut into pieces and turned into streamers.

It's like there are thousands of invisible blades in heaven and earth.

In a short moment, a jet like strange vacuum formed between Zhao Chengfeng's nearly tens of meters in front of him and the undead population coming from behind him.

In a flash, hundreds of undead seeds turned into streamers.

This is a strange and horrible scene.

Even the people who were retreating opened their eyes wide.

Looking at Zhao Chengfeng's eyes, there was a little more panic in respect.

"What power is this? It's terrible!"

"So strong!" Zhao Chengfeng himself could not help but feel a slight shock.

That's the power of rules.

This is the real face of the lethal sword move!

I'm just a little bit exposed to the rules, and I can make such a terrible killing move.

If I break through to the void, or even the void, what will it be like.

However, unfortunately, I didn't understand the rules of sword. Otherwise, if the rules of wind were not the will of kendo, but the rules of sword, the power of this move would be doubled at least.

Zhao Chengfeng is excited and expectant, but his mind is still calm.

When you know whether you still want to do this or not, you don't wait for the undead species around you to reflect on it, and take the initiative to meet those undead species.

"By the way, if I don't use lethal moves, can I make ordinary attacks give wind's rule power?"

Zhao Chengfeng's heart frets. He waves his sword in his hand, but he doesn't use any more killing moves.

Although the killing move is powerful, it also consumes a lot of energy. When he is in the magic realm, the first two moves can only be used several times in a row, and the third move can't be used more than five times in an hour.

Today, although it is already a virtual state, but after the combination of the rules of the wind, I don't know why it costs more.

He estimated that at his present level, the number of times he can use it in an hour is still not more than five.

This also made him a little helpless.

So he has to create a common killing move.

The easiest way is to incorporate the power of rules when you make moves.

So far, the rule of wind is his deepest understanding.

In addition, the authority he obtained in this world is also wind, and the gift of wind affinity.

Although he just felt the message, he really seemed to be more clear about the rules of the wind than other rules.

Therefore, the rule of integrating wind is naturally the only choice.

Although the current situation is not good, it is also an effective way to feel this kind of killing move in combat.

But not yet.

All of a sudden, I heard the people who were retreating behind me shouting: "master Qianzhi, be careful, those Kalan snakes are moving!"

When Zhao Chengfeng hears the news and glances at it, he finds that there is something wrong with those Jialan snakes.

But to be exact, it's not the actions of those Kala snakes, but the number of them has increased.

Just now, there were only dozens of Kalan snakes. I don't know when there were more than a dozen, which has really reached a hundred.

Just as Zhao Chengfeng raised his eyes, he saw a few Jialan snakes twisting their huge bodies from the bottom of the valley, and then integrated into the previous team of Jialan snakes.

This scene made Zhao Chengfeng feel nervous.

Vaguely some guess to what, but still some fuzzy.

According to the known information, it can only be preliminarily judged that there seem to be more galanga snakes deep in the canyon, or that more galanga snakes are being born.

These animals come here but don't attack, probably waiting to gather more of their own kind.

This made him further judge that these animals really have intelligence, and intelligence is not too low.

Another conclusion is that there may be alienated undead species. Perhaps, no, it should be said that they should not be among these galanga snakes. Of course, we can not rule out that there are alienated undead species among these galanga snakes, or even all of them.

But there's a 90% chance that there's a stronger one deep in the canyon.

"I don't know what rank it is, count or marquis?"

Zhao Chengfeng licked his lips. Although I was shocked by the situation of the canyon, I was not afraid, not afraid, even expecting.

How strong is a marquis undead.

If the Marquis's alienated undead seed is refined, what kind of alienated arms will be produced?

Think about it. It's a little exciting.

Zhao Chengfeng's mouth slightly tilted and his head didn't turn back. He said to the people behind him, "I know. You go your way. Don't worry about me. It's just a group of animals. Even if the situation is not right, I can go at any time!"

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