Then he took back his eyes and didn't look at those Kalan snakes any more.

No matter what these animals think, I can take this opportunity to continue to test my guess about the power of rules.

If only I could grasp the rules of sword. By the way, what's my second authority?

It's just that this kind of thing is easy to think about, but difficult to do.

Before, when he was brushing his face with the breeze, he could clearly feel the regular power of the wind between heaven and earth gathering quickly in his palms and on his sword.

But when he only uses ordinary sword moves, he can still feel the wind between heaven and earth, and his understanding of the rules of the wind is still there.

But these forces are indifferent to his appeal, and the perception of the wind can not become an effective attack.

Zhao Chengfeng even made several swords, not to mention the power of law, even the power of artistic conception.

However, Zhao Chengfeng was not discouraged because of this. He knew that the main reason for this was that he did not understand the existence of the law and did not understand the essence of the wind.

There is an old school in China, which has a branch of learning called learning by learning from things, and one of its propositions is that it is difficult to know and easy to do.

This is quite different from the cognition of ordinary people.

What's more, it sounds ridiculous. How can knowledge and action be more difficult than the former?

In this regard, Zhao Chengfeng is not a scholar. He can't say whether he is right or wrong about the truth of learning. However, when he comes into the virtual world and comes into contact with the power of the law, Zhao Chengfeng feels that it is difficult to know and easy to do. This statement is appropriate at the level of the law.

Of course, this "knowledge" here should not mean knowing, but cognition, understanding and penetrating into the essence.

Zhao Chengfeng believes that if you can really get to that point, then not to mention moves, any idea may be able to trigger law induction.

However, Zhao Chengfeng is far away from that level, which is not what he can touch now.

That's not his goal now. He still has this force, so what he has to do now is to do some experiments first.

As for "therefore ran", let's talk about it later.

As time goes on, Zhao Chengfeng's main purpose this time is to experiment and experience. Instead of pursuing to kill the enemy, or even intentionally or unintentionally, he always keeps his moves, so his speed of killing the enemy is greatly reduced.

Even nearly half an hour later, although the pithecines and iron winged Eagles were injured a lot, few of them were destroyed.

In this process, Zhao Chengfeng finally has some gains. Although he still can't let ordinary attacks give him the power of the law, his moves and movements are faster and faster, and his power is also increased, but the voice of each move is smaller and smaller.

The reason is that with his constant understanding and familiarity with the law of the wind, when he moves, the resistance of the wind to him becomes smaller and smaller, and even he can feel the pulse and rhythm of the wind.

"The wind between heaven and earth is as ubiquitous as water, but sometimes it flows very slowly, and normal people can't even perceive it. But when you move, its existence will be highlighted and become resistance, which should be one of the laws of wind. To be exact, it should be a characteristic of the law of wind..."

"Wind, like water, can be a resistance, but it can also be a power. Water can carry a boat, but it can also overturn it. So is wind. If it can be skillfully used, even if it can't directly stimulate the power of the law to attack as when the breeze blows, it can also increase my combat power. No, not only that, maybe it can also turn it into the resistance of the enemy and play the role of restraining the opponent.... "

"However, what should we do? Move with the wind..."

As Zhao Chengfeng's heart moved, his whole body suddenly became light and erratic, and his attack and body method suddenly became more weird and unpredictable.

But soon Zhao Chengfeng felt the disadvantages of doing so.

"Moving with the wind can really help the wind, but the problem is that it will become uncontrollable and affect others as well as yourself. This is a double-edged sword! Although this effect can be reduced by perceiving the characteristics and rhythm of the wind, it can not be completely eliminated, just as fish can not be completely unaffected by the current in the water

Zhao Chengfeng frowned slightly, this degree is not enough, at least did not achieve his ideal.

But after dozens of continuous experiments, although the impact is getting smaller and smaller, it is still unable to do what you want.

"Is that the only way to do it?" Zhao Chengfeng frowned slightly and said "... Wait a minute, although I can't add the power of the wind to the ordinary moves, I can't exert influence in a certain range..."

"Yes, I'm so stupid. I didn't realize such a simple thing for a long time..."

Zhao Chengfeng secretly scolds himself as a fool. The solution is clearly in his hands, but he has been riding a donkey to find a donkey.

I only think about how to eliminate the negative effects, but I don't think that I can create an ideal environment for myself in a certain range.

At the same time, I was very happy. After all, I finally found a way. Now it depends on whether this method can be realized


"Finally pulled out, don't know thousand childish adult inside now how?"

Adele and Baron link were attacked by some iron winged eagles and nocturnal harpoons who bypassed Zhao Chengfeng. Fortunately, there were not many of them. More nocturnal harpoons and iron winged apes were hated because of Zhao Chengfeng's killing.

And the unknown existence at the bottom of the valley didn't seem to pay attention to these "mole ants", so they finally pulled out.

Once beyond the scope of the altar, most of those undead species stopped the car. Only a few of them rushed out of the limit, but they were killed easily by a group of people.

Strangely, after these undead species were killed outside the coverage of the altar, although they also appeared to be light, the energy after light seemed to lose its guiding position.

Or stupidly stagnated in the same place, or drift aimlessly.

"What's the matter with all this energy? Why didn't it return to the altar?" Adele and others have long been familiar with this scene, but Liuli is the first time to see this kind of situation, and can't help being surprised.

"You are just like uncle. I don't know. I doubt where you grew up." She looked at her with a glance at her, and make complaints about it.

Make complaints about the change of the color of the glass, but the change is just a flash. Even then, it is restored to normal state.

Of course, other people didn't pay attention to it. Even if some people did, they didn't think much about it.

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